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Design for matching requests and offers

Chetan Ganjihal edited this page Apr 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Design for matching requests and offers

Attributes that come through the form submissions

  1. Submission Date: Date of request/offer submission

    submission_date: (str) To be considered for matching: Yes Depending on the request, use this as a weighted attribute. We are going with the assumption that more recent the date is higher the likelihood of that person fulfilling/needing that request. We still need to validate that assumption

  2. Submitted By: Currently comes in as Anonymous

    submitted_by: (str) To be considered for matching: No

  3. Crisis Name: Name of the crisis for which we are receiving requests/offeres.

    crisis_name: (str) To be considered for matching: Yes

  4. Subimssion Type: Type of submission which is binary as of now - can be either request or offer

    submission_type: (str), "request"|"offer" To be considered for matching: Yes

  5. Full Name: Name of the person making a submission

    full_name: (str) To be considered for matching: No

  6. Request/Offer Category: Category to which the request/offer belongs to

    req_offer_cat: (str) can be any of the five pre-defined categories To be considered for matching: Yes

  7. Request/Offer other than the listed Categories:

    req_offer_cat_other: (boolean) To be considered for matching: Yes

  8. Request or Offer details

    req_offer_details: (str) To be considered for matching: Yes

  9. Email of the person submitting the request/offer

    email: (str) To be considered for matching: No

  10. Phone Number: contact number of the person submitting request/offer

    phone_number: (str) To be considered for matching: No

  11. Location - Address: Street address

    loc_st_addr: (str) To be considered for matching: Yes

  12. Location Suburb: NAme of the suburb of the person

    suburb: (str) To be considered for matching: Yes

  13. Location - City/Town

    loc_city_town: (str) To be considered for To be considered for matching: Yes

  14. Location - Post Code

    loc_post_code: (str) To be considered for matching: Yes

To start with identify requests which can be fulfilled with physical presence of a person in which case using location is the only way. Examples of such requests are pick-up and deloveries.

Requests which don't neeed a physical presence such as the one's mentioned below do not need to use location as the main criteria

  • help in finding accommodaiton
  • need to face masks

It is therefore important to tag requests with a online yes/no option.

Pseudocode for matching - initial version

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