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John C edited this page Jun 27, 2019 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the SirenOfShame wiki!

What Is It?

Siren of shame is a build monitor that connects to:

  • TFS (2008, 2010)
  • Jenkins (1.4)
  • Hudson (1.3, 2.0)
  • Team City (5.0, 6.0, 7.0)
  • Bamboo (2.3, 3.0)
  • CruiseControl.Net (1.8)
  • Travis
  • Buildbot

It's also a reputation and achievement system that optionally synchronizes to an online leader board.

It's also an API for an optional USB siren that is available for purchase at


  • Displays pass/fail build status, author, and check-in comments
  • Counts down time remaining for in-progress builds
  • Maintains a "news feed" of recent build information
  • Supports full screen mode
  • Simultaneously connects to multiple build monitors
  • Gathers user statistics (e.g. fail percent, consecutive successful builds)
  • Tracks user "reputation"
  • Awards achievements for activities like fixing other people's builds
  • Plays audio (e.g. sad trombone) for various build events
  • Pops up modal or tray alerts (configurable)

How To's

How-to articles from our blog:

For more information

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