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Releases: Legedric/ptmagic

Latest Releases

04 Dec 17:40
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Latest Releases Pre-release

This repository has been moved to a new location!


A New Team

To allow a new team to take over where the orginal developer left-off, the complete repository including it's history, the wiki, and the latest release can now be found here:

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If you have an bug report or feature request to submit, please use the new repository found here:

PTMagic 2.0.5 - Fix for CMC API changes

02 Dec 01:51
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Special update instructions for THIS RELEASE

  • If you are NOT setting up PTMagic for the first time, you should open "settings.general.json" and add the following line to the bottom of the "Application" section:

    "CoinMarketCapAPIKey": ""

    Don't forget to add a comma to the end of the previous line!. See the default settings.general.json file in the "_default settings" folders for an example.

  • ALWAYS follow these general instructions carefully when updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Fix - CoinMarketCap API

  • Fixed a an issue with the upcoming change to the CMC API. Retrieving CMC market data requires an API key beginning Dec 4th, 2018.

  • The line "CoinMarketCapAPIKey" has been added to settings.general.json where you can enter your CMC API key.

  • If you do not enter an API key for CMC, PTMagic will NOT fetch CMC market data -- which will significantly speed up the runtime of of PTMagic raids!

  • To continue to use CMC market data, you will need to visit their website, create an account, and get an API key:

  • The free plan for CMC's API does not allow enough calls for the typical usage case of PTMagic, where raids are done every 1-2 mins -- the free CMC API plan only allows a 333 calls per day, approximately 1 call per 5 minutes. If you exceed your daily allowed calls to the CMC API, PTM will be unable to retrieve CMC market data and return an error, also resulting in any future market trends based on that data to be incorrect. The first tier for paid access, "Hobbyist," allow for 54 calls per hour, if you wish to continue using CMC's API to fetch market data via PTMagic

Other Changes

  • Profit Trailer STOCHRSIK, STOCHRSID, STOCHRSICROSS are now properly identified as valid strategies, and colored correctly. #576

  • Fixed a problem with graphical assets missing from the monitor for some installations.

2.0.4 PATCH - Fix for Profit Trailer's relocation of sales data

01 Dec 08:39
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

PTMagic 2.0.3 is required

  • Please install the latest full version of PTMagic before installing this patch.


  • Enable PTmagic's Monitor to find ProfitTrailerData.json in it's new location. This file was moved with Profit Trailer 2.1.x


  • Enabled HTTP Keepalives to reduce TCP connection usage

PTMagic 2.0.3 - Fixing preset file editing on Non-Windows platforms

06 Jun 17:48
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

.NET Core Upgrade

Since 2.0.2 PTM will only support .NET Core 2.1 as we upgraded the base runtime for PTM. The reason for this were several issues for people running PTM on Non-Windows machines leading to problems with their Profit Trailer API (like issues #450 for example).
So please go to and get the latest Runtime version for .NET Core before you update PTM to 2.0.2 or 2.0.3.


  • Fixed an issue where PTM was not writing to preset files on Non-Windows systems #540


  • Muted an unnecessary exception that could happen during version checks on GitHub

PTMagic 2.0.2 - .NET Core upgrade and some fixes

05 Jun 08:13
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

.NET Core Upgrade

With this update PTM will only support .NET Core 2.1 as we upgraded the base runtime for PTM. The reason for this were several issues for people running PTM on Non-Windows machines leading to problems with their Profit Trailer API (like issues #450 for example).
So please go to and get the latest Runtime version for .NET Core before you update PTM to 2.0.2.

Raspberry PI Support

With the upgrade to .NET Core 2.1 every PTM user that was running PTM on the special PI version may now again use the standard version, as .NET Core 2.1 now officially supports ARM32 platforms like the Raspberry Pi.
More information can be found at Microsoft:


  • Added some better feedback and debug logging to preset file editing to help users that are not able to save their preset files #540
  • Added a retry timer to PTM's startup checks. PTM will now process 10 retries every 5 seconds in case your PT is still booting up #539


  • Fixed a null issue with CMC data as reported in #543
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "trailing" flag to appear although the requirements for trailing were not fully met #489

PTMagic 2.0.1 - Fixed global settings not getting applied

23 May 06:05
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Profit Trailer 2.0

To migrate your PT Magic and be ready for Profit Trailer 2.0 please follow this migration guide here.


  • Fixed an issue that cause your global settings not getting applied to Profit Trailer properly #527

PTMagic 2.0.0 - Open Source,Preset Files, Stay Logged In and more...

22 May 08:18
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Profit Trailer 2.0

To migrate your PT Magic and be ready for Profit Trailer 2.0 please follow this migration guide here.

Open Source

Yes, PT Magic is an open source project with this new release.
We made this decision as both of us (@TwixRaider and @Legedric) are already noticing that our time is extremely limited to work on this project and we never expected to build such a huge and great community with our addon. Version 1.6.1 got downloaded more than 3,000 times in a little more than 3 weeks.
As our time will most likely get even more limited for both of us this summer, we decided to make the project open source.
Of course we cannot know right now if anyone will develop anything for PTM in the future (except ourselves) but we at least want to give our users the opprtunity to do so.
So when you are a software developer and follow the appropriate contribution guidelines, you may start your own fork and pull request for PTM and start working on some of the feature request that already exist here on GitHub.

Interested? Then go ahead and read the and start right away!

Why 2.0.0?

The main reason for version 2.0 is the fact that we refactored many parts of the code to make this project open source.
The refactoring was done to cleanup the code (we do that every now and then) and to prepare the source code for making this project open source. This way we reduced the amount of necessary technical documentation to provide a better code structure for possible contributors.
So while the functionality did not change anywhere except in the listed areas below, we did make changes to PTM's source code in every area. Users of PTM shouldn't notice this other than maybe seeing some different error messages here and there especially while PTM runs its startup checks.

Preset File GUI

With PTM 2.0.0 we introduce the option to change your preset files for any of your PTM global settings using the PTM Monitor (Settings -> Preset Files):

"Stay logged in"

This new version of PTM enabled the users to stay logged into their monitor forever as requested multiple times on our GitHub.

Ignore/Allow Single Market Settings only for certain Global Settings

As requested in issue #502 on our GitHub we now implemented two new settings for single market settings:


Comma separated list of global settings you want to be ignored in this single market setting.

Default: Empty
Expected values: Comma separated list of global settings


Comma separated list of global settings you want to be allowed in this single market setting.

Default: Empty (Empty = All global settings are allowed)
Expected values: Comma separated list of global settings


  • Changed the API for CoinMarketCap to use version 2 of their API that got released a couple of days ago
  • Changed the way how PTM reacts if your PT monitor is not available. Instead of stopping PTM it will now retry every interval #457
  • Added some more information to the checks that PTM performs and if it is configured to run in PT 1.x or PT 2.x mode
  • Added a new column "AVG %/Day" to the "Last X Months" overview in Sales Analyzer to show the daily % gain as an average during the month #468
  • Added a link to the PT monitor including the main market and exchange name #454
  • Switched the currency exchange rate API from to as will require an account after June 1st 2018
  • Changed the donut chart colors on the Status & Summary page so every setting has the same color on both of the charts


  • Worked around an issue that could occur with the version check that PTM does on GitHub #480
  • Fixed some display issues in the PTM monitor for STOCH and OBV strategies

Removed the "Donate" page from the monitor

We decided to remove the donation links from the PTM monitor and GitHub. The reason is that we think it wouldn't be fair to continue to receive donations while other users also contribute to the project when it goes open source.

PTMagic 1.6.1 - Fixes

24 Apr 06:01
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Profit Trailer 2.0
To migrate your PT Magic and be ready for Profit Trailer 2.0 please follow this migration guide here.


  • The PT license key will now only show the first and lats 4 digits in the PTM monitor #448
  • Changed the certificate validation in case you are using a self signed certificate for your PT monitor #447


  • Fixed an issue that made all your Bag and Buy Analyzer items to show as "Disabled!" #446
  • Fixed an issue that caused PTM to read the wrong value for max_trading_pairs
  • Fixed an issue that caused the monitor to not show the correct Buy Trigger values for Anderson

PTMagic 1.6.0 - Profit Trailer 2.0 (new settings API) and Fixes

23 Apr 11:33
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===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:

Profit Trailer 2.0

To make PT Magic compatible with the new settings API that Profit Trailer introduced with version 2.0 we had to add several new setting variables to the settings.general.json that need to be taken care of by every user that is using Profit Trailer 2.0 and above.

To migrate your PT Magic and be ready for Profit Trailer 2.0 please follow this migration guide here.

Known Issues

The settings API built into the Profit Trailer monitor sometimes reacts quite slow and also sometimes produces errors in Profit Trailer itself.
There is a retry mechanism built into PT Magic that does 3 retries before it is giving up writing settings to this API to work around those issues for now until they get fixed in a future version of Profit Trailer.


  • Added a check if the exchange you specified is valid
  • Removed the beta warning from the analyzer settings page


  • Fixed another issue that made the DCA calculator to show wrong values in case you increased the DCA level above your current DCA level #397
  • Fixed an issue that caused the market data recreation fail in some cases when your main market is USDT #415
  • Fixed an issue where your BTC/ETH value shown in the monitor was delayed depending on your local machine's timezone #417
  • Fixed an issue where the market trends that were wet to be hidden were still showing on the Market Analyzer page #441

PTMagic 1.5.2 - Fixing things

11 Apr 10:23
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Warning: Profit Trailer Magic is NOT compatible with Prodit Trailer 2.0 right now!

===========> Update Instructions <===========

Please ALWAYS follow these update instructions carefully when you are updating to a new version of PT Magic:


  • Tweaked the DCA Calculator to work with DCA strategies that use more than 12 DCA levels
  • Added some additional info to Binance errors


  • Fixed an issue that made your Dashboard stop loading #396
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to errors on the Manage Single Market Settings page #403
  • Fixed an issue that allowed PT Magic to run although your presets files were missing
  • Fixed an issue in the DCA Calculator that lead to wrong values in some special circumstances #397
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes occured on Binance when trying to get the first seen dates #410
  • Fixed an issue that caused the buy and bag analyzer to display wrong values for triggers #413
  • Fixed an issue that caused deleted Single Market Settings to not get removed in case they have Off Triggers configured #414