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Complete example for sending a message

Erik Kalkoken edited this page Nov 17, 2018 · 3 revisions

Complete example for sending a message

This is a simple, but complete example for sending a message to a Slack channel with the SlackAPI library.

The library has two different client classes for making calls to the Slack API. Each are using a different approach for implementing asynchronous calls to the API.

  • SlackClientAsync: The newer Async pattern
  • SlackClient: The older delegate /callback approach

Below you find one example for each approach.

Example 1: SlackClientAsync

This example shows how to send a message to Slack using the newer Async approach.

// minimal example for sending a simple message to a channel with the SlackAPI library
// this example uses the Async method

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SlackAPI;

namespace TestingSlackAPI
    class Async
        public async Task Run()
            // instantiate a new Slack Client by provding a token
            var token = "xoxp-YOUR-TOKEN";
            var client = new SlackTaskClient(token);

            // send simple message to channel and wait for the call to complete
            var channel = "test";
            var text = "hello world";
            var response = await client.PostMessageAsync(channel, text);

            // process response from API call
            if (response.ok)
                Console.WriteLine("Message sent successfully");
                Console.WriteLine("Message sending failed. error: " + response.error);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // instantiate main class and start execution by calling its Run() method
            // then wait for the task to complete
            var p = new Async();


Example 2: SlackClient

This example shows how to send a message to Slack using the older callback / delegate approach.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using SlackAPI;

namespace TestingSlackAPI
    class Program
        // needed to wait for callback method
        AutoResetEvent stopWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);

        // callback for PostMessage - will be called when message sending is complete
        private void callback(PostMessageResponse obj)
            if (obj.ok)
                Console.WriteLine("Message sent successfully");
                Console.WriteLine("Message sending failed. error: " + obj.error);
            // notify that callback is complete

        public void Run()
            // instantiate a new Slack Client by proving a token
            var token = "YOUR-TOKEN";
            var client = new SlackClient(token);

            // send simple message to channel
            var channel = "my_channel";
            var text = "hello world";
            client.PostMessage(callback, channel, text);

            // wait for callback to complete

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // instantiate main class and start execution by calling its Run() method
            var p = new Program();
