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This is a simple web database viewer that allows you to view and edit a database in a web browser. Connections can be made to the database using the convenient connection creation interface, and later modified and deleted with the manage connections interface.

Connections are stored in the web browser's local storage and are not stored on the server or any external database. For extra security you may delete the database connection information from the browser's local storage upon each use. Otherwise, leaving them in the local storage will allow you to quickly connect to the database without having to re-enter the details each time.

When a query is ran on the database selected, the connection is created and the query is ran. The connection is then closed and the results are displayed in the web browser. This is done to prevent any security risks that may arise from leaving a connection open to the database.


This is version 1.0 of the web database viewer. All endpoints will be proceded with the version number in the URL.

e.g. http(s)://hostname:port/v1/...

Versions Include:

  • v1


  • Connect to many databases (Supported database drivers can be seen below)
  • View tree structure of database
  • View table restraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, types, etc.
  • View enum names and values
  • Quickly query tables with the quick query buttons on each table
  • Quickly select columns from tables using the tree structure
  • Toggle between connections with the click of a button
  • View references to other tables based on foreign keys in tree table
  • Automatically run SQL queries when input box is changed or manually run them yourself
  • View results of SQL queries in a table format

Getting Started

This project was built in GoLang using the Gin web framework. The front-end was built using HTML, with interaction powered by HTMX, and styled with Tailwind CSS.


If you wish to make changes to this project, you will need the following installed on your machine:

If you wish to run this project locally, without any changes, you will not need anything other than the project files which can be found in the releases page.


To make changes to this project you will need to clone the repository and run the following command:

go mod tidy

A Tailwind executable and various scripts are included in the project to make building the project easier. To compile the script for final use, run the following command:


To start the Tailwind CSS watcher for live reloading of styles, simply run the following command:


Finally, to run the project, simply run the following command:

go run cmd/web_server.go

You can then see a live running version of the application running on your localhost on port 3001. The port can be changed in the cmd/web_server.go file. For now there is no requirement for any environment variables or setup. This may be added in the future, but for now, the project is simple enough to run without any setup (assuming port 3001 is available).

Supported Drivers

Since this project was built to support multiple database drivers, the connection details, query information, and tree display are all based on the driver used. Once a connection is made, the query input table will always work but for drivers that are not supported the table/enum trees will not be displayed. Fully supported drivers will have all features available to them. Partially supported drivers will have some features available to them, but not the full range of features.

Fully Supported Drivers:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • SQLite3

Partially Supported Drivers:

  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • DB2


Contributions are always welcome! Please make sure to include a comment in your PR so I know what the purpose of the change is. If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Test your changes thoroughly.
  5. Create a pull request.


The project is licensed under Azpect3120 the MIT License


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