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Marcus Kuffner edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Pot Planter wiki!

This is my first attempt at trying to define a new project workflow for my major projects. I want to start by creating small idea's that I created for my programming class which I ultimately scrapped because of how big their scopes were. This game is one of those Idea's, which in fact I came up with about 24 hours ago from the time of writing this. At first when I started working on my planter concept I was very focused on my documentation, but as time went on today, more and more my code got sloppy, and suddenly I was only updating the documentation as I was coding. Clearly this workflow is not optimal, as I kept getting deeper into the development process the code started becoming messy, and inefficient. Everything I coded started to meld into a mono-space mess. I've definitely struggled in the past with long term projects, and think the solution may be in changing my workflow.

I need to know what I'm doing before I do it, plan accordingly, and then execute. My method of winging it all the time isn't going to fly in the future, and if I ever want to publish something to itch, I'm going to need to reform my approach.

The first section of this wiki will be a workflow analysis, and self analysis of my process. Afterward I'll try to remodel my workflow. The remodel will likely see more remodels as I learn more techniques.

Anyway, onto the wiki!

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