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Silta CircleCI Context variables

Kubernetes cluster connection data

  • CLUSTER_NAME: Used for kubernetes connection. Example: silta.
  • KUBECTL_CONFIG: Optional when dashboard rbac autocreation is used. Otherwise required, contains kubectl config file contents.
  • KUBECONFIG: Optional, defaults to ~/.kube/config.
  • CLUSTER_TYPE Options: aks, eks, minikube, microk8s. Default value: gke.

Cluster connection, GKE specifics

  • USE_GKE_GCLOUD_AUTH_PLUGIN: Mandatory for GKE clusters <1.26, set to True.

Used for gcloud authentication when environment variables are available (when kubectl config is undefined)

  • GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME: GCP project name. Example: silta-test-123456.
  • GCLOUD_COMPUTE_REGION: Optional. Example: europe-north1.
  • GCLOUD_COMPUTE_ZONE: Optional. Example europe-north1-a.

Cluster connection, AKS specifics

  • AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP: Example: siltaResourceGroup.
  • AKS_SP_APP_ID: ServicePrincipal Application ID.

Chart variables (drupal, simple, frontend)

  • CLUSTER_DOMAIN: Used as base domain for deployments. Example:
  • DB_ROOT_PASS: MySQL DB password. Used on first deployment for account creation and for connection. Do not change after site is deployed!
  • DB_USER_PASS: MySQL DB password. Used on first deployment for account creation and for connection. Do not change after site is deployed!
  • SECRET_KEY: Used for secrets encryption. Do not change without re-encoding secrets with the new key or deploymens will fail.
  • GITAUTH_USERNAME: Used for getting list of allowed ssh keys. See gitAuth.keyserver variables in silta-cluster chart for more details.
  • GITAUTH_PASSWORD: Used for getting list of allowed ssh keys. See gitAuth.keyserver variables in silta-cluster chart for more details.
  • VPN_IP: Injected into nginx.noauthips variables for allowlisting basic auth requests.
  • VPC_NATIVE: Adds vpc native (NEG) annotation for GKE clusters ( Set to true on GKE.

Container image registry

  • IMAGE_REPO_HOST: Example:
  • DOCKER_REPO_PROJ: Example: silta-test-123456/images.

Image registry, GCR & AR specifics

  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: Example: /home/circleci/gcp-service-key.json.
  • GCLOUD_KEY_JSON: Plaintex serviceaccount key, newlines replaced with "\n".
  • SILTA_USE_GCLOUD: Force using gcloud cli for existing image lookups. Will be removed soon.

Image registry, ACR specifics Note: This uses az login currently, change in progress.

  • AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP: Example: siltaResourceGroup.
  • AKS_SP_APP_ID: ServicePrincipal Application ID.

Silta dashboard RBAC creation

  • SILTA_CLUSTER_ID: Dashboard configuration machine name. Example: silta_test.
  • SILTA_DASHBOARD_URL: Dashboard url. Basicauth in url (or proxy ip/cloud nat + whitelist). Example: https://username:[email protected].[cluster-domain].
  • SILTA_DASHBOARD_KEY: Required for dashboard rbac creation, can be found in dashboard settings.
  • ${SILTA_CLUSTER_ID}_KUBECTL_CONFIG: Normally does not exist in context, but rather in project's environment variables. Variable is injected by Silta Dashboard.

CircleCI connection proxy (optional)

Allows connecting to cluster via ssh jumphost. Does not work with all projects (some npm installs fail).

  • TUNNEL_USER_HOST: ssh jumphost user. Example: [email protected].
  • TUNNEL_PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of jumphost user, replace newlines with \n.

Deprecation list:

  • VPC_NATIVE: Adds vpc native (NEG) annotation for GKE clusters ( This should be set to true in charts by default now since all new clusters are vpc native and all gke clusters we deal with are vpc native.
  • DOCKER_REPO_PROJ: Implement IMAGE_REPO_PROJ, set this as a fallback.
  • SILTA_USE_GCLOUD: Force using gcloud cli for existing image lookups. This can be removed since build images without gcloud are used by default now.

Deprecated (if you see these in your context, You can remove them)