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File metadata and controls

105 lines (76 loc) · 2.46 KB

Kesko store 2.0

Project for Junction 2016

You can find more info here

This is code for server-side part and web interface.

api docs

available domains

domains are dead

hardcoded for emulating NFC

  • items:
    • 6408070025598
    • 4042448843227
    • 8016738709162
    • 3253560306977
    • 5000366120331
    • 3253561929052
    • 7320090038527
    • 7311490010787
    • 7320090038510
    • 7393564291018

working with their API


  • to set size
    • e.g ?h=400&w=400
  • IMPORTANT use &fit=fill
  • e.g.

Product info

  • you will need:
    • ibm unique app id (can be found on ibm api testing website after one of request)
      • or just take mine: 4bc37a99-049e-4a03-8c35-270810e7e851
    • ibm app secret
      • or just take mine: N1yF3gF4bE6vT1eL3aJ1jT2hH6wI0uV4iX8eJ3xK7tO0lA2jN8
  • send get request to
    • url
    • where EAN is product ean number
  • your request must contain
    • headers:
      • accept-language: 'fi'
      • content-type: 'application/json'
      • accept: 'application/json'
      • X-IBM-Client-Id: YOURAPPID
      • X-IBM-Client-Secret: YOURAPPSECRET

app api


Everywhere change HOST to one domain name from top of rhis readme

get price for product

  • send get request to url:
    • HOST/price/EAN to get price for this item
  • response will be like
    • {"price":17.95}

add new order

  • send get request to url:
    • HOST/neworder/EAN-AMOUNT for one item to buy
    • or
    • HOST/neworder/EAN-AMOUNT,EAN-AMOUNT for some items to buy
      • so just separate EAN-AMOUNT for each item by commas
  • response will be like
    • {"orderId":ORDERIDHERE}
    • where ORDERIDHERE is integer unique id for your order

check status of order

  • send get request to url:
    • HOST/status/ORDERID
    • where ORDERID is the order id you got when adding
  • response will be like
    • {"status":"STATUSHERE"}
    • where STATUSHERE is one of order status listed below

order status

  • wip - order is processing
  • packed - order is completed/waiting for customer on pick point
  • shipped- order is shipped to client

web api

todo add web api