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Vue 3 VS Code Snippets

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These snippets were made to speed up Vue 3 development. With it you can write boilerplate code infinitely faster.

I took my inspiration from vue-vscode-snippets extension made by @sdras.

A lot of snippets here were taken from that extension and then improved by me to be more useful with Vue 3 (and Vue 3 only).

Supported versions

  • Vue 3


  • You can do it by finding Vue 3 VSCode Snippets by exer7um in VS Code marketplace and clicking install.
  • Or you can follow that link and click install.


.vue files

Snippet Purpose
vbase Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and SCSS
vbase-sass Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and SASS
vbase-less Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and LESS
vbase-pcss Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and PostCSS
vbase-css Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and CSS
vbase-styl Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and Stylus
vbase-ns Base for Vue 3 File with <script setup>, TypeScript and no style


Snippet Purpose
vfor v-for statement
vmodel v-model directive
von v-on click handler
vel-props Component element with props
vslot-named Named slot
vimg Image source binding
vstyle Inline style binding
vstyle-obj Inline style binding with objects
vclass Class binding
vclass-ter Ternary class binding
vtrans Transition component
vtrans-group Transition group component
vrlink Router link
vrlink-param Router link with param
vsuspense Suspense wrapper with fallback content


Snippet Purpose
vref Vue ref
vref-typed Vue ref with generic type argument
vreactive Vue reactive
vcomputed Vue computed
vwatch Watcher
vwatcheffect Watch Effect
vonmounted onMounted hook
vonbeforemount onBeforeMount hook
vonbeforeupdate onBeforeUpdate hook
vonupdated onUpdated hook
vonerrorcaptured onErrorCaptured hook
vonunmounted onUnmounted hook
vonbeforeunmount onBeforeUnmount hook
vdefineprops Define props
vdefineprops-withdefaults Define props with defaults
vdefineemits Define emits
vsingleemit Single emit for defineEmits
vdefineslots Define slots
vsingleslot Single slot for defineSlots
vdefineoptions Define Options
vdefinemodel Define Model


Snippet Purpose
vcss-transition Vue Transition styles
vcss-transition-named Vue Named Transition styles
vcss-transition-tailwind Vue Transition styles for Tailwind CSS
vcss-transition-named-tailwind Vue Named Transition styles for Tailwind CSS
vcss-transition-group Vue Transition Group styles
vcss-transition-group-tailwind Vue Transition Group styles for Tailwind CSS


Snippet Purpose
pstore Base code needed for a Pinia store file
pstore-composition Base code needed for a Pinia store file with Composition API

Vue Router

Snippet Purpose
vrouter Vue Router base
vscrollbehavior Vue Router scrollBehavior
vbeforeeach Vue Router global guards beforeEach
vbeforeresolve Vue Router global guards beforeResolve
vaftereach Vue Router global guards afterEach
vbeforeenter Vue Router per-route guard beforeEnter
vbeforerouteenter Vue Router component guards beforeRouteEnter
vbeforerouteupdate Vue Router component guards beforeRouteUpdate
vbeforerouteleave Vue Router component guards beforeRouteLeave

Nuxt Template

Snippet Purpose
nlink Nuxt router link
nlink-param Nuxt router link with param

Nuxt Script

Snippet Purpose
nfetch useFetch composable
nfetch-lazy useLazyFetch composable
nasyncdata useAsyncData composable
nasyncdata-lazy useLazyAsyncData composable
npagemeta definePageMeta composable
nseo useSeoMeta composable
nseo-template useSeoMeta composable - Template
nseo-server useServerSeoMeta composable
nseo-server-template useServerSeoMeta composable - Template
nplugin Base code for Nuxt plugin
nmiddleware Base code for Nuxt middleware
nserverroute Base code for Nuxt server route


Snippet Purpose
hconfig Histoire config for Vue 3
hconfig-nuxt Histoire config for Nuxt 3
hbase Base code for story
hbase-variant Base code for story with variant
hbase-grid Base code for story with grid layout
hvariant Story variant
hgrid Histoire grid layout
hcontrols-base Histoire controls base
hcontrols-button Histoire controls - Button
hcontrols-buttongroup Histoire controls - Button Group
hcontrols-checkbox Histoire controls - Checkbox
hcontrols-number Histoire controls - Number
hcontrols-text Histoire controls - Text
hcontrols-textarea Histoire controls - Textarea


Snippet Purpose
vibase Base for Vitest file
vibase-vue Base for Vitest file for Vue component
vibase-nuxt Base for Vitest file for Nuxt component
videscribe Vitest Describe
videscribe-concurrent Vitest Describe - Concurrent
viit Vitest It
viit-concurrent Vitest It - Concurrent
viit-async Vitest It - Async
viit-async-concurrent Vitest It - Async Concurrent
viit-todo Vitest It - Todo
vitest Vitest Test
vitest-concurrent Vitest Test - Concurrent
vitest-async Vitest Test - Async
vitest-async-concurrent Vitest Test - Async Concurrent
vitest-todo Vitest Test - Todo
visnapshot Vitest Match Snapshot
visnapshot-inline Vitest Match Snapshot - Inline

Vitest Vue

Snippet Purpose
vimount Vue Test Utils mount
vicomponent Vue Test Utils Component

Vitest Nuxt

Snippet Purpose
vimount-suspended nuxt-vitest mountSuspended
vimocknuxtimport nuxt-vitest mockNuxtImport
vimockcomponent nuxt-vitest mockComponent
viregisterendpoint nuxt-vitest registerEndpoint


This is an open source project open to anyone. Contributors are welcome on GitHub.

If you are contributing a snippet, please be sure to add the documentation for it in the tables in the README, the pull request cannot be accepted without this addition. Thanks!


Copyright © 2022 Vasily Kuzin.

This project is MIT licensed.