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🔍 RealTime Face Recognition 🔍

This project is a real-time face recognition system built using Python, OpenCV, and various computer vision and machine learning libraries. It allows you to detect and recognize faces in real-time video streams or images. 🎥 🔍

Features 💥

  • Real-time Face Detection: Detects faces in real-time video streams or images using OpenCV's pre-trained face detection model. 👀
  • Face Recognition: Recognizes faces by comparing them against a pre-loaded database of known faces. 😀
  • Face Database Management: Allows you to add, remove, and update the database of known faces. 📂
  • Multiple Face Recognition: Supports recognizing multiple faces in a single frame. 👥
  • Face Tracking: Tracks detected faces across frames for smoother recognition. 🔍
  • User Interface: Provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for easy interaction with the system. 🖥️

Requirements 📋

  • Python 3.6 or higher 🐍
  • OpenCV 📷
  • NumPy 🔢
  • face_recognition 😀
  • dlib 🧠
  • imutils 🛠️

You can install the required packages using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage 🚀

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd realtime-face-recognition
  1. Run the main script:

This will start the real-time face recognition system and open a window displaying the video stream. 🖥️

Adding Known Faces 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

To add known faces to the system, place images of the faces in the known_faces directory. The filenames should be in the format name.jpg, where name is the name of the person. 📸

Configuration ⚙️

You can configure various aspects of the face recognition system by modifying the values in the file. Some of the configurable options include:

  • Video source (webcam or video file) 📹
  • Face detection and recognition model paths 🧠
  • Face recognition tolerance 😕
  • Display settings 🖥️

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. 🎉

Future plans

The future plan is to push it to a custom domain for everyone to use it as a SaaS for Mass monitoring of attendance in schools and univesities.

Acknowledgments 🙏

This project utilizes the following libraries and resources:


RealTime facial recognition project






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