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Nayruden edited this page Nov 10, 2010 · 1 revision

This is the design document. See offense player defense player.

High-level overview

This is a two-player game. Each player uses his own computer. Play happens over a TCP network connection.

The game is turn-based. Each player has an "adjust" mode and a "play" mode. See offense player defense player for details.

Component-level overview

  • Graphics. The following systems have been identified:
    • Tile subsystem. Displays terrain, etc. Will probably need to do some minimal compositing and z-ordering to draw things on top of other things.
    • Sprite subsystem. Displays offense player's ship, and defense player's turrets, defenses, etc. Bullets / weapon fire. Possibly special effects.
    • Menu subsystem. Displays health and status information. APIs to create buttons or windows to handle defense player's level editing. etc.
  • Gamplay. The following systems have been identified:
    • Game entities, including offense player's ship, defense player's defenses, bullets / weapon fire, things to do / simulations with the power system, terrain, etc.
    • Basic 2D physics and collision detection.
  • Network. Need to propagate updates in the game state to the other player's system. Assume a fast network.
  • Sound
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