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JPA entity manager for servlet container, automanage instances within http request context.

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See JPA_2.2 release ScopedEntityManager2

ScopedEntityManager (old release)

Java Persistence API (JPA) wrapper for servlet container such as Apache Tomcat. Automanage Entity Manager lifetime within http request context.


This wrapper is forked from codegoogle scoped-entitymanager project. It's no longer maintained and last changes were 2007 and JPA1.x interface. I took the code, studied, implementation changes to simplify things, added JPA2.x interface, support for two or more automanaged entity manager instances within a single thread.


  • automanage - close entity managers at the end of http request context.
  • named instance - named instances for custom use-case, may have 2..n instances per request context.
  • non-managed owner - custom owner id if instance should be kept available and open across http requests lifetime.
  • custom attributes - custom attributes within entity manager to keep some application-level housekeeping values.
  • rollback - automanaged instance is rollbacked if active transaction was not committed.

ScopedEntityManager wrapper uses servlet listener for lifetime management, entity managers are automatically closed at the end of http request. Each request may have one or more automanaged instances depending on how application retrieves instances.

Instances are owned by calling threadID and normal single threaded http handler code creates just one entity manager instance, getter returns same instance within a thread. This provides application a transparent single transaction context per http request.

Application may create two or more instances if that is required, all instances are released at the end of http request lifetime.

Public interface

Public methods retrieving existing or new entity managers. Methods are thread-safe.

PersistenceManager PersistenceManager.getInstance()
Returns singleton of PersistenceManager class.

EntityManager getEntityManager()
Get default entity manager which is owned by calling threadID, each concecutive call within a thread receives same instance.

EntityManager getEntityManager(long ownerId, String dbName, String emName, Map map)
Get or create named instance owned by given ownerID.
@ownerId owner id which usually is threadID 1...n, this may be -n..-1 custom id but then application must close those non-automanaged instances.
@dbName PersistenceUnit name in persistence.xml file, always NULL current implementation uses first PU name
@emName instance name to be get or created on first call, NULL always creates new instance
@map JPA entity manager constructor options or NULL

void closeEntityManagers(long ownerId)
Close entity managers by owner id, this is automatically called for http request context. Application must call this if -n..-1 custom ownerID was used. All open instances are automatically closed if web application is undeployed.


Insert http request listener in WEB-INF/web.xml to enable automanaged entity manager lifetime. First PersistenceUnit name is read from persistence.xml at webapp start, all instances closed at webapp stop, thread-level instances closed at http request.

  <description>Automanage JPA EntityManager within http request lifetime</description>


Servlet or .jsp script example using automanaged EM instance.

// no need to call em.close() for automanaged EM instances
EntityManager em = PersistenceManager.getInstance().getEntityManager();
Query qry = em.createQuery("SELECT bean FROM OrderHeader bean ORDER BY bean.custId DESC, bean.updated ASC");
List<OrderHeader> beans = (List<OrderHeader>)qry.getResultList();
- - - 
// EM is automatically rollbacked if servlet exception was thrown or commit() was not invoked
EntityManager em = PersistenceManager.getInstance().getEntityManager();
OrderHeader bean = em.find(OrderHeader.class, 2);
bean.setComment("this is new comment text " + System.currentTimeMillis() );

Web application in example_webapp folder has few .jsp scripts and OpenJPA libraries. It uses OpenJPA specific helper classes in JPA beans when serializing datetime field between database and java bean.


Servlet container libraries.
JPA implementation such as Apache OpenJPA libraries.

Compatibility tested on

Compatibility is tested on the following environments, but wrapper should probably work on other JPA 2.x implementations as well.
Tomcat7, JDK7, OpenJPA2.2_release
Tomcat7, JDK7, OpenJPA2.4.0_nightly
IBM WAS 8.5.5, JDK7, OpenJPA2.0


Support two or more PersistenceUnit names
Current implementation uses first PU name from persistence.xml file, its not possible to use other database connections.


JPA entity manager for servlet container, automanage instances within http request context.






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