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Use MinValSize in genFromTypeSpec for Maps
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TimSheard committed May 15, 2024
1 parent 3886dcd commit e132b2d
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Showing 2 changed files with 127 additions and 72 deletions.
20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions libs/constrained-generators/src/Constrained/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2865,15 +2865,7 @@ instance (Ord a, HasSpec fn a) => HasSpec fn (Set a) where
n <-
explain ["Choose a possible size Bounds for the Sets to be generated"] $
genFromSizeSpec (szSpec <> geqSpec @fn (sizeOf must) <> maxSpec (cardinality elemS))
go (n - sizeOf must) must
go 0 s = pure s
go n s = do
e <-
explain ["generate set member"] $
withMode Strict $
genFromSpec elemS `suchThatT` (`Set.notMember` s)
go (n - 1) (Set.insert e s)
Set.fromList <$> genDistinctList elemS (n - sizeOf must) (Set.toList must)

shrinkWithTypeSpec (SetSpec _ es _) as = map Set.fromList $ shrinkList (shrinkWithSpec es) (Set.toList as)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4566,3 +4558,13 @@ checkForNegativeSize spec@(TypeSpec (NumSpecInterval x y) _) =
(_, _) -> spec
checkForNegativeSize (MemberSpec xs) | any (< 0) xs = ErrorSpec ["Negative Size in MemberSpec " ++ show xs]
checkForNegativeSize spec = spec

genDistinctList ::
(MonadGenError m, HasSpec fn a) => Specification fn a -> Integer -> [a] -> GenT m [a]
genDistinctList _ 0 s = pure s
genDistinctList elemS n s = do
e <-
explain ["generate a new distinct member not in:", "\n " ++ show s] $
withMode Strict $
genFromSpec elemS `suchThatT` (`notElem` s)
genDistinctList elemS (n - 1) (e : s)
179 changes: 116 additions & 63 deletions libs/constrained-generators/src/Constrained/Spec/Map.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ import Constrained.Instances ()
import Constrained.List
import Constrained.Spec.Generics
import Constrained.Univ
import Control.Monad

-- import Control.Monad
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
Expand All @@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ instance Ord a => Sized (Map.Map a b) where
sizeOfTypeSpec (MapSpec _ mustk mustv size _ _ smallest) =
typeSpec (atLeastSize (sizeOf mustk))
<> typeSpec (atLeastSize (sizeOf mustv))
<> smallestSpec smallest
<> extractFromMinValSize smallest
<> size

data MapSpec fn k v = MapSpec
Expand All @@ -57,17 +59,18 @@ data MapSpec fn k v = MapSpec
, mapSpecSize :: Specification fn Integer
, mapSpecElem :: Specification fn (k, v)
, mapSpecFold :: FoldSpec fn v
, mapSpecMinValSize :: Maybe (MinValSize v)
-- The smallest number of unique Values that meet spec.
-- This should look like: Nothing or (Just n),
-- if it is (Just n), it means the size of the rngSet is constrained by (NumspecInterval (Just n) Nothing)
, mapSpecMinValSize :: Maybe (MinValSize fn v)
-- Specifaction of the number of unique Values in the range of the Map that meet the Mapspec.
-- The Maybe is there because Nothing means (MinValSpec TrueSpec),
-- but does require the (Ord v) constraint

data MinValSize v where
MinValSize :: Ord v => Integer -> MinValSize v
-- | Spec of the the number of unique values in the range of a map, needed to conform to the MapSpec
-- Just a Spec, but carries the (Ord v) constraint
data MinValSize fn v where
MinValSize :: Ord v => Specification fn Integer -> MinValSize fn v

deriving instance Eq (MinValSize v)
deriving instance Show (MinValSize v)
deriving instance BaseUniverse fn => Show (MinValSize fn v)

-- | emptySpec without all the constraints
defaultMapSpec :: Ord k => MapSpec fn k v
Expand All @@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ instance Ord k => Forallable (Map k v) (k, v) where
forAllToList = Map.toList

(Ord k, Functions fn fn, HasSpec fn (Prod k v), HasSpec fn k, HasSpec fn v, HasSpec fn [v]) =>
(Ord k, HasSpec fn (Prod k v), HasSpec fn k, HasSpec fn v, HasSpec fn [v]) =>
HasSpec fn (Map k v)
type TypeSpec fn (Map k v) = MapSpec fn k v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,21 +121,24 @@ instance
, trace "size" $ sizeOf m `conformsToSpec` size
, trace "conforms pairs" $ all (`conformsToSpec` kvs) (Map.toList m)
, trace "conforms fold" $ Map.elems m `conformsToFoldSpec` foldSpec
, trace "conformms smallest" $ conformsToSpec @fn (sizeOf (nub (Map.elems m))) (smallestSpec minval)
, trace "conformms smallest" $
conformsToSpec @fn (sizeOf (nub (Map.elems m))) (extractFromMinValSize minval)

genFromTypeSpec m@(MapSpec mHint mustKeys mustVals size (simplifySpec -> kvs) foldSpec _smallest) = trace ("\nGENMAP\n" ++ show m) $ do
mustMap <- explain ["Make the mustMap"] $ forM (Set.toList mustKeys) $ \k -> do
let vSpec = constrained $ \v -> satisfies (pair_ (lit k) v) kvs
v <- explain [show $ "vSpec =" <+> pretty vSpec] $ genFromSpec vSpec
pure (k, v)
genFromTypeSpec m@(MapSpec mHint mustKeys mustVals size (simplifySpec -> kvs) foldSpec vsize) = trace ("\nGENMAP\n" ++ show m) $ do
(mustMap, residualCount) <- freshMust (Set.toList mustKeys) vsize kvs
let haveVals = map snd mustMap
mustVals' = filter (`notElem` haveVals) mustVals
size' :: Specification fn Integer
size' = constrained $ \sz ->
-- TODO, we should make sure size' is greater than or equal to 0
(sz + Lit (sizeOf mustMap))
(maybe TrueSpec leqSpec mHint <> size <> cardinality (mapSpec fstFn $ mapSpec toGenericFn kvs))
( maybe TrueSpec leqSpec mHint
<> geqSpec residualCount
<> size
<> cardinality (mapSpec fstFn $ mapSpec toGenericFn kvs)
foldSpec' = case foldSpec of
NoFold -> NoFold
FoldSpec fn sumSpec -> FoldSpec fn $ propagateSpecFun (theAddFn @fn) (HOLE :? Value mustSum :> Nil) sumSpec
Expand All @@ -144,27 +150,29 @@ instance
(simplifySpec $ constrained $ \v -> unsafeExists $ \k -> pair_ k v `satisfies` kvs)
-- old before rebase on master
-- (constrained $ \v -> unsafeExists $ \p -> p `satisfies` kvs <> assert (snd_ p ==. v))

restVals <-
[ "Make the restVals"
, " valsSpec = " ++ show valsSpec
$ genFromTypeSpec
$ valsSpec
let go m [] = pure m
go m (v : restVals') = do
let keySpec = notMemberSpec (Map.keysSet m) <> constrained (\k -> pair_ k (lit v) `satisfies` kvs)
["Make the restVals", " valsSpec = " ++ show valsSpec]
$ case vsize of
Nothing -> genFromTypeSpec @fn valsSpec
Just (MinValSize _) -> do
vcount <- genFromSpec size'
(simplifySpec $ constrained $ \v -> unsafeExists $ \k -> pair_ k v `satisfies` kvs)

let go ms [] = pure ms
go ms (v : restVals') = do
let keySpec = notMemberSpec (Map.keysSet ms) <> constrained (\k -> pair_ k (lit v) `satisfies` kvs)
k <-
[ "Make a key"
, show $ indent 4 $ "keySpec =" <+> pretty keySpec
$ genFromSpec keySpec
go (Map.insert k v m) restVals'
go (Map.insert k v ms) restVals'
go (Map.fromList mustMap) restVals

shrinkWithTypeSpec (MapSpec _ _ _ _ kvs _ _) m = map Map.fromList $ shrinkList (shrinkWithSpec kvs) (Map.toList m)
Expand All @@ -177,7 +185,7 @@ instance
, sizeOf_ (rng_ m) `satisfies` size
, case minvalsize of
Nothing -> TruePred
Just (MinValSize n) -> sizeOf_ (rngSet_ m) `satisfies` (leqSpec n)
Just (MinValSize n) -> sizeOf_ (rngSet_ m) `satisfies` n
, forAll m $ \kv -> satisfies kv kvs
, toPredsFoldSpec (rng_ m) foldSpec
, maybe TruePred (`genHint` m) mHint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,7 +269,7 @@ instance BaseUniverse fn => Functions (MapFn fn) fn where
(equalSpec $ sizeOf r)
(Just (MinValSize (sizeOf r)))
(Just (MinValSize (equalSpec (sizeOf r))))
TypeSpec (ss@(SetSpec must elemspec setsize)) [] ->
trace ("\nSETSPEC (" ++ show ss ++ ")") $
let mp =
Expand All @@ -272,18 +280,8 @@ instance BaseUniverse fn => Functions (MapFn fn) fn where
((geqSpec (fromIntegral (Set.size must))) <> setsize) -- This might be overconstrained.
(constrained $ \kv -> satisfies (app (sndFn @fn) (app (toGenericFn @fn) kv)) elemspec)
(smallest setsize)
(injectMinValSize setsize)
in trace ("\nMAPSPEC " ++ show mp) (typeSpec mp)
typeSpec $
(Set.toList must)
((geqSpec (fromIntegral (Set.size must))) <> setsize) -- This might be overconstrained.
(constrained $ \kv -> satisfies (app (sndFn @fn) (app (toGenericFn @fn) kv)) elemspec)
NoFold -}
_ -> ErrorSpec ["RngSet on bad map spec", show spec]

-- NOTE: this function over-approximates and returns a liberal spec.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,26 +350,81 @@ soundSpec specx = do
_zzz :: Bool
_zzz = conformsToSpec (Map.fromList [(-1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0)] :: Map Int Int) rngSpec

-- ====================
smallestAcceptableSize :: NumSpec Integer -> NumSpec Integer -> NumSpec Integer
smallestAcceptableSize (NumSpecInterval x y) (NumSpecInterval a b) = NumSpecInterval (maxL x a) (max <$> y <*> b)
where maxL Nothing Nothing = Nothing
maxL Nothing (Just x) = Just x
maxL (Just x) Nothing = Just x
maxL (Just x) (Just y) = Just(max x y)
-- ======================================================================
-- How to deal with size constraints on the RngSet of a Map

smallestAcceptableSize :: Maybe (MinValSize v) -> Maybe (MinValSize v) -> Maybe (MinValSize v)
smallestAcceptableSize Nothing Nothing = Nothing
smallestAcceptableSize Nothing (Just x) = Just x
smallestAcceptableSize (Just x) Nothing = Just x
smallestAcceptableSize (Just (MinValSize x)) (Just (MinValSize y)) = Just (MinValSize (max x y))
-- | Merge two MinValeSizes, each in a separate MapSpec
smallestAcceptableSize ::
BaseUniverse fn => Maybe (MinValSize fn v) -> Maybe (MinValSize fn v) -> Maybe (MinValSize fn v)
smallestAcceptableSize (Just (MinValSize x)) (Just (MinValSize y)) = Just (MinValSize (x <> y))
smallestAcceptableSize Nothing x = x
smallestAcceptableSize x Nothing = x

smallestSpec :: BaseUniverse fn => Maybe (MinValSize v) -> Specification fn Integer
smallestSpec smallest = case smallest of
Just (MinValSize n) -> leqSpec n
Nothing -> TrueSpec
-- | Extract a Specification from (Maybe (MinValSize fn v)), Nothing extracts TrueSpec
extractFromMinValSize :: Maybe (MinValSize fn v) -> Specification fn Integer
extractFromMinValSize (Just (MinValSize s)) = s
extractFromMinValSize Nothing = TrueSpec

smallest :: Ord v => Specification fn Integer -> Maybe (MinValSize v)
smallest TrueSpec = Nothing
-- | Inject a Specification into a (Maybe (MinValSize fn v))
injectMinValSize :: Ord v => Specification fn Integer -> Maybe (MinValSize fn v)
injectMinValSize TrueSpec = Nothing
injectMinValSize spec = Just (MinValSize spec)

-- | Extend a list of map pairs, until the range has an acceptable size.
extendMapPairs :: forall fn m k v. (Ord k,HasSpec fn k, HasSpec fn v,IsNormalType v,IsNormalType k,MonadGenError m) =>
[(k,v)] ->
Specification fn (k, v) ->
Maybe(MinValSize fn v) ->
GenT m [(k,v)]
extendMapPairs pairs _ Nothing = pure pairs
extendMapPairs pairs okpair (Just (MinValSize minSizeSpec)) = do
minSize <- genFromSpec minSizeSpec
let n = minSize - sizeOf pairs
go :: [(k,v)] -> Integer -> GenT m [(k,v)]
go newpairs count | count<=0 = pure newpairs
go newpairs count = do
pair <- genFromSpec (fresh newpairs okpair)
go (pair : newpairs) (count -1)
go pairs n

freshU ::
forall fn k v.
(Ord v, HasSpec fn k, HasSpec fn v) =>
[(k, v)] ->
k ->
Specification fn (k, v) ->
Specification fn (k, v)
freshU ps mustk okpair =
( \pair ->
[ satisfies pair okpair
, assert $ lit mustk ==. (fst_ pair)
, assert $ not_ (member_ (snd_ pair) (lit (Set.fromList (map snd ps))))

freshMust ::
forall fn k v m.
(HasSpec fn k, HasSpec fn v, MonadGenError m) =>
[k] ->
Maybe (MinValSize fn v) ->
Specification fn (k, v) ->
GenT m ([(k, v)], Integer)
freshMust keys size ok = case size of
Nothing -> go2 keys []
Just (MinValSize szspec) -> do countx <- genFromSpec szspec; go keys countx []
go :: Ord v => [k] -> Integer -> [(k, v)] -> GenT m ([(k, v)], Integer)
go [] countx pairs = pure (reverse pairs, countx)
go ks 0 pairs = go2 ks pairs
go (k : ks) countx pairs = do
let freshVSpec = (freshU pairs k ok)
pair <- explain [show $ "vSpec =" <+> pretty freshVSpec] (genFromSpec freshVSpec)
go ks (countx - 1) (pair : pairs)
go2 :: [k] -> [(k, v)] -> GenT m ([(k, v)], Integer)
go2 [] pairs = pure (reverse pairs, 0)
go2 (k : ks) pairs = do
pair <- genFromSpec (constrained (\p -> [satisfies p ok, assert $ lit k ==. (fst_ p)]))
go2 ks (pair : pairs)

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