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Add support for sending NServiceBus logging through Serilog


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Add support for sending NServiceBus logging through Serilog

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var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
Log.Logger = configuration.CreateLogger();


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NServiceBus can write a significant amount of information to the log. To limit this information use the filtering features of the underlying logging framework.

For example to limit log output to a specific namespace.

Here is a code configuration example for adding a Filter.

var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
        path: "log.txt",
        restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Debug
        inclusionPredicate: Matching.FromSource("MyNamespace"));
Log.Logger = configuration.CreateLogger();


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Writing diagnostic log entries to Serilog. Plugs into the low level pipeline to give more detailed diagnostics.

When using Serilog for tracing, it is optional to use Serilog as the main NServiceBus logger. i.e. there is no need to include LogManager.Use<SerilogFactory>();.

Create an instance of a Serilog logger

var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
var tracingLog = configuration.CreateLogger();

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Configure the tracing feature to use that logger

var serilogTracing = configuration.EnableSerilogTracing(tracingLog);

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Contextual logger

Serilog tracing injects a contextual Serilog.Ilogger into the NServiceBus pipeline.

NOTE: Saga and message tracing will use the current contextual logger.

There are several layers of enrichment based on the pipeline phase.

Endpoint enrichment

All loggers for an endpoint will have the property ProcessingEndpoint added that contains the current endpoint name.

Incoming message enrichment

When a message is received, the following enrichment properties are added:

Handler enrichment

When a handler is invoked, a new logger is forked from the above enriched physical logger with a new enriched property named Handler that contains the FullName of the current handler.

Outgoing message enrichment

When a message is sent, the same properties as described in "Incoming message enrichment" will be added to the outgoing pipeline. Note that if a handler sends a message, the logger injected into the outgoing pipeline will be forked from the logger instance as described in "Handler enrichment". As such it will contain a property Handler for the handler that sent the message.

Accessing the logger

The contextual logger instance can be accessed from anywhere in the pipeline via SerilogTracingExtensions.Logger(this IPipelineContext context).

public class HandlerUsingLogger :
    public Task Handle(TheMessage message, HandlerContext context)
        var logger = context.Logger();
        logger.Information("Hello from {@Handler}.");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

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Log extension methods

IPipelineContext also has extension methods added to expose direct Log* methods

public class HandlerUsingLog :
    public Task Handle(TheMessage message, HandlerContext context)
        context.LogInformation("Hello from {@Handler}.");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

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Example result of a contextual log entry

Exception enrichment

When an exception occurs in the message processing pipeline, the current pipeline state is added to the exception. When that exception is logged that state can be add to the log entry.

When a pipeline exception is logged, it will be enriched with the following properties:

  • ProcessingEndpoint will be the current endpoint name.
  • IncomingMessageId will be the value of the MessageId header.
  • IncomingTransportMessageId will be the MessageId from the underlying transport if it exist.
  • IncomingHeaders will be the value of the Message headers.
  • IncomingMessageType will be the message type FullName extracted from the EnclosedMessageTypes header. UnknownMessageType will be used if no header exists.
  • CorrelationId will be the value of the CorrelationId header if it exists.
  • ConversationId will be the value of the ConversationId header if it exists.
  • HandlerType will be type name for the current handler if it exists.
  • IncomingMessage will be the value of current logical message if it exists.
  • HandlerStartTime the UTC timestamp for when the handler started.
  • HandlerFailureTime the UTC timestamp for when the handler threw the exception.

Saga tracing

var serilogTracing = configuration.EnableSerilogTracing(logger);

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Example Logs

  logsForTarget: [
      MessageTemplate: Hello from {@Saga}. Message: {@Message},
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        Handler: TheSaga,
        IncomingMessageId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageType: StartSaga,
        IncomingMessageTypeLong: StartSaga, Tests, Version=,
        Message: {
          TypeTag: StartSaga,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        Saga: TheSaga,
        SourceContext: StartSaga
      MessageTemplate: Receive message {IncomingMessageType} {IncomingMessageId} ({ElapsedTime:N3}s).,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ContentType: text/xml,
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        ElapsedTime: {Scrubbed},
        FinishTime: DateTimeOffset_1,
        IncomingMessage: {
          TypeTag: StartSaga,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
        IncomingMessageId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageType: StartSaga,
        IncomingMessageTypeLong: StartSaga, Tests, Version=,
        MessageIntent: Send,
        OriginatingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        OriginatingHostId: Guid_3,
        OriginatingMachine: TheMachineName,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        ReplyToAddress: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        Serilog.SagaStateChange: {Scrubbed},
        SourceContext: StartSaga,
        StartTime: DateTimeOffset_2,
        TimeSent: DateTimeOffset_3
      MessageTemplate: Saga execution {SagaType} {SagaId} ({ElapsedTime:N3}s).,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        ElapsedTime: {Scrubbed},
        Entity: {
          TypeTag: TheSagaData,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
              Id: Guid_4
              Originator: SerilogTestsStartSaga
              OriginalMessageId: Guid_2
        FinishTime: DateTimeOffset_4,
        IncomingMessageId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageType: StartSaga,
        IncomingMessageTypeLong: StartSaga, Tests, Version=,
        Initiator: {
          Elements: {
            "IsSagaTimeout": false,
            "MessageId": Guid_2,
            "OriginatingMachine": TheMachineName,
            "OriginatingEndpoint": SerilogTestsStartSaga,
            "MessageType": StartSaga,
            "TimeSent": DateTimeOffset_5,
            "Intent": Send
        IsCompleted: false,
        IsNew: true,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        ResultingMessages: {
          Elements: [
              Elements: {
                "Id": Guid_5,
                "Type": BackIntoSaga,
                "Intent": Send,
                "Destination": SerilogTestsStartSaga
        SagaId: Guid_4,
        SagaType: TheSaga,
        SourceContext: StartSaga,
        StartTime: DateTimeOffset_6
      MessageTemplate: Sent message {OutgoingMessageType} {OutgoingMessageId}.,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ContentType: text/xml,
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        MessageIntent: Send,
        OriginatingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        OriginatingHostId: Guid_3,
        OriginatingMachine: TheMachineName,
        OutgoingMessage: {
          TypeTag: StartSaga,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
        OutgoingMessageId: Guid_2,
        OutgoingMessageType: StartSaga,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        ReplyToAddress: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        SourceContext: StartSaga,
        UnicastRoutes: {
          Elements: [
      MessageTemplate: Sent message {OutgoingMessageType} {OutgoingMessageId}.,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ContentType: text/xml,
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageType: StartSaga,
        IncomingMessageTypeLong: StartSaga, Tests, Version=,
        MessageIntent: Send,
        OriginatingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        OriginatingHostId: Guid_3,
        OriginatingMachine: TheMachineName,
        OriginatingSagaId: Guid_4,
        OriginatingSagaType: TheSaga,
        OutgoingMessage: {
          TypeTag: BackIntoSaga,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
        OutgoingMessageId: Guid_5,
        OutgoingMessageType: BackIntoSaga,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        RelatedTo: Guid_2,
        ReplyToAddress: SerilogTestsStartSaga,
        SourceContext: StartSaga,
        UnicastRoutes: {
          Elements: [

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Message tracing

Both incoming and outgoing messages will be logged at the Information level. The current message will be included in a property named Message. For outgoing messages any unicast routes will be included in a property named UnicastRoutes.

var serilogTracing = configuration.EnableSerilogTracing(logger);

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Example Logs

  logsForTarget: [
      MessageTemplate: Hello from {@Handler}.,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        Handler: TheHandler,
        IncomingMessageId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageType: StartHandler,
        IncomingMessageTypeLong: StartHandler, Tests, Version=,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        SourceContext: StartHandler
      MessageTemplate: Receive message {IncomingMessageType} {IncomingMessageId} ({ElapsedTime:N3}s).,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ContentType: application/json,
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        ElapsedTime: {Scrubbed},
        FinishTime: DateTimeOffset_1,
        IncomingMessage: {
          TypeTag: StartHandler,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
        IncomingMessageId: Guid_2,
        IncomingMessageType: StartHandler,
        IncomingMessageTypeLong: StartHandler, Tests, Version=,
        MessageIntent: Send,
        OriginatingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        OriginatingHostId: Guid_3,
        OriginatingMachine: TheMachineName,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        ReplyToAddress: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        SourceContext: StartHandler,
        StartTime: DateTimeOffset_2,
        TimeSent: DateTimeOffset_3
      MessageTemplate: Sent message {OutgoingMessageType} {OutgoingMessageId}.,
      Level: Information,
      Properties: {
        ContentType: application/json,
        ConversationId: Guid_1,
        CorrelationId: Guid_2,
        MessageIntent: Send,
        OriginatingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        OriginatingHostId: Guid_3,
        OriginatingMachine: TheMachineName,
        OutgoingMessage: {
          TypeTag: StartHandler,
          Properties: [
              Property: TheProperty
        OutgoingMessageId: Guid_2,
        OutgoingMessageType: StartHandler,
        ProcessingEndpoint: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        ReplyToAddress: SerilogTestsStartHandler,
        SourceContext: StartHandler,
        UnicastRoutes: {
          Elements: [

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Startup diagnostics

Startup diagnostics is, in addition to its default file location, also written to Serilog with the level of Warning.

class StartupDiagnostics(IReadOnlySettings settings, ILogger logger) :
    protected override Task OnStart(IMessageSession session, Cancel cancel = default)
        var properties = BuildProperties(settings, logger);

        var templateParser = new MessageTemplateParser();
        var messageTemplate = templateParser.Parse("DiagnosticEntries");
        var logEvent = new LogEvent(
            timestamp: DateTimeOffset.Now,
            level: LogEventLevel.Warning,
            exception: null,
            messageTemplate: messageTemplate,
            properties: properties);
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    static IEnumerable<LogEventProperty> BuildProperties(
        IReadOnlySettings settings,
        ILogger logger)
        var entries = settings.ReadStartupDiagnosticEntries();
        foreach (var entry in entries)
            if (entry.Name == "Features")

            var name = CleanEntry(entry.Name);
            if (logger.BindProperty(name, entry.Data, out var property))
                yield return property;

    internal static string CleanEntry(string entry)
        if (entry.StartsWith("NServiceBus."))
            return entry[12..];

        return entry;

    protected override Task OnStop(IMessageSession session, Cancel cancel = default) =>

    ILogger logger = logger.ForContext<StartupDiagnostics>();

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Logging to Seq

To log to Seq:

var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
var tracingLog = configuration.CreateLogger();

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The sample illustrates how to customize logging by configuring Serilog targets and rules.

Configure Serilog

var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
Log.Logger = configuration.CreateLogger();

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var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
var logger = configuration.CreateLogger();
var serilogFactory = LogManager.Use<SerilogFactory>();

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Pass the configuration to NServiceBus


var configuration = new EndpointConfiguration("SerilogSample");

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var configuration = new EndpointConfiguration("SeqSample");
var serilogTracing = configuration.EnableSerilogTracing(tracingLog);

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Ensure logging is flushed on shutdown

await endpoint.Stop();

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await endpoint.Stop();

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Seq Sample

Illustrates customizing Serilog usage to log to Seq.


An instance of Seq running one http://localhost:5341.

Configure Serilog

var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
Log.Logger = configuration.CreateLogger();

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var configuration = new LoggerConfiguration();
var logger = configuration.CreateLogger();
var serilogFactory = LogManager.Use<SerilogFactory>();

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Pass that configuration to NServiceBus


var configuration = new EndpointConfiguration("SerilogSample");

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var configuration = new EndpointConfiguration("SeqSample");
var serilogTracing = configuration.EnableSerilogTracing(tracingLog);

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Ensure logging is flushed on shutdown

await endpoint.Stop();

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await endpoint.Stop();

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Brain designed by Rémy Médard from The Noun Project.


Add support for sending NServiceBus logging through Serilog



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