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7. Meeting

Jaime Loredo T edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 1 revision

7º Meeting

05/03/2024 | 11:50 | Classroom meeting


  • Carlos Pelazas
  • Álvaro Ibáñez
  • Carolina Barrios
  • Miguel Estapé
  • Pablo Lobeto

Actions done:

We reviewed our progress since the Sunday meeting.

Decisions taken:

  • Finish implementing the navbar and the routing (this must be accomplished by Wednesday)
  • Jaime will be in charge of the front-end for the game section (his development relies on the completion of the back-end for that part of the application)
  • Álvaro will be in charge of the front-end for the groups section (his development relies on the completion of the design of the groups and users database)
  • Carolina will be in charge of the front-end for the profile section (her development relies on the completion of the design of the groups and users database)
  • The game section comprises the lobby, game and scoreboard views
  • The groups section comprises the join group, see group and leave group views
  • The profile section comprises the edit fields and see statistics views
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