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Adding Features (Pull Requests)

Michael Rossol edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

To make a contribution to this repository please follow the following steps:

  1. Ensure you have the most recent version of master and have set-up pre-commit hooks
  2. Create a feature branch off of master
    • git checkout -b new_feature_branch
  3. Make commits to your feature branch
  4. Once your feature is complete, rebase with master if necessary (to incorporate any changes made to master during your feature development)
    • git checkout master
    • git pull
    • git checkout your_feature_branch
    • git rebase origin/master
    • git push origin --force Make sure to force push after rebasing (see Git Best Practices for more details)
  5. Submit a pull request and specify a reviewer
  6. Integrate any necessary changes identified during code review
  7. Once the feature is complete and ready to be merged, update the version number by 0.1
  8. Merge feature branch into the master branch and delete the feature branch
    • Merge pull request using the Github pull request web interface
    • git branch -d your_feature_branch

Thanks for contributing!

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