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Funnycube edited this page Apr 22, 2023 · 23 revisions

JavaScript-Expansion is an expansion for the Spigot plugin PlaceholderAPI.

Dev builds: Build Status


  1. Download the expansion from the eCloud page.
  2. Copy the expansion to the /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/ folder.
  3. Reload PlaceholderAPI with /papi reload
  4. Download/make some scripts.
  5. Profit?


Aliases: javascriptexpansion, jsexp. Commands require the permission node placeholderapi.js.admin.

Usage (General):

  • /jsexpansion - Display expansion info.
  • /jsexpansion reload - Reloads the expansion. This command is recommended over /papi reload because it does not interfere with PlaceholderAPI or reloading other expansions.
  • /jsexpansion list - Display loaded scripts.

Usage (Debug):

  • /jsexpansion parse [me/<player_name>] [code] - Parse Javascript script locally
  • /jsexpansion loaddata [script_name] - Load all save data from file into cache
  • /jsexpansion savedata [script_name] - Save all data from cache to file

The following commands require the github_script_downloads config option be set to true in the PlaceholderAPI config:

  • /jsexpansion git list - Display the names of all available scripts from the Javascript Expansion Github.
  • /jsexpansion git info <name> - Display information on a script from our Github collection.
  • /jsexpansion git download <name> - Download a script from Github to your scripts folder.


All JS-Expansion configurations will be placed inside your PlaceholderAPI plugin's config.yml

The configuration will look like this:

    debug: false
    github_script_downloads: false
    argument_split: ','
    use_quick_js: true
  • debug - Enable/Disable debug messages printed on console
  • github_script_downloads - Enable this option for downloading scripts from Github. See more
  • argument_split - Specify symbol for splitting arguments, defaulting to , if the specified splitting symbol is _. See more
  • use_quick_js - Switch to the QuickJS engine. If disabled, nashorn will be used. Careful! QuickJS breaks on some platforms!

Community Scripts

Want to try out some pre-made scripts from the community and see what the JavaScript Expansion can do? All you have to do is enable the github_script_downloads config option in the PlaceholderAPI config.yml. From there use the 'git' subcommands to check out the scripts we have available in this repo.

If you would like to contribute, simply submit a PR with your script!

Example scripts can be found here