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J Read - Corner Pocket App

2023-12-18 | Taaffeite cohort

Application Overview

Corner pocket is designed to be a league manager for local leagues. Most pickup leagues have to rely on paper and word of mouth to coordinate, score, and declare winners. Corner pocket is designed to take the guesswork out of the equation. Select your sport, tournament type, and then invite your friends to join the league. For proof of concept, I'm designing it for use in 8-ball billiards 5-man teams to apply it to an existing league. However the database structure should allow it to apply to almost any sport/activity with a few tweaks. The centerpiece is a scoring app to keep track of the games themselves.

Functional Requirements

1.1 Log-in (Desktop)

Registered users will be able to log in to the application. The Log-in page will contain a link to the Registration page (no wireframe included). Registration will contain text inputs for username and password. The Registration page will also contain a button that navigates the user back to the Log-in screen and a button that will submit the form. After successful form submission, the user will automatically be logged in with the new account. While a desktop version exists, the application itself is optimized for mobile.

Forgot password will not be included in this project.

1.1 Log-in (Mobile)

1.2 Display List of Widgets

There are 4 main sections of the app with a few subsections as well that can be replicated across the application.

The Home page has three options depending on the current status of the user.

  1. Home view - logged in and with an active league

  1. Home view - logged in without an active league.

  1. Home view - not logged in

  1. Team roster - Clicking on a name opens a detail view with contact info and stats

  1. Stats

  1. Scoring app - Set lineup view (for team captains). Once the lineup is set, for each team, the match can begin.

  1. Scoring app - Match View

  1. Scoring app - Round view

  1. Last will be a schedule view as a stretch goal. Be able to see at a glance all the upcoming matchup time/date/locations.

3rd Party APIs

Used in stretch goals

Database Documentation

[Database diagram: []{.underline}]{.mark}


Application will fully support browsers listed below. All browsers or versions not listed below are considered out of scope.

Browser Name Mobile or Desktop? Version
Chrome Mobile Mobile - iOS Version 120.0.6


  • Node.js

  • Express.js

  • React.js

  • Postgresql

  • AWS Amplify

  • AWS S3

  • AWS Route 53


Solo project for Prime Digital Academy






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