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utbot logging

Olga Naumenko edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision

UTBot logging principles

Server log

The server generates two types of data: logs and temporary files needed to generate tests. Log data is written into logs folder placed inside the docker container. The path in which folder is created can be managed by passing --log /my/path option to UnitTestBot binary. The default path for this option is the home folder: /home/{$USERNAME}/logs.

The same principles are applied to the temporary directory tmp, in which the artifacts are placed and which path you can control via --tmp /my/path option.

The logs folder structure is represented in the following way:

  • logs
    • client1
      • everything.log
      • latest_readable.log
      • project1
        • stage1
          • timestamp.log
        • stage2
          • timestamp.log
      • project2
    • client2
    • everything.log
    • latest_readable.log

As you can see, the server creates a subdirectory for each client. There are two files inside it: one of them stores every log message written during the execution of the requests from this client, while the other stores INFO level logs from the last session. There are ERROR, WARNING, INFO and DEBUG logging levels.

Besides writing server log to files, UTBot sends the same logs to clients so they can be viewed in VS Code directly. You can find them in a tab called UTBot: Server Log.


Logging level can be changed using the UTBot: Log Settings menu item.


Client logs

Client logs monitors sent requests and received responses. They can be viewed in UTBot: Client Log tab.


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