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Core API Details

Sharad Chitlangia edited this page May 21, 2020 · 1 revision


1) Algorithms

  • An algorithm must be written as a class within a genrl/<algo_domain><domain>/<algo_name>/<algo_name>.py file
  • Must give option for policy, value function (according to and and envs.
  • The algo class should have at least the following 4 methods, __init__(), select_action(), update_params() and learn(). Apart from these, helper functions can be added.
  • __init__():
    • conversion of user class arguments to class variables (self.x)
    • instantiating logging and seeds.
    • create model
  • select_action():
    • implement policy using classes available in the file
    • return selected action
  • update_params():
    • compute loss
    • take learning step
  • learn():
    • implements training loop for algorithm
    • should include rendering, printing and tensorboard logging options.
  • Add inline documentation (Refer to implemented classes)

2) Policies and Value functions

  • Includes classes for common policy and value functions
  • Any newly implemented policy or value function class should be implemented and recorded in the policy_registry or value_registry to enable access from get_policy_from_name() and get_value_from_name()
  • A policy class should implement separate forward() and sample_action() methods since they may be called separately from the algo class. [This may change following the PR for GeneralPolicy]
  • Don't forget to account for all possible env and state/action space configurations.
  • Add inline documentation (Refer to implemented classes)

Note:: Any implemented method or class must be added (if required) to the corresponding file.

Linting and Style:

  • We are following the pylint linter specifications.
  • In order to ensure uniformity in terms of style, reformat your code using black before merging.


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  • Fork the main repository.
  • For each issue, work on a new branch to your fork. Once you have committed to it, open a PR or draft PR to this repository.
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