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JonTheNiceGuy edited this page Jul 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Expected Event Flow

This is how I expect the flow of actions to occur before and during a CFM2 managed event.


  1. Arrange SMS connection via USB stick or phone.
  2. Register Twitter/SN account for bot interface.
  3. Register bot's nick on IRC channel.
  4. Install, configure and initialize CFM2.
  5. Install and Configure Pagekite
  6. Configure site-wide settings in the database (e.g. site name, base URL)
  7. Configure rooms, slots (inc. defaults), tracks
  8. Add static talks (e.g. keynote, fixed track, etc.)
  9. Configure Plugins - Gammu interface, Twitter/SN interface, IRC interface, Sorting mechanism (probably sort-in-slot-only *), Plaintext Wipes

On the day of the Event


  1. Workers register and are configured as such
  2. Posters put up explaining where to get on to the CFM2 site, plus the SMS, Twitter/SN, IRC

During the event

  1. Attendees arrive, register (using OpenID, Basic authentication or by using a plugin interface)
  2. Attendess propose talks via webUI
  3. On screens around the event, there will be a "Main Timetable Screen" showing the whole grid for that day, and near to rooms, will be a "Now and Next Screen" - either per room, or for the whole site.
  4. All non-locked talks are sorted by the sorting plugin. Talks which do not fit on the grid (either due to insufficient votes with the MinimumVotes configuration option enabled, insufficient space on the slot in sort-in-slot-only sorting, or no space across the whole day) are placed into "Limbo" (intRoomID = -1). Limbo talks prefer their requested slot (-1 means "wherever there is free space - not available in sort-in-slot-only).
  5. Attendees show interest on talks (promoting talks out of limbo - either because their talk has breached the MinimumVotes number of attendees, their talk has more attendees than the lowest attended talk in their chosen slot), and are able to see the talks they are interested in.
  6. At x minutes before each slot, the talks in that slot are locked, and all locked talks are broadcast on the Plugin Interfaces (to the Twitter/SN feed, by SMS to the presenters of those talks and to the IRC channel). All locked talks are also submitted to (and, if the API ever arrives, lanyrd), and the talk is updated with the records of these submissions.
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