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Software Version

Rob Linsalata edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 10 revisions

Robot Software Version

NOTE: If asked what "version" you're running, this is probably the one we mean.
It is convenient to report the software version running on the robot when reporting a ticket.

  1. cd to the sdk examples directory on the development workstation

    $ cd ~/ros_ws
  2. Run

    $ ./
  3. Run rosparm to get the software version

    $ rosparam get /rethink/software_version

Workstation (git) SDK Software Version

You should make sure you have a compatible version of the SDK software from the github repository checked out and running on your Developer Workstation. The version number corresponds to the git 'tag' you checked out.

There are two ways to check this:

  1. Look at version listed at the top of the file in the ~/ros_ws/src/baxter directory.

  2. Look for the "closest" tag in your git checkout:

    $ cd ~/ros_ws/src
    $ cd 'baxter' # OR 'baxter_common' OR 'baxter_examples' OR 'baxter_inteface' OR 'baxter_tools'
    $ git describe

In this case, the version would be "v0.7.0".

Gripper Firmware Version

The Electric Grippers need to be on the same version as the Robot Software. If attached during a Robot Software Update, the Gripper Firmware will be updated automatically as part of the process. Otherwise, you can always update or check the firmware version through the FSM Tests in the Field Service Menu (FSM).

You can also check the version of your grippers from the command line on your workstation.

  • From an RSDK Shell run (for left_gripper and right_gripper):

    $ rostopic echo /robot/end_effector/left_gripper/properties

    Example response:

    id: 65538
    ui_type: 2
    manufacturer: Rethink Robotics, Inc.
    product: Electric Parallel Gripper
    serial_number: 4166823565
    firmware_rev: 0.7.0 4.0
    firmware_date: 2013/11/20 13:16:00
    controls_grip: True
    senses_grip: True
    reverses_grip: True
    controls_force: True
    senses_force: True
    controls_position: True
    senses_position: True
    properties: ''
  • Look for the value in the firmware_rev field. For this example we see the firmware version is 0.7.0.

    firmware_rev: 0.7.0 4.0

    If this number does not match your Robot Software version (higher or lower), it is very important you update the Gripper Firmware in the Field Service Menu (FSM) right away. Mismatched firmware can cause gripper jamming and errors.

Other Versions

There are a couple other versions of mention for your Development Workstation Setup. You will want to make sure that these system or software versions meet the Recommended System Requirements.

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