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LinShunKang edited this page Nov 10, 2019 · 4 revisions

MyPerf4J can count the following performance metrics:

Method Metrics

  • RPS: Request per second
  • Count: Total requests
  • RT: Response time
    • Avg: Method average response time
    • Min: Method minimum response time
    • Max: Method maximum response time
    • StdDev: Method standard deviation of response time
    • TP50, TP90, TP95, TP99, TP999, TP9999, TP99999, TP100
      • TP: Top Percentile
      • TP90: Is a minimum time under which 90% of requests have been served

JVM GC Metrics

  • YoungGcCount: The number of Young Generation collections that have occurred in one time slice
  • YoungGcTime: Cumulative Young Generation collection time in one time slice
  • AvgYoungGcTime: YoungGC average time in one time slice
  • FullGcCount: The number of Old Generation collections that have occurred in one time slice
  • FullGcTime: Cumulative Old Generation collection time in one time slice

JVM Thread Metrics

  • TotalStarted: The total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started
  • Active: The current number of live threads including daemon and non-daemon threads
  • Daemon: The current number of live daemon threads
  • Runnable: The current number of runnable threads
  • Blocked: The current number of threads blocked waiting for a monitor lock
  • Waiting: The current number of waiting threads
  • TimedWaiting: The current number of waiting threads with a specified waiting time
  • Terminated: The current number of terminated threads
  • Peak: The peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset
  • New: The number of threads which has not yet started

JVM Memory Metrics

  • HeapInit: The amount of heap memory in bytes that the Java virtual initially requests from the operating system for memory management
  • HeapUsed: The amount of used heap memory in bytes
  • HeapCommitted: The amount of heap memory in bytes that is committed the Java virtual machine to use
  • HeapMax: The maximum amount of heap memory in bytes that can used for memory management
  • NonHeapInit: The amount of non-heap memory in bytes that the Java virtual initially requests from the operating system for memory management
  • NonHeapUsed: The amount of used non-heap memory in bytes
  • NonHeapCommitted: The amount of non-heap memory in bytes that is committed the Java virtual machine to use
  • NonHeapMax: The maximum amount of non-heap memory in bytes that can used for memory management

JVM ByteBuff Metrics

  • Name: The name representing this buffer pool
  • Count: An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool
  • MemoryUsed: An estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer poo
  • MemoryCapacity: An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool

JVM Class Metrics

  • Total: The total number of classes that have been loaded the Java virtual machine has started execution
  • Loaded: The number of classes that are currently loaded in Java virtual machine
  • Unloaded: The total number of classes unloaded since the Java virtual has started execution

JVM Compilation Metrics

  • Time: The elapsed compilation time in one time slice
  • TotalTime: The approximate accumlated elapsed time (in milliseconds) spent in compilation

JVM FileDescriptor Metrics

  • OpenCount: The number of open file descriptor
  • OpenPercent: The number of open file descriptor as a percentage of the maximum number of file descriptor
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