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Parallel Execution Tutorial

Austin Raney edited this page May 24, 2024 · 9 revisions


This demo is based on a clone of ngen at commit 70545d1

More general information on building ngen can be found in Building.

This tutorial assumes that the ngen dependencies are installed and in sane enough location that standard cmake3 can find them.

Additional dependencies required by this tutorial are python, SQLite3, NetCDF, and OpenMPI (refer to Building for more details on optional and required dependencies.)

Get started with ngen code

git clone
cd ngen

Initialize submodules used in this demo

git submodule update --init --recursive -- test/googletest
git submodule update --init --recursive -- extern/pybind11
git submodule update --init --recursive -- extern/cfe
git submodule update --init --recursive -- extern/noah-owp-modular/noah-owp-modular
git submodule update --init --recursive -- extern/bmi-cxx
git submodule update --init --recursive -- extern/sloth
git submodule update --init --recursive -- extern/evapotranspiration/

Build the various model submodules

cmake -B extern/cfe/cmake_build -S extern/cfe/cfe/ -DNGEN=ON
make -C extern/cfe/cmake_build 
cmake -B extern/noah-owp-modular/cmake_build -S extern/noah-owp-modular -DNGEN_IS_MAIN_PROJECT=ON
make -C extern/noah-owp-modular/cmake_build
cmake -B extern/sloth/cmake_build -S extern/sloth
make -C extern/sloth/cmake_build
cmake -B extern/evapotranspiration/cmake_build -S extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration/
make -C extern/evapotranspiration/cmake_build

Setup python enviornment and python modules used

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Note this demo used the following python version

(venv) nels ngen % python --version
Python 3.11.8

For t-route, need to downgrade pip for now... (see t-route issue #621)

pip install -U pip==23.0

Install the python test module requirements

pip install -r extern/test_bmi_py/requirements.txt

Setup and install t-route

cd ..
git clone
cd t-route
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build and install the t-route modules

On my system, I need to point $NETCDF to the location of the netcdf.mod file for netcdf fortran. I also have to provide a custom $LIBRARY_PATH which informs the extension builds of where to find libgfortran and libnetcdf and libnetcdff libraries to link.

You may need to edit these ENV variables for your environment.

The no-e flag installs t-route into the venv directly and doesn't use editable installs.

# verified to work with netcdf-fortran 4.6.1 and gcc 13.2.0
NETCDF=$(brew --prefix netcdf-fortran)/include \
LIBRARY_PATH=$(brew --prefix gcc)/lib/gcc/current/:$(brew --prefix)/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH \
./ no-e

Back to ngen, build with supported components for this demo

cd ../ngen
cmake -B cmake_build -S . \

make -j 8 -C cmake_build

Test the build

cd cmake_build; ctest; cd ..

The routing tests will fail due to the way test collection works

Remove the artifacts from the t-route test and run these tests again. May need to do this twice to get both routing tests passing in isolation.

rm test/data/routing/*.parquet
cd cmake_build; ctest --rerun-failed; cd ..

Run some simulations

Symlink the following binaries from the previous build. In this case, I have created a demo directory to run simulations in

mkdir demo
cd demo
ln -s ../cmake_build/ngen .
ln -s ../cmake_build/partitionGenerator .

In the demo folder I have a vpu hydrofabric of huc 01, nextgen_01.gpkg.


This can be replaced by any hydrofabric geopackage which has 8 or more catchments in it.

Just replace nextgen_01 with your hydrofabric file name in the following steps.

Partition the hydrofabric

./partitionGenerator nextgen_01.gpkg nextgen_01.gpkg huc_1_partitions.json 8 "" ""
Reading 19194 features from layer divides using ID column `divide_id`
Partitioning 19194 catchments into 8 partitions.

This creates the parallel partition file huc_1_partitions.json.

For more information on the partition generator, see partition‐generator.

Create the output directories used for the simulation

Note that stream_output_dir is the output directory in the routing_config.yaml and if it doesn't exist, the routing step will throw an error. Similarly, the output_dir below is the output_root defined in the realization.json input to ngen.

mkdir output_dir
mkdir stream_output_dir

Define the model simulation/inputs

Create a simple forcing file for demonstration purposes

cp ../data/gauge_01073000/forcing/cat-11410.csv ./forcing.csv 

The supplementary section contains the various definitions of the input files used for this demo. To run the following simulations, your demo directory should look like:

├── bmi_configs
│   ├── cfe.ini
│   ├── noah.namelist
│   ├── parameters
│   │   ├── GENPARM.TBL
│   │   ├── MPTABLE.TBL
│   │   └── SOILPARM.TBL
│   └── pet.ini
├── forcing.csv
├── huc_1_partitions.json
├── nextgen_01.gpkg
├── ngen -> ../cmake_build/ngen
├── output_dir
├── partitionGenerator -> ../cmake_build/partitionGenerator
├── realization.json
├── routing_config.yaml
└── stream_output_dir

Run ngen

Run the configured simulation using 8 processors

mpirun -n 8 ./ngen nextgen_01.gpkg all nextgen_01.gpkg all realization.json huc_1_partitions.json

This takes ~ 9 minutes on a 16 core M2 MacBook.

Shortcuts taken in this demo

The bmi configuration files are the same for ALL catchments. A more realistic realization would configure the various init_config keys in the realization.json using a pattern, e.g.

"init_config": "./bmi_configs/pet/pet_{{id}}.ini"

Similarly, the forcings applied to each catchment in this example come from a single file, forcings.csv and are applied to each catchment in the domain. A more realistic realization could use a similar pattern substitution as seen above, or it could use the NetCDF and provide a single NetCDF file with each data for each catchment by id. An example NetCDF file can be found here.

"forcing": {
    "path": "./",
    "provider": "NetCDF"

Supplementary Configurations

Realization Config

Named realization.json in the top level demo directory. This realization configures

  • sloth to provide static inputs to cfe (from a C++ BMI libaray)
  • noah-owp-modular to provide land surface outputs (from a Fortran BMI library)
  • pet to provide evapotranspiration from (from a C BMI library)
  • cfe to provide rainfall runoff hydrologoy (from a C BMI library)

as the formulation used by all catchments in the hydrofabric. It runs a 720 hour (30 day) hourly simulation, forcing all catchments with the data from forcing.csv and puts the formulation outputs in output_dir. Finally, it configures a routing simulation (via the routing Python module) to run at the end of the rainfall runoff simulations and passes the routing module the routing_config.yaml.

More details on ngen realization configurations can be found in Realization Config and details on BMI formulations can be reviewd in Formulations-and-BMI

    "global": {
        "formulations": [
                "name": "bmi_multi",
                "params": {
                    "model_type_name": "bmi_multi_noahowp_cfe",
                    "forcing_file": "",
                    "init_config": "",
                    "allow_exceed_end_time": true,
                    "main_output_variable": "Q_OUT",
                    "modules": [
			    "name": "bmi_c++",
			    "params": {
                                "model_type_name": "bmi_c++_sloth",
                                "library_file": "../extern/sloth/cmake_build/libslothmodel",
                                "init_config": "/dev/null",
                                "allow_exceed_end_time": true,
                                "main_output_variable": "z",
                                "uses_forcing_file": false,
                                "model_params": {
				    "sloth_ice_fraction_schaake(1,double,m,node)": 0.0,
				    "sloth_ice_fraction_xinanjiang(1,double,1,node)": 0.0,
				    "sloth_smp(1,double,1,node)": 0.0
                            "name": "bmi_fortran",
                            "params": {
                                "model_type_name": "bmi_fortran_noahowp",
                                "library_file": "../extern/noah-owp-modular/cmake_build/libsurfacebmi",
                                "forcing_file": "",
                                "init_config": "./bmi_configs/noah.namelist",
                                "allow_exceed_end_time": true,
                                "main_output_variable": "QINSUR",
                                "variables_names_map": {
                                    "PRCPNONC": "atmosphere_water__liquid_equivalent_precipitation_rate",
                                    "Q2": "atmosphere_air_water~vapor__relative_saturation",
                                    "SFCTMP": "land_surface_air__temperature",
                                    "UU": "land_surface_wind__x_component_of_velocity",
                                    "VV": "land_surface_wind__y_component_of_velocity",
                                    "LWDN": "land_surface_radiation~incoming~longwave__energy_flux",
                                    "SOLDN": "land_surface_radiation~incoming~shortwave__energy_flux",
                                    "SFCPRS": "land_surface_air__pressure"
                                "uses_forcing_file": false
                            "name": "bmi_c",
                            "params": {
                                "model_type_name": "bmi_c_pet",
                                "library_file": "../extern/evapotranspiration/cmake_build/libpetbmi",
                                "forcing_file": "",
                                "init_config": "./bmi_configs/pet.ini",
                                "allow_exceed_end_time": true,
                                "main_output_variable": "water_potential_evaporation_flux",
                                "registration_function": "register_bmi_pet",
                                "variables_names_map": {
                                    "water_potential_evaporation_flux": "potential_evapotranspiration"
                                "uses_forcing_file": false
                            "name": "bmi_c",
                            "params": {
                                "model_type_name": "bmi_c_cfe",
                                "library_file": "../extern/cfe/cmake_build/libcfebmi",
                                "forcing_file": "",
                                "init_config": "./bmi_configs/cfe.ini",
                                "allow_exceed_end_time": true,
                                "main_output_variable": "Q_OUT",
                                "registration_function": "register_bmi_cfe",
                                "variables_names_map": {
                                    "water_potential_evaporation_flux": "potential_evapotranspiration",
                                    "atmosphere_water__liquid_equivalent_precipitation_rate": "QINSUR",
                                    "ice_fraction_schaake" : "sloth_ice_fraction_schaake",
                                    "ice_fraction_xinanjiang" : "sloth_ice_fraction_xinanjiang",
                                    "soil_moisture_profile" : "sloth_smp"
                                "uses_forcing_file": false
                    "uses_forcing_file": false
        "forcing": {
            "path": "./forcing.csv",
            "provider": "CsvPerFeature"
    "time": {
        "start_time": "2015-12-01 00:00:00",
        "end_time": "2015-12-30 23:00:00",
        "output_interval": 3600
    "output_root": "./output_dir/",
    "routing": {
        "t_route_config_file_with_path": "./routing_config.yaml"

Routing Config

Named routing_config.yaml in the top level demo directory

More details on current ngen and t-route integration can be found in Routing

  showtiming: True
  log_level : DEBUG
    network_type: HYFeaturesNetwork 
    geo_file_path: ./nextgen_01.gpkg
      key: 'id'
      downstream: 'toid'
      dx : 'length_m'
      n : 'n'
      ncc : 'nCC'
      s0 : 'So'
      bw : 'BtmWdth'
      waterbody : 'rl_NHDWaterbodyComID'
      gages : 'rl_gages'
      tw : 'TopWdth'
      twcc : 'TopWdthCC'
      musk : 'MusK'
      musx : 'MusX'
      cs : 'ChSlp'
      alt: 'alt'
      mainstem: 'mainstem'
    #duplicate_wb_segments: None
      break_network_at_waterbodies: False 
  parallel_compute_method: by-subnetwork-jit-clustered #serial 
  compute_kernel         : V02-structured
  assume_short_ts        : True
  subnetwork_target_size : 10000
  cpu_pool               : 1
    start_datetime: "2015-12-01 00:00:00"
    qts_subdivisions            : 12
    dt                          : 300 # [sec]
    qlat_input_folder           : ./output_dir/
    qlat_file_pattern_filter    : "nex-*"
    binary_nexus_file_folder    : #./ #NOTE: If memory issues arise while preprocessing forcing data, use this to create hourly binary files for forcing data.
    nts                         : 288 #288 for 1day
    max_loop_size               : 24 # [hr]  
    usgs_timeslices_folder   : ./usgs_TimeSlice/
    usace_timeslices_folder  : #usace_TimeSlice/
    timeslice_lookback_hours : #48 
    qc_threshold             : #1
      streamflow_nudging: False
        reservoir_persistence_usgs : False
        reservoir_persistence_usace: False
        reservoir_rfc_forecasts: False
  stream_output : 
    stream_output_directory: ./stream_output_dir/
    stream_output_time: 1 #[hr]
    stream_output_type: '.nc' #please select only between netcdf '.nc' or '.csv' or '.pkl'
    stream_output_internal_frequency: 60 #[min] it should be order of 5 minutes. For instance if you want to output every hour put 60 

BMI configs

In this demo, these should go in a directory named bmi_configs alongside the realization and routing configs above. Note that these configuartions are valid, but are not realistic. They were copied from the ngen test data configs.

soil_params.satdk=4.413e-06[m s-1]
Cgw=1.8e-05[m h-1]
&timing                                             ! and input/output paths
  dt                 = 3600.0                       ! timestep [seconds]
  startdate          = "200710010000"               ! UTC time start of simulation (YYYYMMDDhhmm)
  enddate            = "201912310000"               ! UTC time end of simulation (YYYYMMDDhhmm)
  forcing_filename   = "./forcing/cat-12.csv"      ! file containing forcing data
  output_filename    = "out_cat-12.csv"

  parameter_dir      = "./bmi_configs/parameters//"             ! location of input parameter files
  general_table      = "GENPARM.TBL"                ! general param tables and misc params
  soil_table         = "SOILPARM.TBL"               ! soil param table
  noahowp_table      = "MPTABLE.TBL"                ! model param tables (includes veg)
  soil_class_name    = "STAS"                       ! soil class data source - "STAS" or "STAS-RUC"
  veg_class_name     = "USGS"   ! vegetation class data source - "USGS" or "USGS"

&location                                           ! for point runs
  lat                = 43.162699841798855                        ! latitude [degrees]  (-90 to 90)
  lon                = -71.01223053521309                       ! longitude [degrees] (-180 to 180)
  terrain_slope      = 0.0                          ! terrain slope [degrees]
  azimuth            = 0.0                          ! terrain azimuth or aspect [degrees clockwise from north]

  ZREF               = 10.0                         ! measurement height for wind speed (m)
  rain_snow_thresh   = 1.0                          ! rain-snow temperature threshold (degrees Celcius)

&model_options                                      ! see OptionsType.f90 for details
  precip_phase_option               = 1
  snow_albedo_option                = 1 
  dynamic_veg_option                = 4
  runoff_option                     = 3
  drainage_option                   = 8
  frozen_soil_option                = 1
  dynamic_vic_option                = 1
  radiative_transfer_option         = 3
  sfc_drag_coeff_option             = 1
  canopy_stom_resist_option         = 1
  crop_model_option                 = 0
  snowsoil_temp_time_option         = 3
  soil_temp_boundary_option         = 2
  supercooled_water_option          = 1
  stomatal_resistance_option        = 1
  evap_srfc_resistance_option       = 4
  subsurface_option                 = 2

 isltyp           = 3               ! soil texture class
 nsoil            = 4               ! number of soil levels
 nsnow            = 3               ! number of snow levels
 nveg             = 27              ! number of vegetation types
 vegtyp           = 15               ! vegetation type
 croptype         = 0               ! crop type (0 = no crops; this option is currently inactive)
 sfctyp           = 1               ! land surface type, 1:soil, 2:lake
 soilcolor        = 4               ! soil color code

 dzsnso    =  0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.1,  0.3,  0.6,  1.0     ! level thickness [m]
 sice      =  0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0                       ! initial soil ice profile [m3/m3]
 sh2o      =  0.3,  0.3,  0.3,  0.3                       ! initial soil liquid profile [m3/m3]
 zwt       =  -2.0                                        ! initial water table depth below surface [m]

In addtion to these configs, the noah.namelist assumes a parameters subdirectory in the bmi_configs directory which includes the noah-mp parameter tables. These can be copied from the ngen test data

or from the demo folder, they can be copied from the ngen example data

cp -r ../data/gauge_01073000/NOAH/parameters bmi_configs/