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This is a tempting project to account RSD effect in 21 cm signal during EoR.

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  1. Pre-rqequist: FFTW3, GSL Library, gcc
  2. Install: Extract the tar file in WORKDIR, then (in terminal) $ cd Programs $ make test_MMRRM test_powers test_statool test_pdf test_mudecomp test_power_ratio
  3. If you need re-compile: $ make clean $ make test_MMRRM test_powers test_statool test_pdf test_mudecomp test_power_ratio

Quick Start:

  1. Edit user changable parameters, flags & definition in WORKDIR/Programs/header/mmrrm_adv.h (You could just turn off all the analysis flags if you only need the output data cube) (NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE Ts DATA, SET BOTH "OPTHIN" AND "HIGHTS"=1, AND SET Ts DIR IN WORKDIR/prmt/arguments_mmrrm_adv.dat "NULL")
  2. Re-compile the program
  3. Edit arguments file WORKDIR/prmt/args_mmrrm_adv.dat
  4. $ cd Programs/
  5. $ ./test_MMRRM
  6. Now the RSD corrected delta_Tb data cube should be in WORKDIR/Output_boxes (Note: the size of delta_Tb data cube is dimdimdim*sizeof(double), so the cube is an double array of shape (dim-x, dim-y, dim-z). )

Source File Configuration:

MMRRM_adv.c: The main program, which mainly operates the MMRRM scheme. There are various of flags in the file "mmrrm_adv.h" in Programs/header, for users to decide whether to turn on some specific function. Some parameters and constants are also defined in "mmrrm_adv.h". The main program would call the following functions (powers, mudecomp, pixelfluxpdf, statool) if needed. That means, you do not need to call these programs deliberately, they are called by test_MMRRM as subroutine.

	1) Edit the arguments file in ./prmt
	   See "./prmt/args_mmrrm_adv_instruction.txt" for further explanation.
	2) ./test_MMRRM 
The program would read-in the data cube according to prmt file, then calculate
RSD corrected data cube and dump them it into ./Output_boxes. After that the main
program would call subroutines to do some statistic analysis, all the analysis 
results are dumped into ../Output_PS (by default). For the output format of these 
results, see following terms.

powers.c: Calculates the auto power spectrum, in k or log(k) interval. To calculate cross ps, some adaptions are necessary. Relies on FFTW3

Usage(if singly): 
	./test_powers <Tb along x> <Tb along y> <Tb along z>
<> refers to the file name(WITHOUT PATH, you can edit the path in mmrrm_adv.h) of 
brightness temperature output, with mesh to mesh applied along x, y or z direction.
Output format:
linear: kint k_magnitude(1/Mpc) power(mK^2) deviation
log:    k_magnitude(1/Mpc) power(mK^2) deviation

mudecomp.c: Calculates the fitting ps for \mu^4 term, where \mu refers to the cosine of the angle between 3-D k vector and LoS. (Yi Mao 2012) Relies on GSL(SVD fitting) P.S. There's maybe some problems in fitting for log(k) interval, I'll fix it as long as I have time.

Usage(if singly): ./test_mudecomp <Tb along x> <Tb along y> <Tb along z>
Output format: 
linear: k(1/Mpc) mu_4(fitting) dev_mu_4(fitting) chi_square P_mu4(quasi-linear) scatter(quasi-linear)
log:    k(1/Mpc) mu_4(fitting) dev_mu_4(fitting) chi_square P_mu4(quasi-linear) scatter(quasi-linear)

pixelfluxpdf.c: Calculates the probability distribution function of Tb or other data cube.

Usage(if singly): ./test_pdf <Tb along x> <Tb along y> <Tb along z> [Output file name]
[] means optional
Output format:
delta_Tb[mK] (counts/total_counts)

statool.c: Calculating some statistics: mean, deviation, rms, skewness and kurtosis. in order to read data, this file will read an input list, which records the file name of the input data cube. The main program would generate a list in ./Log_files/Output_List by default.

Usage: ./statool <List name(path also should be included)>


Log_files: Record the log file for each program Output_boxes: Record the RSD corrected delta_Tb data cube Output_PS: Record the analysis results Scripts: Record the python scripts used to plot the results as well as the figure prmt: Arguments file for the main program Programs: Source files


This is a tempting project to account RSD effect in 21 cm signal during EoR.






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