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AutoDRIVE Hunter SE Dataset

Dynamics and Perception Dataset of "Hunter SE" Robot


  • For accessing the on-road dataset, switch to the on-road-dataset branch of the repository.
  • For accessing the greensward dataset, switch to the greensward-dataset branch of the repository.
Keyboard Teleoperation Mouse Teleoperation
Gamepad Teleoperation Driving Rig Teleoperation

This repository uses AutoDRIVE Ecosystem to capture data from a 1:5 scale Ackerman-steered vehicle called Hunter SE. The source repository for AutoDRIVE Ecosystem can be found here.

Dataset Structure:

The vehicle dataset comprises the following:

DATA timestamp throttle steering leftTicks rightTicks posX posY posZ roll pitch yaw speed angX angY angZ accX accY accZ
UNIT yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff norm% rad count count m m m rad rad rad m/s rad/s rad/s rad/s m/s^2 m/s^2 m/s^2

Vehicle Parameters:

  • Wheelbase (m): 0.55

  • Track width (m): 0.52

  • Center of mass* (m): [x: 0.330, y: 0.000, z: 0.087]

    *Center of mass is measured w.r.t. the center of rear axle.

  • Suspension stiffness (N/m): 22700

  • Suspension damping (Ns/m): 7000

  • Throttle Limit (norm%): 1.0000

  • Steering Limit (rad): 0.5236

  • Linear Velocity Limit (m/s): 3.5611

  • Angular Velocity Limit (rad/s): 2.0708

  • Throttle vs. Velocity Mapping:

Control Input Variations:

  • Throttle Gradations (norm%): 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 (5 runs per gradation)
  • Steering Gradations (rad): [-0.5236, 0.5236] (resolution resultant of input method)

Data Visualization

Single Modality Data Visualization

Keyboard Teleoperation Mouse Teleoperation
Gamepad Teleoperation Driving Rig Teleoperation

Collective Modality Data Visualization

Keyboard Teleoperation Mouse Teleoperation
Gamepad Teleoperation Driving Rig Teleoperation
All Input Modalities


We encourage you to read and cite the following papers if you use any part of this dataset for your research:

author = {Samak, Tanmay and Samak, Chinmay and Kandhasamy, Sivanathan and Krovi, Venkat and Xie, Ming},
title = {AutoDRIVE: A Comprehensive, Flexible and Integrated Digital Twin Ecosystem for Autonomous Driving Research & Education},
journal = {Robotics},
volume = {12},
year = {2023},
number = {3},
article-number = {77},
url = {},
issn = {2218-6581},
doi = {10.3390/robotics12030077}

This work has been published in MDPI Robotics. The open-access publication can be found on MDPI.

author = {Samak, Tanmay Vilas and Samak, Chinmay Vilas and Xie, Ming},
title = {AutoDRIVE Simulator: A Simulator for Scaled Autonomous Vehicle Research and Education},
year = {2021},
isbn = {9781450390453},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3483845.3483846},
booktitle = {2021 2nd International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System},
pages = {1–5},
numpages = {5},
location = {Qingdao, China},
series = {CCRIS'21}

This work has been published in 2021 International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System (CCRIS). The publication can be found on ACM Digital Library.


Dynamics and Perception Dataset of Hunter SE Robot







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