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274 lines (165 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

274 lines (165 loc) · 10.8 KB


Get Started:

In this example the web root is /Library/WebServer/Documents and Apache runs as _www - modify the instructions below according to your setup

  • Fork and clone your fork into /Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/UNL-CMS

  • Create a local database (example name: unlcms)

  • From /Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/UNL-CMS run:

    git submodule init git submodule update

  • Create this file in your home directory with a name like

    echo 'Resetting UNL-CMS... Get ready for action!'

    mysqldump -uYOURUSERNAME -pYOURPASS --add-drop-table --no-data unlcms | grep ^DROP | mysql -uYOURUSERNAME -pYOURPASS unlcms echo 'unlcms database emptied....'

    cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/UNL-CMS/sites/default rm -rf files rm settings.php mkdir files chown _www files cp default.settings.php settings.php chown _www settings.php

    cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/UNL-CMS/sites sudo rm -rf localhost.* sudo rm -rf* sudo rm -rf* sudo rm sites.php cp example.sites.php sites.php

    echo 'Resetting .htaccess' cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/UNL-CMS sudo rm .htaccess sudo rm .htaccess-subsite-map.txt cp .htaccess.sample .htaccess cp .htaccess-subsite-map.txt.sample .htaccess-subsite-map.txt sudo chown YOURUSER .htaccess sudo chown YOURUSER .htaccess-subsite-map.txt sed -i "" 's/# RewriteBase /drupal//RewriteBase /workspace/UNL-CMS//' ".htaccess"

    echo 'Done.' echo 'Note: If you want clean urls you need to look at the .htaccess file where it says "Allow public files to be accessed without the sites/<site_dir>/files prefix"';

  • Run that script. (Can also be run whenever you want to reset your dev environment.)

    sudo sh ~/

  • Go to http://localhost/workspace/UNL-CMS and go through the install process

Upgrading Drupal Core

Download the current version (drupal-7.a) being used in this repo and the latest version (drupal-7.b) from

diff -ruNa drupal-7.a drupal-7.b > drupal_patch.diff
git checkout -b drupal-7.b-update master
git apply —-check drupal_patch.diff
git apply drupal_patch.diff
git add .
git commit -m "Upgrade Drupal Core to 7.b"
git push yourfork drupal-7.b-update

Once that is complete, open a Pull Request against develop in unlcms/UNL-CMS.

Install Issues:

  • Can't create a new site with Drush/UNL Cron if pdo_pgsql is enabled

    If pdo_pgsql is enabled on the php install that is running drush/unl cron then it will fail without modification. Adding the following junk values for pgsql solves the problem at line 414 (D7.10) of install_run_task inside

          $form_state['values']['pgsql']['username'] = 'xxxx'; //add this
          $form_state['values']['pgsql']['database'] = 'xxxx'; //add this
          drupal_form_submit($function, $form_state); //existing code
          $errors = form_get_errors(); //existing code

Hacks of Core:

  • includes/

    • function drupal_settings_initialize(). UNL change: include a "global" settings file that applies to all sites.

    • function conf_path(). UNL change: Add $default_domains array support for sites.php to list which domains are ok to use with '*' site_dirs. If no $default_domains array is defined in sites.php, this code will do nothing.

    • Fix so that drupal_serve_page_from_cache() won't override a cached Vary header.

  • includes/database/

    Add support for a "db_select_only" config option that prevents drupal from issuing non-select queries to that database. This can be used to allow Drupal to function during a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;

  • includes/

    Add primary key to drupal_install_test

  • rewrite.php

    This custom file is used to allow public files to be accessed without the sites/<site_dir>/files prefix.

  • sites/sites.php

    Added support for $default_domains array. See conf_path() in includes/

  • sites/example.sites.php

    Added an example of the $default_domains array. Added the stub record needed for creating site aliases.

  • modules/field/modules/text/text.module

  • modules/forum

    • Removed completely because its table doesn't have a primary key. (#942)
  • modules/taxonomy

Hacks of Contrib modules:

Use of Features

There are content types provided by Features located in sites/all/modules/custom/features. If a new content type is added the following should be done:

  • Add templates and css to unl_five theme and update unl_five_preprocess_node() to only attach css to the content type.
  • Add machine name to _unl_content_type_access() in unl.module to prevent editing the content type.
  • Remove the content type from the admin/structure/types list in unl_page_alter() in unl.module.
  • Update unl_node_add_list() in unl.module to organize the /node/add page.
  • (Optional) Update the unl_hero module to not add the standard hero group and fields.

How to Contribute

Development is handled through GitHub

All code changes must be committed via git to a local fork and contributed back to the project via a pull request.

Ideally each developer should have a fork of the project on GitHub where they can push changes.

In your local clone:

  • git pull origin develop
  • git checkout -b topics/whatever-you-work-on (or bugfix/NUM — for bugs)
  • write code and commit
  • git push origin topics/whatever-you-work-on
  • on github open a pull request from your branch to develop
  • have someone else review

Another developer will review your changes and merge in to the develop branch.