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Release of VIC 4.0.4

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@jhamman jhamman released this 20 Aug 19:34
· 2688 commits to master since this release

June 4, 2003: VIC release 4.0.4beta r2

This covers bugs found during tests with the snow algorithm.

    solve_snow.c: Bug found by KAC
    Counter for number of days since last snowfall was 
    incremented twice in the MELTING update.  This has been
solve_snow.c: modification by KAC
    Added check so that MELTING flag is only TRUE if melt
    occurs in the melt season - currently this is defined
    between March 1 and October 1.  Otherwise the MELTING
    flag can trigger rapid very early season melt
write_model_state.c, read_initial_model_state.c, open_state_file.c,
check_state_file.c: Modification by KAC
    Modified to handle both ASCII and BINARY state files.
    NOTE: ASCII mode is designed to make it easier to create 
    a state file for initializing a point model.  It includes 
    all features of the Binary state file, but values are 
    truncated so the resulting restart will not be identical.
    If you need an exact restart, use the Binary files.  Also
    removed ice content from the state file as it is computed
    at the beginning of each time step, so storing its value
    is unnecessary.

April 23, 2003: VIC release 4.0.4beta r1

This covers bug fixes found by beta testers and fixed in the version of
the code bundled with this file.

surface_fluxes.c: (found by Ingjerd Haddeland)
    Indexing fix sent SNOW_STEP to calc_surf_energy_bal rather
    than the model time step, meaning that without snow the 
    evaporation was computed for SNOW_STEP hours rather than a
    full day.  This was fixed by introducing step_inc to 
    index the arrays, while step_dt keeps track of the correct
    time step. 

March 27, 2003: VIC release 4.0.4beta

This release covers patches for several bugs found in 4.0.3, which were
never formally released (i.e. the downloadable source code was modified,
but no major announcement was made). It also includes other fixes and
modifications that have been identified as being needed prior to releasing
version 4.1.0, which will involve several significant changes (including
lakes & wetlands, spatial snow & frost, and a closed canopy energy balance).


Snow albedo update: (found by Keith)
     In previous releases, the snow albedo function has been hyper 
     sensitive to trace amounts of snowfall during the melt period.  
     Whenever new snow falls or the cold content falls below 0, the 
     albedo is switched from the ablation curve to the accumulation 
     curve.  This curve is then followed until the cold content 
     exceeds 0, indicating it is in the spring melt season.  This is 
     fine when accounting for thin early season snowpacks or mid-
     season melt events, however, a cold snap or light dusting of 
     snow should not reset the snowpack albedo to much higher winter 
     values for days or weeks at a time.  This release of the model 
     monitors the state of pack with the variable MELTING.  This 
     flag keeps the snowpack on the ablation curve unless new snow-
     fall exceeds a threshold (TraceSnow in user_def.h) indicating 
     that the top of the snowpack should be represented by the albedo 
     of the new snow.
Model initialization: (found by Ulysses and Keith)
     In previous releases, the initialization of soil layer moist[] 
     and ice[] was within a second set of loops for band and 
     vegetation, using the same counters.  Because of the dual use
     of counters, initialization was not completed correctly.  The
     primary effect of this was that thermal node values beyond the
     first vegetation type were not correctly initialized, which 
     caused the model to crash during some simulations with full
         energy or frozen soils active.  Without frozen soil, most 
     simulations would compensate for the problem within their
     spin-up time, so it is unlikely that this bug impacts any 
     simulations not employing frozen soil.
Snow time step: (found by Andy, et al.)
     The snow algorithm needs to run sub-daily for the energy balance
     components to function properly.  This means that for daily 
     simulations, the snow model must be solved at a finer (sub-daily)
     time step.  In the previous release, initialize_atmos.c stored
     sub-daily met data in each days variable using positions (e.g. 
         0,1,..8 for 3 hour data).  In surface_fluxes.c the model indexed 
     the sub-daily time steps used by the snow algorithm with hours 
     (e.g. 0,3,6,...21 for three hour data).  This means the arrays
     were incorrectly indexed and the resulting model simulations 
     would be wrong.  The fix implemented here has been tested under 
     several model configurations and is deemed the official version.
     WARNING: There are several versions of this fix circulating,
     please update your code to this version - the previous fixes
     may not work in all circumstances!
FROZEN_SOIL active flag: (found by Ed and Justin)
     The cause of the problem is a bug in the code that occurs when 
     the global frozen soils flag (FROZEN_SOILS) is set to true but 
     the individual cell frozen soil flag (FS_ACTIVE) is set to 
     false. This causes the change in soil heat storage to be 
     calculated incorrectly.  This was fixed by adding additional
     conditions within frozen_soil.c and initialize_model_state.c,
     which verify the FS_ACTIVE is TRUE before running 
     estimate_layer_ice_content.  This avoids the problem of the 
     soil layer ice content being set to a positive value, ignored
     by the rest of the model.
Vapor pressure: (Keith)
     All internal vapor pressure calculations are now done in 
     Pascals.  Previous release versions, switched between Pa
     and kPa, so this simply removes the extra step.  The input
     file format is unchanged, so there should be no change to
     model output (model might run slightly faster, but it is
     also unlikely that this will be witnessed by a normal user).
Constant dew despite changing LAI: (Dave Peterson)
     The modification of read_vegparam.c to update LAI based on 
     a grid cell specific value did not change the values of Wdmax.  
     Wdmax values were computed in read_veglib.c based on the 
     default LAI values, so they did not necessarily reflect the 
     actually LAI values used for the grid cell.  Values for Wdmax 
     are now computed in read_vegparam.c whenever GLOBAL_LAI are 
     provided.  The effects of this change will change in magnitude
     based on how different the cell LAI values are from those in
     the default library file.
DRY_TIME error: (Reinur Schnur)
     DRY_TIME in dist_prcp.c was incremented by the time step in 
     hours.  Then to see if the current rain was part of the same 
     storm or the start of a new one, DRY_TIME was checked to see 
     if it was greater than or equal to 24/dt.  This compares 
     DRY_TIME in hours to the model time step.  The "/dt" has been 
     removed, so now DRY_TIME is checked versus the hours since the 
     last storm.
State file: (KAC)
     *** WARNING: This may require modifications to your global file ***
     The state file has been modified to account for model updates.
     It has also been converted to write binary files - this makes 
     them less convenient to edit, but means that model starts using
     the same forcing, soil and vegetation files will produce the
     exact same results.  There has also been a slight change in how
     the global file is set up to restart the model.  The global
     file should now have the same year, month, day and hour as the 
     original global file - the VIC model will compute the number of
     records to skip at the beginning to reach the point where the 
     model state was saved.  This means that calculations to yield
     sub-daily metrological forcings from daily forcings will produce 
     the exact same forcing values -> this also means that restarted
     simulations will be exactly the same as the original run.  Slight
     variations in the model results were also introduced because the
     method for storing soil node depths led to the possibility of 
     very small differences in dz_node for the restarted model.  
     Previous versions also did not store the snowpack cold content,
     this meant that for restarts during winter, the snowpack albedo
     might start on the ablation curve (as cold content was initialized
     to 0 and not to a value less than 0) rather than the accumulation
     curve.  This could lead to slight differences in the snowpack
     if no new snow fell and the snowpack was not melting - but
     after 10 years of simulations the differences were minor.  As 
     noted above the new version of the state file should allow the
     model to be restarted and to produce exactly the same results as
     the original complete result.  If there are cases where this is
     not true, please report.  If you edit the read/write model state
     functions - BE VERY CAREFUL to edit Nbytes to reflect any changes.
     This is an added feature which computes the treeline elevation
     in the current grid cell and does not include vegetation 
     fractions with overstory in the grid cell averages for snow bands
     that exceed the treeline elevation.  This feature was added
     to the model to reduce the appearance of "glaciers" in high
     elevation snow bands.  It computes average annual July air
     temperatures using the temperature data from the atmospheric
     forcing files (WARNING - elevation of treeline may change if
     the period of forcing data used changes).  It then lapses the
     average annual July air temperature to locate the elevation 
     at which it equals 10C.  This is assumed to be the treeline,
     so vegetation types with overstory in snow bands with average 
     elevations higher than this, are excluded from the grid cell
     average variables in put_data.c.  For the time being full 
     energy and water balances are still computed for these 
     vegetation fractions, and no attempt is made to verify that
     a snow band has a non-overstory vegetation type that can be 
     expanded to represent the coverage area lost due to the 
     exclusion of the overstory fraction.