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Coding Style

SokoloffA edited this page Feb 9, 2013 · 11 revisions

This document describes the recommended coding style for Razor-qt project. Nobody is forced to use this style, but to have consistent formatting of the source code files it is recommended to make use of it.


  • No tabs
  • 4 Spaces instead of one tab

Variable declaration

  • Each variable declaration on a new line
  • Each new word in a variable name starts with a capital letter (so-called camelCase)
  • Underlining is used only for special cases
  • All class members must be prefixed with 'm'
  • Avoid abbreviations
  • Take useful names. No short names, except:
  • Single character variable names can denote counters and temporary variables whose purpose is obvious
  • Variables and functions start with a lowercase letter


// Wrong
KProgressBar *prbar;
QString prtxt, errstr, file_Name;
class A 
    int count;

// Correct
KProgressBar *downloadProgressBar;
QString progressText;
QString errorString;
DbusMounter busMounter_hal;
DbusMounter busMounter_udisk;
class A
    int mCount;


  • Use blank lines to group statements
  • Use one space after each keyword
  • For pointers or references, use a single space before '*' or '&', but not after
  • No space after a cast


// Wrong
QString* myString;
// Correct
QString *myString;
if (true) 


As a base rule, the left curly brace always goes on the separate line:


// Correct
static void foo(int g)
    if (g)
        qDebug("foo: %i", g);
        qDebug("foo: zero");
class Moo

Switch statements

Case labels are on the same column as the switch


// Correct
switch (myEnum) 
case Value1:
case Value2:
    // fall through

Line breaks

Try to keep lines shorter than 100 characters, inserting line breaks as necessary.

Including headers

  • In source files, include specialized headers first, then generic headers.


// right
#include <qstring.h> // Qt class
#include <new> // STL stuff
#include <limits.h> // system stuff
  • If you need to include qplatformdefs.h, always include it as the first header file.

  • If you need to include qt_x11_p.h, always include it as the last header file.

Unnecessary trailing whitespaces

  • Check for unnecessary whitespaces with "git diff --check" before committing.

Automatic code formatting script

A shell script can be found at scripts/ It depends on astyle => 1.24.

It applies razor-qt coding style to all c, cpp and header files in and below the current directory.

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