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LundFMFoam is an OpenFOAM tool package, including chemistry coordinate mapping (CCM) approach, Eulerian stochastic field (ESF) based transport probability density function (PDF) method.

The code is developed by Bai's group in Division of Fluid Mechanics, Lund University. All of the codes and cases in this repository are based on the OpenFOAM-7. The LundFMFoam-7 repository is a collection of many self-developed solvers, libraries, and postProcess tools. Some of the solvers (reactingDNS, multiRegionSprayFoam, reactingCanteraFoam, ZYsprayFoam ...) libraries (boundaryConditions, QSSAchemistrySolver, CanteraChemistryModel, dynamicSmagorinsky, ...) postProcess tools (conditionalAverage, foam2Columns, CEMAX, colorfulParticleTracks, ...) and database (chemicalMechanisms) are open access, while others, such as CCM and ESF, are linked to private repositories and not publicated yet. If you would like to access the private repositories, please write us an email.

Here are the instructions for using LundFMFoam. The instructions are devided into two parts:

Guidelines for users

  1. Source the build-in OpenFOAM at first, for example
source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc
  1. Download the LundFMFoam-7 repository and source bashrc file
git clone [email protected]:Fluid-Mechanics-Lund-University/LundFMFoam-7.git
cd LundFMFoam-7/etc
source bashrc
  1. Once sourcing the bashrc file, you can compile the library or/and solver following the instructions To compile the build-in codes, you can use the Allwmake script. For example, you can compile the libraries
wclean all

and applications

wclean all

To compile the submodule codes, you need to download the specific submodule. For example, if you would like to compile the CanteraChemistryModel library, you can use the following commands

git submodule update --init src/thermophysicalModels/chemistryModel/CanteraChemistryModel/
wmake thermophysicalModels/chemistryModel/CanteraChemistryModel/

and if you would also like to compile the reactingCanteraFoam solver

git submodule update --init app/solvers/reactingCanteraFoam/
wmake solvers/reactingCanteraFoam/

The compiled binary files, such as solvers and .so libraries, are written into $FOAM_USER_APPBIN and $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN.

Instructions for developer

We suggest that you develop your code in your own folder (e.g. $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/app and $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/src). Do not revise the offical LundFMFoam code when you develop your own code. Therefore, once you finished compiling the LundFMFoam (see Guidelines for users), change the permissions of LundFMFoam to read-only by commanding

chmod -R 444 $LU_PROJECT_DIR
  1. Prepare the configuration files for compiling: Make/files and Make/options
  • In Make/files, set the target directory for binary files as $FOAM_USER_APPBIN or $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN.
  • In Make/options, use $LU_SRC and $LU_APP to set the include directories to find .H files in LundFMFoam. For example, the include files for ESF method are in $LU_APP/app/solvers/ESFsprayFoam/lnInclude. The include files for CCM approach are in $LU_SRC/thermophysicalModels/chemistryModel/lnInclude. Since the LundFMFoam libraries are written into $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN, you can either use -L$(FOAM_USER_LIBBIN)/ or -lCCMchemistryModel to link the LundFMFoam libraries. Here is a demo for Make/options
    -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
    -I$(LU_APP)/app/solvers/ESFsprayFoam/lnInclude \

    -lCCMChemistryModel \


The code is developed by Division of Fluid Mechanics, Lund University [Bai's group](






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