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个人信息 Personal Information

  • 年龄 Age: 25
  • 邮箱 Email: [email protected]
  • 现居地 Location: 广州 Guangzhou


Focused on the Web3 sector, seeking a remote position in smart contract development, or on-site opportunities in Shanghai, Hangzhou, or Shenzhen, ready to start immediately.

项目经验 Project Experience

BrickinNFT黑客松项目 BrickinNFT Hackathon Project
2023.06 - 2023.07
As a backend contract developer in the hackathon, I was responsible for the design and implementation of BrickinNFT, a decentralized trading and liquidity platform based on blockchain. Supported various token exchanges and liquidity management. Provided a unique liquidity profit distribution mechanism for NFT holders and collaborated with front-end personnel to design a user-friendly trading interface. Successfully propelled the project into the finals.

基于 Sui 的质押协议 Sui-based Staking Protocol
2023.06 - 2023.07
独立开发基于sui技术的质押协议。通过利用sui move的特性,该模块提高了不同质押池的互操作性。这种设计不仅简化了流程,还实现了1+1>2的协同效益。已经上链,使得未来的开发者可以迅速搭建自己的质押池子。
Spearheaded the independent development of a staking protocol leveraging the unique capabilities of the Sui technology. By capitalizing on the features of Sui Move, the module significantly improved the interoperability between different staking pools. This innovative design not only streamlined processes but also realized a synergistic effect where the whole became greater than the sum of its parts. The protocol has been deployed on-chain, providing a fast-track solution for future developers to establish and manage their own staking pools.

区块链多链钱包应用 Blockchain Multi-Chain Wallet Application
2023.07 - 2023.08
Completed independently, responsible for the comprehensive development of a highly secure blockchain multi-chain wallet application, implemented in Go language, optimizing data processing and transaction execution efficiency.
Integrated mnemonic and private key management features, providing basic cryptographic asset protection and recovery options.
Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Tron. Available as a standalone Chrome extension and a local runtime version, greatly enhancing usability and security.

电商项目:基于Halo2的去中心化身份验证独立开发 E-Commerce Project: Independent Development of Decentralized Identity Verification Based on Halo2
Developed a decentralized identity verification system based on Halo2 technology. Users can create a blockchain-based identity containing their basic authentication information. When users need to authenticate on any supported platform, they can use Halo2's zero-knowledge proof technology to verify the validity of their identity without revealing any detailed information beyond what is necessary. Users need not disclose specific details, just prove they possess a valid identity. This identity can be reused across multiple platforms without repeating the authentication process. Utilizing the security and immutability of blockchain reduces the risk of identity theft and fraud, granting users full control over their identity information.

工作经历 Work Experience

Opensource 公司 Opensource Company
后端开发 | 钱包维护与扩链 Backend Developer | Wallet Maintenance and Expansion
2023.12 - 至今 Present
在加入 Opensource 公司后,我主要负责维护和扩展公司的数字钱包服务。
起初,该钱包只支持 Binance Smart Chain (BSC) 网络,我成功地实现了对波场(Tron)、以太坊(Ethereum)、Solana、Polygon 以及 Arbitrum 网络的集成。
Upon joining Opensource Company, my primary responsibilities have been maintaining and expanding the company's digital wallet service. Initially supporting only the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), I successfully integrated support for Tron, Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and Arbitrum networks. This task required an in-depth understanding of each chain's technical details and ensuring that the integrated wallet system met industry standards in security and performance. My contributions significantly enhanced the product's competitiveness and provided users with a broader range of cryptocurrency management options.

生态贡献 Ecological Contributions

web3url 项目 Web3url Project
独立开发并完善了 web3url 项目,该项目支持以太坊的 EIP-4804 和 EIP-6860,使得链上资源能够类似于 HTTP 那样被访问,为区块链的可互操作性做出了重大贡献。
Independently developed and enhanced the web3url project, which supports Ethereum's EIP-4804 and EIP-6860, enabling chain resources to be accessed like HTTP. This has significantly contributed to blockchain interoperability.
项目链接 Project Link: GitHub - web3url

Dart 库独立开发贡献 Independent Contributions to Dart Libraries

  • dart_polygon:
    独立开发的 DartPolygon 库,专注于 Dart 与 Polygon (Matic) 网络的集成,提供了 Ethereum 兼容链的高效交易方案。
    Independently developed the DartPolygon library, focusing on integrating Dart with the Polygon (Matic) network to provide efficient transaction solutions for Ethereum-compatible chains. Project Link: GitHub - dart_polygon

  • dart_arbitrum:
    独立开发 DartArbitrum 库,为 Dart 开发者提供了便捷的工具,以轻松整合 Arbitrum 层二扩容解决方案。 Developed the DartArbitrum library independently, offering Dart developers convenient tools to seamlessly integrate with the Arbitrum Layer 2 scaling solution.
    Project Link: GitHub - dart_arbitrum

  • dart_solana:
    Independently developed the DartSolana library, a comprehensive Dart library tailored for the Solana blockchain ecosystem. 独立开发 DartSolana 库,这是一个为 Solana 区块链生态系统定制的综合 Dart 库。 Project Link: GitHub - dart_solana

  • dart_tron: 独立开发 DartTron 库,提供了与 Tron 区块链交互所需的 Dart 工具和库。 Developed the DartTron library, providing Dart tools and libraries needed for interacting with the Tron blockchain.
    Project Link: GitHub - dart_tron

技能总结 Skills Summary

  • 编程语言 Programming Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, Solidity, Rust, Move
  • 区块链开发 Blockchain Development: Proficient in Solidity, Cairo, Vyper, Move languages; familiar with ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, ERC-1155 standards; development of smart contracts using web3.js, Hardhat, go-eth.
  • 服务器与中间件 Server & Middleware: Nginx, Tomcat, Redis, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ
  • 操作系统 Operating Systems: Proficient with Unix-like and Windows environments

语言能力 Language Proficiency

  • 英语 English: 熟练掌握,具有良好的沟通和写作能力 Proficient, with good communication and writing skills
  • 韩语 Korean: 基础会话水平 Basic conversational level
  • 日语 Japanese: 基础会话水平 Basic conversational level

教育背景 Education Background

西安邮电大学 Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
智能科学与技术 Intelligence Science and Technology | Bachelor's Degree
Majored in machine learning and NLP voice recognition. Started focusing on blockchain direction at the end of 2022.
毕业时间 Graduation Date: June 2022


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