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A flexible framework for anomaly detection in astronomy.

Astronomaly is made up of two components: a python backend housed under "astronomaly", which can be used as a standalone library or in conjunction with the JavaScript frontend, housed under "webapp".


Astronomaly is being actively developed and may contain bugs or instabilities! I strongly recommend getting in touch with me if you're planning to use the code so I can help support you. Also if you're looking for light curve analysis (such as used in, this is still being worked into Astronomaly and will be supported in future.

Super quickstart

Clone or download the Astronomaly repository:
git clone

Navigate to the Astronomaly folder.

If you use virtualenv and pip do this::

Make sure you've installed virtualenv to create virtual environments with native python.

Create the virtual environment:
virtualenv venv_astronomaly

Activate the environment:
source venv_astronomaly/bin/activate

Install required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you use anaconda, do this instead::

Create a new environment:
conda env create -f astronomaly_env.yml

Don't forget to activate the environment:
activate astronomaly

Installing and running Astronomaly:

Install the code:
pip install .

Run the Galaxy Zoo example:
python astronomaly/frontend/ astronomaly/scripts/

After running, you should see output tell you to open your browser at a particular address, usually

Explore the web interface!


The python documentation is hosted here:


Please cite Lochner and Bassett (2020) if you use Astronomaly (
Thank you to Sara Webb for designing the logo!