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PS R functions

V Segura 27 septembre 2018

R functions used in Rincent et al. for evaluating the predictive abilities of SNP and NIRS through cross-validations: example of use with the poplar dataset.


PS functions

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Making use of the very cool anyLib package to check and install all dependencies except emma:

## Installing package into '/home/visegura/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)
anyLib(c("doParallel", "MASS", "corpcor", "BGLR"))
## Loading required package: doParallel

## Loading required package: foreach

## Loading required package: iterators

## Loading required package: parallel

## Loading required package: MASS

## Loading required package: corpcor

## Loading required package: BGLR

## # Package Bayesian Generalized Regression (BGLR), 1.0.5.

## # Gustavo de los Campos & Paulino Perez-Rodriguez

## # Support provided by the U.S., National Institutes of Health (NIH)

## # (Grant: R01GM101219, NIGMS)

## # and by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMyT).

## # Type 'help(BGLR)' for summary information

## doParallel       MASS    corpcor       BGLR 
##       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE

The emma package (Kang et al., 2008) required here is different from the one available on CRAN. It can be installed from github as follows:

                 repos = NULL)
## Installing package into '/home/visegura/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)
## Loading required package: emma

## emma 

Example dataset

The present example is carried out on the poplar dataset for the trait "Bud Set" evaluated in the Orléans trial. The dataset is publicly available in the INRA datapartage repository and can be accessed with the following link:

Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")
anyLib(c("dataverse", "data.table", "apercu"))
## Loading required package: dataverse

## Loading required package: data.table

## data.table 1.11.4  Latest news:

## Loading required package: apercu

##  dataverse data.table     apercu 
##       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE


writeBin(get_file("Phenotyping_Poplar.txt", "doi:10.15454/MB4G3T"), "phenot.txt")
phenot <- fread("phenot.txt", header = TRUE, data.table = FALSE)
##   Accession   HT-ORL CIRC-ORL CIRC-SAV   BF-ORL
## 1     1-A01 200.0467 5.048141 10.60961 2.166667
## 2     1-A02 326.2046 8.072041 11.24455 2.833333
## 3     1-A03 284.2197 7.111861 13.51628 3.000000
## 4     1-A06 211.4417 7.592933 11.19221 4.000000
## 5     1-A07 211.2536 5.170886 11.03278 3.333333
phen <- phenot[, "BS-ORL"]
names(phen) <- phenot[, "Accession"]
##    1-A01    1-A02    1-A03    1-A06    1-A07 
## 1.583333 2.000000 1.833333 1.833333 1.333333


Orléans design

writeBin(get_file("NIRS_NormDer_Wood_Poplar_ORL.txt", "doi:10.15454/MB4G3T"), "NIRS_Orl.txt")
NIRS_Orl <- fread("NIRS_Orl.txt", header = TRUE, data.table = FALSE)
##   Accession         4000         4002          4004          4006
## 1     1-A01 0.0008952447 0.0005262395  1.572343e-04 -0.0002117709
## 2     1-A02 0.0012715782 0.0008863018  5.010253e-04  0.0001157489
## 3     1-A03 0.0007606739 0.0003887431  1.681220e-05 -0.0003551187
## 4     1-A06 0.0006994197 0.0003399435 -1.953264e-05 -0.0003790088
## 5     1-A07 0.0008290945 0.0004676450  1.061955e-04 -0.0002552541
NIRSOrl <- as.matrix(NIRS_Orl[, -1])
rownames(NIRSOrl) <- NIRS_Orl[, "Accession"]
##               4000         4002          4004          4006          4008
## 1-A01 0.0008952447 0.0005262395  1.572343e-04 -0.0002117709 -0.0005807761
## 1-A02 0.0012715782 0.0008863018  5.010253e-04  0.0001157489 -0.0002695276
## 1-A03 0.0007606739 0.0003887431  1.681220e-05 -0.0003551187 -0.0007270495
## 1-A06 0.0006994197 0.0003399435 -1.953264e-05 -0.0003790088 -0.0007384850
## 1-A07 0.0008290945 0.0004676450  1.061955e-04 -0.0002552541 -0.0006167036

Savigliano design

writeBin(get_file("NIRS_NormDer_Wood_Poplar_SAV.txt", "doi:10.15454/MB4G3T"), "NIRS_Sav.txt")
NIRS_Sav <- fread("NIRS_Sav.txt", header = TRUE, data.table = FALSE)
##   Accession        4000         4002         4004         4006
## 1     1-A01 0.001286716 0.0008886659 0.0004906154 9.256484e-05
## 2     1-A02 0.001887066 0.0014602839 0.0010335014 6.067190e-04
## 3     1-A03 0.001550515 0.0011453745 0.0007402341 3.350938e-04
## 4     1-A06 0.001675321 0.0012682111 0.0008611011 4.539911e-04
## 5     1-A07 0.001347113 0.0009435133 0.0005399138 1.363144e-04
NIRSSav <- as.matrix(NIRS_Sav[, -1])
rownames(NIRSSav) <- NIRS_Sav[, "Accession"]
##              4000         4002         4004         4006          4008
## 1-A01 0.001286716 0.0008886659 0.0004906154 9.256484e-05 -3.054857e-04
## 1-A02 0.001887066 0.0014602839 0.0010335014 6.067190e-04  1.799365e-04
## 1-A03 0.001550515 0.0011453745 0.0007402341 3.350938e-04 -7.004653e-05
## 1-A06 0.001675321 0.0012682111 0.0008611011 4.539911e-04  4.688116e-05
## 1-A07 0.001347113 0.0009435133 0.0005399138 1.363144e-04 -2.672850e-04


writeBin(get_file("Genotyping_Poplar.txt", "doi:10.15454/MB4G3T"), "Genot.txt")
Genot <- fread("Genot.txt", header = TRUE, data.table = FALSE)
##   Accession SNP_IGA_1_3090809 SNP_IGA_1_3127827 SNP_IGA_1_3437307
## 1     1-A01                 1               1.0               0.0
## 2     1-A02                 1               1.0               0.5
## 3     1-A03                 1               0.5               0.0
## 4     1-A06                 1               0.5               0.0
## 5     1-A07                 1               1.0               0.0
##   SNP_IGA_1_3478569
## 1               0.5
## 2               0.0
## 3               0.0
## 4               0.0
## 5               0.0
SNP <- 2*as.matrix(Genot[, -1])
rownames(SNP) <- Genot[, "Accession"]
##       SNP_IGA_1_3090809 SNP_IGA_1_3127827 SNP_IGA_1_3437307
## 1-A01                 2                 2                 0
## 1-A02                 2                 2                 1
## 1-A03                 2                 1                 0
## 1-A06                 2                 1                 0
## 1-A07                 2                 2                 0
##       SNP_IGA_1_3478569 SNP_IGA_1_3478647
## 1-A01                 1                 1
## 1-A02                 0                 0
## 1-A03                 0                 1
## 1-A06                 0                 1
## 1-A07                 0                 1


Calibration are made with 3 different predictor matrices : NIRS at Orléans, NIRS at Savigliano and SNP. For the first 2 matrices (NIRS) a ridge regression model is carried out while for the thrid one (SNP) both a GBLUP and a Bayesian LASSO models are used.

In all cases we use a repeated cross-validation scheme with 5 folds and 20 repetitions.

NIRS Orléans

NIRSOrl_RidgeBLUP <- RidgeBLUP(Y = phen, X = NIRSOrl, fold = 5, iter = 20, cores = 10,
                               lambda = seq(from = 1, to = 2001, by = 20))

Cross-validation statistics:

##        R2     RMSEP       Rho 
## 0.2778218 0.4549385 0.5322774

NIRS Savigliano

NIRSSav_RidgeBLUP <- RidgeBLUP(Y = phen, X = NIRSSav, fold = 5, iter = 20, cores = 10,
                               lambda = seq(from = 1, to = 2001, by = 20))

Cross-validation statistics:

##        R2     RMSEP       Rho 
## 0.1927594 0.4810131 0.4424734



SNP_GBLUP <- GBLUP(Y = phen, X = SNP, fold = 5, iter = 20, cores = 10)

Cross-validation statistics:

##        R2     RMSEP       Rho 
## 0.5382440 0.3637710 0.7337464

Bayesian LASSO

Note that we use the genomic heritability estimates previously computed with GBLUP as a prior for the trait heritability.

## [1] 0.8346909
SNP_BL <- BL(Y = phen, X = SNP, fold = 5, iter = 20, cores = 10,
             nIterBGLR = 30000, burnInBGLR = 5000, thinBGLR = 1,
             h2 = SNP_GBLUP$h2)

Cross-validation statistics:

##        R2     RMSEP       Rho 
## 0.5456871 0.3608370 0.7390069