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Releases: Legedric/ptmagic

PTMagic 1.5.1 - Speed up building trends and fixes for the weekend

11 Apr 10:31
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:


  • Changed the way how trends are built to speed up the process especially for settings with 10 or more market trends
  • Added the Single Market Setting icon to the Dashboard, Buy Analyzer and Bag Analyzer #353
  • Added a detailed list of active Single Market Settings to the bots Raid Summary #333


  • Fixed an issue where Off Triggers were not processed when a SMS with StopProcessWhenTriggered got triggered before
  • Fixed an issue that made your DCA buy_trigger values not work with the DCA calculator in case you used something else than ANDERSON as a DCA buy strategy #391

PTMagic 1.5.0 - Preparation for PT 2.0, New Layout, Off Triggers, Buy Analyzer and more

05 Apr 08:07
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Preparations for Profit Trailer 2.0

With version 1.5 of PT Magic we reviewed all relevant bits and pieces to implement the new settings structure of Profit Trailer 2.0. This means that when PT 2.0 will get released (or you are already using the beta) you may use PTM to its full capabilities, including the possibility to alter your multiple buy and sell strategies and/or define single market settings changing your DCA behaviour for every single coin.

However, PT Magic will still work for PT 1.x as well. So no matter what version of PT you are using, PTM is able to handle both of them.

Warning: While the Profit Trailer team is still working on version 2.0 they may of course change things that may lead to issues especially in PT Magic's monitor. If you notice something strange while using PT 2.0, please open an issue here on GitHub!
Another warning: As PT 2.0 is still in a restricted beta state we want to remind you that you may not share your PT 2.0 files with anyone, so also not with us. Please be aware that the support for PT 2.0 may be limited due to the fact that we won't ask you for data files for investigation purposes.

Major Changes

With this release we redeveloped the following major parts of PT Magic:

  • Redeveloped how PT's properties files are written. PT Magic now only writes to your properties files once every interval (if necessary). This was done to prevent Profit Trailer from taking new global settings too early and buying unwanted stuff while the single market settings were still getting processed
  • Redeveloped the handling of single market settings to speed up the processing of these, especially when you are using many single market settings that get constantly applied to a ton of coins
  • Implemented a check if your settings or any of your files located in _preset changed to reapply already active settings with your new configuration

New Layout & Dashboard Changes

With this release we switched to a new layout and also reworked the Dashbaord to make it the "goto" or "stay here" page that you may leave open to alway have the best overview of what is happening with your Profit Trailer right now.
The layout change was necessary to be prepared for future updates and to be able to use the full width of your browser.


Off Triggers for Single Market Settings

To be able to better suit your settings for a fast reacting market and especially to protect your bot from buying unwanted stuff, we now introduced so called "Off Triggers" for single market settings.

These Off Triggers work in a similar way as you already know it from PT Magic's triggers, just to turn off a single market setting based on market conditions.

In this example, the SMS Freefall Block will get triggered when the coin falls to a trend below -5% within one hour. Usually this setting would get removed from your PT properties as soon as the trigger is no longer matched, so for example when the trend for 1 hour is at -4.9%.

But sometimes you want to keep this setting active for a longer period of time or until the trend truly recovers and that's where the new Off Triggers come into play.

In the example shwn above, the setting will ONLY get removed from your properties if the trend has a minimum 3% upwards trend since the trigger got matched (so basically recovered by 3%) OR the setting was active for more than 24h, assuming the coin settled at the new price already.

Furthermore you can specify for your Single Market Settings if you want to refresh the triggered values or not when the setting gets triggered over and over again to make sure it catches the last time it got activated.

More Information can be found in the wiki!

Managing Single Market Settings

A new page got also added to the Monitor site to enable all users to review the applied Single Market Settings for their instance of PTM and PT. In case a setting is using Off Triggers you can also "reset" any of those settings using the monitor. So in case some SMS got activated and stays active, but you want the bot to trade it anyway and remove that setting, you can simply do that and PTM will remove the setting during its next runtime.

But please be aware that this will not prevent the setting from getting triggered again! So in case the trigger values are still matched, it may immediately reactivate, even if you just reset it.

24h Volume Triggers for Single Market Settings

We added triggers for "Max24hVolume" and "Min24hVolume" for Single Market Settings. As some people find it useful to build triggers for 24h volume and we collect the data anyway we just added them #371

Buy Analyzer

This update introduces the new monitor feature called "Buy Analyzer". This new page on your PT Magic monitor will provide you an overview of your possible buy pairs overview as you can see here:


Status & Summary

A new page called "Status & Summary" is now available. We moved parts of the former dashboard over to this page as the PT Magic status box was taking too much space and the active settings box will get even larger with the PT 2.0 update when you are running more than one strategy.


Sorting for Analyzer Settings

You are now able to change the order of your market trends, global settings and single market settings using the Analyzer Settings in your PT Magic monitor.



  • Changed the allowed characters for Market Trend and Settings names to letters, numbers and '_'
  • Added a message to the Bag Analyzer page in case there are no pairs/bags to analyze at the moment
  • Added a hint to the settings menu telling you why it is blocked in case you did not protect your monitor with a password
  • Made the icon that appears instead of the total % gain a little less looking like a warning
  • Added a check if a preset file is existing and an error message in case it doesn't exist
  • Changed the way how the monitor checks for PT Magic's current version to better reflect the version after an update
  • Added a new setting "AllowedMarkets" to settings.analyzer.json for single market settings. This enables the users to allow ONLY certain markets for single market settings to get applied to
  • Added a new setting "AllowedMarkets" to settings.analyzer.json for market trends. This enables the users to allow ONLY certain markets their market trends #363
  • Added a new setting "DisplayOnMarketAnalyzerList" to settings.analyzer.json for market trends. This enables the users to hide certain market trends from the long market list on market analyzer to get a better overview while scrolling down that list #375
  • Changed the "Save Settings" button to only be enabled when all settings have successfully loaded to avoid half loaded setting saves
  • Added the market trend graph to the Market Analyzer page
  • Renamed "Balance" to "Total Value" to reduce confusion as it simply is not your available balance


  • Fixed the display for HIGHBB and LOWBB strategies in the Bag Analyzer area
  • Fixed an issue that caused the used chart library to pick the wrong date for the charts used in PTM #369
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the settings to get reapplied every interval when the for a setting were left empty #378
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Market Analyzer to sort when a coin was ignored in a market trend #390

PTMagic - 1.4.0 Bag Analyzer, Analyzer Settings GUI, Single Market optimization and more

20 Mar 06:13
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Bag Analyzer

This update introduces the new monitor feature called "Bag Analyzer". This new page on your PT Magic monitor will provide you an overview of your bought pairs AND your DCA pairs combined in a single overview as you can see here:

In addition to a simple overview, this new page also enables you to view a very detailed analysis of each of the markets listed.
These details include the following information:

  • Bag age
  • Bought statistics like costs and fiat value
  • Approximation of your next buy trigger (next DCA level) price
  • Approximation of your next average price that will result from the next DCA level buy
  • Approximate sell trigger price
  • Average profit % pulled from past sales of the same market
  • An embedded chart from Trading View to provide even more insight to your bag


Analyzer Settings GUI (BETA!)

It is finally there. With this release we implemented the possibility for you to change your Analyzer Settings using the monitor.
Be warned, the page (and so the settings) are still not simple as PTM is highly flexible in its configuration, but they are of course easier to use for you and you do not have to worry about messing up your JSON file anymore.

Please be aware that although we tested this internally, this will most likely still produce errors that our tests did not fully cover. So use this with caution and if you notice a change that was not intended you may restore the backup of your settings.analyzer.json file.
In case you encounter any error or problem, it is very much appreciated when you create an issue here on GitHub providing as detailed information as possible about your issue, thanks!


Single Market Settings Improvements

  • Redeveloped the entire handling of Single Market Settings to list only triggers matched that lead to a setting activation, list properties only once and so reducing the lines written to your properties files greatly. Special thanks to @stevenshizzleh for providing his quite detailed settings to test this #307
  • Added a new setting "StopProcessWhenTriggered" to settings.analyzer.json for single market settings. If you set this to "true" the process will stop processing other single market settings as soon as this setting got triggered #309
  • Added a new setting "IgnoredMarkets" to settings.analyzer.json for single market settings. This enables the users to ignore certain markets from single market settings getting triggered for markets like BNBBTC for example #221

Raspberry PI

After the tests with PT Magic 1.3.1 on Raspberry PI platforms were successfull according to PI users in our GitHub issue #81 we will now always release a special build catered for Raspberry PI users. If you are using this platform, please use the instead of the original one as it contains a special Monitor app compiled for Raspberry PI.

New Features

  • Added a simple FavIcon to the monitor
  • Added NOINDEX and NOFOLLOW meta tags to the monitor to disable search engine crawls
  • Added the option to restore the most recent backup of your settings files using the monitor
  • Added a security check when you try to save your settings using the monitor
  • Added a new setting "BagAnalyzerRefreshSeconds" to settings.general.json so you can specify the refresh interval for your bag analyzer overview


  • Changed the way how PT Magic recognizes setting changes to make it more reliable
  • Changed the way your login session is checked on AJAX so the whole page gets redirected to the login screen in case it expires


  • Special thanks to our Discord user "cb" for his help doing performance checks on Unix to fix the increase in CPU usage on Unix systems since PTM 1.3.0 #305
  • Fixed the wrong link on the dashboard behind the icon for single market settings #321
  • Fixed an issue that caused "IgnoredMarkets" to not work as intended for CoinMarketCap trends
  • Fixed the currency symbol in the top bar not changing when you changed your main fiat currency #306
  • Fixed an issue that made the tooltip for single market settings on the Market Analyzer page disappear after you sorted a column #308
  • Fixed a spelling error on the DCA calculator page #314
  • Fixed an issue with single market settings not getting properly applied when you missed the "ALL_" prefix #322
  • Fixed an issue that caused your timezone offset to be corrupted when it was changed using the monitor on some platforms #318
  • Fixed an issue on Binance that caused the market data recreation (after an outage of the exchange or stop of PTM) to rebuild way more ticks than necessary
  • Fixed an issue that your sales list for days and months wasn't working when you changed the root URL of your monitor #330

PTMagic 1.3.1 - Emergency Fix for single market settings

12 Mar 14:25
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  • Fixed an issue that could cause your single market settings to overwrite the settings of a coin that already got specified in your base properties files
  • Fixed an issue that could cause your monitor to not load your PT data when one of your bags had no bought date set

PTMagic 1.3.0 - Coin Age Trigger, Transactions, Different Fiat Currencies and more

12 Mar 05:52
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

New trigger for coin age

As requested in several issues like #107 PT Magic now provides a new trigger for Single Market Settings called "AgeDaysLowerThan" as seen in this example.

Example - Block trading of new pairs for 14 days

  "SettingName": "BlacklistNewCoins",
  "TriggerConnection": "OR",
  "Triggers": [
      "AgeDaysLowerThan": 14
  "PairsProperties": {
    "ALL_trading_enabled": false,
    "ALL_sell_only_mode": true,
    "ALL_DCA_enabled": false

Using this trigger allows you to specify different settings for markets depending on their age up to a maximum of 100 days. So you may for example block trading entirely during the first 14 days (as seen in the example above) and in addition you may want to start trading this coin, but up to an age of 30 days you want the buy_value for this coin to be offset by -100% (to buy twice as low as usual) as seen in this example.

Example - Buy new pairs at 100% lower than all other coins until it is 30 days old

  "SettingName": "BlacklistNewCoins",
  "TriggerConnection": "OR",
  "Triggers": [
      "AgeDaysLowerThan": 30
  "PairsProperties": {
    "ALL_buy_value_OFFSETPERCENT": -100

Timezone Offset

As requested in issue #269 (and others) it is now possible to specify your timezone offset in your settings.general.json or (for the easier way) using the monitor.
Please be aware that you have to specify your timezone offset correctly to see the correct daily/monthly values in your Sales Analyzer.


We added the option to add transactions (to be found in "Settings -> Transactions") to PT Magic. On this new page you may add any deposit and withdrawal that you made manually in your exchange's account. You may enter any amount and a specified date and time to be considered in your balance and percentage gains calculations in PT Magic as requested in issue #101

"Market Trends" page renamed to "Market Analyzer"

  • Added the table containing the global average market trend information to the Market Analyzer page
  • Added the option to switch your market trends to be shown with their absolute trend changes or relative trend changes to the appropriate global average
  • Added a new column "Latest Price" to the Market Trends table
  • Added a new column "Volume" to the Market Trends table

Other New Features

  • Added sell strategy and DCA levels to the dashboard overview for active global settings #265
  • Added a new setting "IgnoredMarkets" to the settings.analyzer.json to enable users to ignore certain markets or symbols from market trends #264
  • Added new settings "MaxDailySummaries" and "MaxMonthlySummaries" to the settings.general.json to enable users to specify the amount of days/months they want to see in their Sales Analyzer #288
  • Added a new setting "MainFiatCurrency" to the settings.general.json. Switch this to one of the currencies listed here to see your fiat values in your favorite currency #276
  • Added buttons to copy, export to Excel or PDF the daily and monthly sales list


  • Single market settings pairs will now be written to the properties files in alphabetical order #231
  • Added a startup check to PT Magic to check if the specified Exchange is valid
  • Added a check to single market settings that throws an error when you try to use non-exchange trends for single markets #299
  • Added "ExcludeMainCurrency" to market trends so you are able to specify this setting for each market trend individually #262


  • Fixed an issue that could cause a memory leak in your browser when you left the PT Magic monitor open for a very long time
  • Fixed an issue with new coins that got added to an exchange could break the sort function of the market trends table #290
  • Fixed an issue that caused the graphs on the dashboard not to render when a trend somehow got to infinity #284
  • Fixed the tooltips of the sales graph on the Sales Analyzer page #294
  • Fixed an issue that some links to trading view were not correct on the monitor #298

PTMagic 1.2.2 - Emergency fix for data recreation loop

05 Mar 05:24
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:


  • Fixed an issue that was introduced with the new bot freeze protection that could cause the bot to start the data recreation over and over again. #280

PTMagic 1.2.1 - No more freezes, spamming Telegram and other fixes

04 Mar 17:48
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:


  • Fixed an issue that would cause PT Magic to stop processing when the bot has frozen #268
  • Fixed an issue that caused a switch of settings on every run when the name of your setting had a blank space " " in it #266
  • Fixed an issue that caused PT Magic to not recognize your DCA levels when you didn't set "max_buy_times" #259
  • Fixed an issue that caused the DCA calculator to not calculate some values properly when the result wasn't a float value (damn you JavaScript)
  • Fixed an issue that caused PT Magic to prioirtize max_cost_percentage higher than max_cost in the DCA calculator #252

PTMagic 1.2.0 - DCA Rework, Telegram Improvements, Automated Data Recreation and more

01 Mar 13:06
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

DCA Rework

  • Changed the layout of the DCA calculator to be able to handle more than 12 pairs #86
  • Added a new setting for the monitor "MaxDCAPairs" so you can set the max. number of pairs (rows) of your DCA calculator
  • Added a new setting for the monitor "DefaultDCAMode" so you can set the default mode of your DCA calculator and do not have to switch it everytime you want to use it

DCA Calculator modes (Simple & Advanced)

We separated the DCA calculator into two modes: Simple & Advanced.
The simple mode is what you know from previous versions of PT Magic and the advanced mode is a more accurate way to calculate your DCA limits taking your DCA buy triggers into account during the calculation.

For more information, please read this wiki article.

New Features

  • PT Magic's Telegram notifications now work for Telegram groups, too #198
  • Aded a new button "Send Telegram Test Message" to the General settings page so you are able to test your Telegram setup #44
  • Added a new setting to the General settings "OpenBrowserOnStart". If this is active, a browser window pointing to the monitor will open when the monitor app gets started #125
  • Added a new check to the PT Magic bot that will cause a recreation of exchange (CMC is excluded from this!) market data if the most recent market data is too old (for example if you stopped PT Magic for a longer time) #184
  • Added a new setting to the Analyzer settings "DisplayGraph". If this is set to false, the graph for this trend will be hidden on the dashboard
  • Added a new setting to the General settings in Monitor section "RootUrl". In case you need to change the root url of your monitor to something else than "/" #239
  • Added a new setting to the General settings in Monitor section "GraphMaxTimeframeHours". This will enable you to define the timeframe that your graph for market trends covers #247
  • Added several startup checks to the monitor webserver service
  • Added a link to the wiki to the monitor


  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer not handling simple JavaScript correctly #191
  • Fixed an issue that lead to a wrong result when applying a negative offset percentage to an already negative value #216
  • Fixed an issue that caused PT Magic to stop when your Exchange had an outage #203
  • Fixed an issue where PT Magic got stuck on very rare occasion after writing single market properties #178
  • Fixed an issue that made your graphs not render correctly or only with weird dates (like 1/1/1970) #215
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the dashboard from loading when you configured 10 or more market trends #236
  • Fixed an issue that made PT Magic sending Telegram messages every runtime when using in TestMode as the needed header for the active setting wasn't written to your

PTMagic 1.1.1 - Fixing things for the weekend

23 Feb 11:15
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Update Instructions


  • Added a success notification when you save settings using the monitor
  • Added a new "runtime summary" to the bot's output to summarize what was happening during the last run #154


  • The "Settings" menu will now only be available when your monitor is password protected


  • Added an attempt to fix the GUI not loading problems like issues #146, #139, #75
  • Fixed an issue that lead to switching settings every runtime on Unix systems #46
  • Fixed an issue that strategies were not written properly to Profit Trailer #132
  • Fixed an issue that showed a wrong trading status for single pairs #131
  • Fixed an issue that caused constant login requests when more than one instance of the PT Magic monitor were open in the same browser #136
  • Fixed an issue where no graphs were showing when your Profit Trailer did not make any sales so far #137

PTMagic 1.1.0 - Poloniex, Password, USDT fixes, Instance Names and more

22 Feb 11:32
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Poloniex Support

  • PT Magic now also supports Poloniex

Password Protection

  • With this update we implemented the option to protect PT Magic's monitor with a password. This option is activated by default now!
  • When you first start your monitor and it recognizes that no password was set, it asks you to set one. After you enter your password and confirmed it, it will be saved encrypted in a new file "". So you do not specify the password in plain text in some text file.
  • If you need to reset your password, simply delete the file ""
  • If you need to turn off the password protection, you can do that on the new settings page in your monitor or set the setting for "IsPasswordProtected" to false in this block of your settings.general.json:
"Monitor": {
      "IsPasswordProtected": false, // Defines if your monitor will be asking to setup a password on its first start
      "Port": 5000, // The port you want to run your monitor on
      "GraphIntervalMinutes": 60, // The interval for the monitor market trend graph to draw points
      "RefreshSeconds": 180, // The refresh interval of your monitor main page
      "LinkPlatform": "TradingView", // The platform to which the pair name will link if you click on it
      "MaxTopMarkets": 20 // The amount of top markets being show in your Sales Analyzer

USDT Trading

  • Fixed an issue that threw an error when you were using USDT as main market #82
  • Removed the currency widget on the top bar in case main market is USDT
  • Fixed several other issues for USDT setups so everything should run fine using USDT now

Option to change settings using the monitor

We added an option to adjust settings of your PT Magic bot on the fly using the monitor website. Right now it is only possible to change the general settings here but we plan to also add the analyzer settings.


  • When ALL_max_cost is zero, the monitor will switch to ALL_max_cost_percentage display instead #54
  • Added a new setting "MaxTopMarkets" to settings.general.json. This setting will allow you to adjust the number of top markets being shown in your Sales Analyzer #77
  • Added a new setting "InstanceName" to settings.general.json. This name will be used in your monitor and your Telegram messages. In case you are running more than one bot, you may set different names to separate them #85 & #88
  • Added some startup checks to the monitor to help users with setup errors to find a solution


  • Implemented an attempt to fix some of the "GUI not loading correctly" issues
  • Fixed an issue that days with 0 sales were not showing on the graphs properly #78
  • Fixed an issue where PT Magic was constantly changing settings #46
  • Fixed an issue that caused the monitor to check for new versions too frequently