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Text Generation Inference Server

This repo is an early fork of

It was developed internally in IBM and diverged somewhat from the original repo, but we have tried to keep aligned as much as possible - pulling in relevant upstream changes and contributing features/improvements back. This is an ongoing process and there's a backlog in both directions which we hope to work through quickly.

It's not clear yet whether/when we will be able to reconcile the repos completely because goals/priorities of the projects may differ in some cases. Decisions related to design or implementation approaches are also sometimes different.

Some features here are similar/equivalent to those in the upstream repo but are implemented differently. This is generally because we had implemented them first internally, and they were subsequently implemented independently in the upstream repo before we had had a chance to contribute back that feature. One example of this is response streaming. In some other cases we had opened PRs against the upstream repo but the maintainers decided to reimplement in another way.

Some upstream changes were intentionally not pulled in because they weren't required for our current usage, for example OPT/Galactica model support. Others we have just not caught up with and ported back yet.

Some of the differences in this repo

  • gRPC front-end interface instead of REST, different arrangement of API parameters
  • Support for batch inputs in the API
  • Tokenization API
  • More comprehensive CI tests (excluding flash attention impls)
  • Configurable inference engine abstraction
  • UBI based container image

Some of the changes we're contributing back or plan to contribute back soon

  • Dynamic batch sizing (upstream PR)
  • Detokenization and stopping evaluation done on rust side (upstream PR)
    • Includes parity of streaming and non-streaming output
  • More granular "extra token details" options
  • "top n" candidate token output option
  • Return token ranks in addition to logprobs
  • Length penalty, min new tokens parameters
  • Optimum integration (for Onnx Runtime and BetterTransformer)
  • Support for tuned prompts, as trained via the PEFT library (not for flash or sharded impls yet)
  • Support for PyTorch 2 compile

Run the integration tests

make integration-tests

Build the final container image

make build

Deploy model in Kubernetes/OpenShift

cd deployment
./ <model-subdir-name>

Model configuration

When deploying TGIS, the MODEL_NAME environment variable can contain either the full name of a model on the Hugging Face hub (such as google/flan-ul2) or an absolute path to a (mounted) model directory inside the container. In the former case, the TRANSFORMERS_CACHE and HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE environment variables should be set to the path of a mounted directory containing a local HF hub model cache, see this kustomize patch as an example.

Downloading model weights

TGIS will not download model data at runtime. To populate the local HF hub cache with models so that it can be used per above, the image can be run with the following command:

text-generation-server download-weights model_name

where model_name is the name of the model on the HF hub. Ensure that it's run with the same mounted directory and TRANSFORMERS_CACHE and HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE environment variables, and that it has write access to this mounted filesystem.

This will attempt to download weights in .safetensors format, and if those aren't in the HF hub will download pytorch .bin weights and then convert them to .safetensors.

If needed, specific file extensions can be downloaded by using the --extension option, for example:

text-generation-server download-weights --extension ".json,.bin,.md,.model,.py" model_name

Converting weights to safetensors format

.saftensors weights are now required for many models, in particular:

  • When using the optimized flash attention mode (FLASH_ATTENTION=true) - this is currently supported for Llama, Falcon, Starcoder and GPT-NeoX based models, on newer GPUs
  • When using tensor parallel (see below)
  • Also recommended for BLOOM and T5 type models generally

They can be downloaded directly from the huggingface hub for some models. As explained above, the download command by default will download and convert them from PyTorch weights if safetensors weights aren't available.

To convert from pre-existing PyTorch .bin weights:

text-generation-server convert-to-safetensors model_name

Running sharded models (Tensor Parallel)

The following model types can currently be run in sharded mode where the weights are split across multiple GPUs:

  • T5
  • GPT-NeoX
  • RefinedWeb (Falcon) (*)
  • LLaMA (*)
  • GPT-BigCode (Starcoder) (*)

(*) These require GPUs that support Flash Attention such as A100, A10

  1. Ensure that the model weights are in `safetensors format (see above)
  2. Ensure that the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable is set appropriately (e.g. "0,1" to use the first two GPUs). The number of GPUs to use will be inferred from this or else can be set explicitly with the NUM_GPUS environment variable.
  3. Set the environment variable DEPLOYMENT_FRAMEWORK=hf_custom_tp

TLS configuration

TLS can be enabled in the TGIS containers via the following env vars:

  • TLS_CERT_PATH - path to cert
  • TLS_KEY_PATH - path to private key
  • TLS_CLIENT_CA_CERT_PATH - path to ca cert to use for client authentication (optional, client auth not enabled if omitted)

These paths can reference mounted secrets containing the certs.


Prometheus metrics are exposed on the same port as the health probe endpoint (default 3000), at /metrics.

They are all prefixed with tgi_. Descriptions will be added to the table below soon.

Metric Kind Labels Description
tgi_request_count counter kind = "single" or "batch" or "stream"
tgi_request_input_count counter
tgi_request_failure counter err
tgi_request_success counter stop_reason, kind = "single" or "batch" or "stream"
tgi_request_max_new_tokens histogram
tgi_request_input_length histogram
tgi_request_raw_input_length histogram
tgi_request_mean_time_per_token_duration histogram
tgi_request_validation_duration histogram
tgi_request_queue_duration histogram
tgi_request_generated_tokens histogram
tgi_request_total_tokens histogram
tgi_request_duration histogram
tgi_request_inference_duration histogram
tgi_batch_inference_count counter method = "prefill" or "next_token"
tgi_batch_inference_success counter method = "prefill" or "next_token"
tgi_batch_inference_failure counter method = "prefill" or "next_token"
tgi_batch_inference_batch_size histogram method = "prefill" or "next_token"
tgi_batch_inference_duration histogram method = "prefill" or "next_token", makeup
tgi_batch_inference_forward_duration histogram method = "prefill" or "next_token", makeup
tgi_batch_inference_tokproc_duration histogram method = "prefill" or "next_token", makeup
tgi_batch_next_tokens histogram Prefill only
tgi_batch_current_size gauge
tgi_batch_input_tokens gauge
tgi_batch_max_remaining_tokens gauge
tgi_queue_size gauge
tgi_queue_jump counter
tgi_granular_batch_addition counter
tgi_prefill_weight_limit_exceeded counter
tgi_prompt_load_failure counter
tgi_prompt_load_duration histogram
tgi_tokenize_request_count counter
tgi_tokenize_request_input_count counter
tgi_tokenize_request_tokens histogram
tgi_tokenize_request_duration histogram


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  • Python 58.3%
  • Cuda 18.2%
  • Rust 17.2%
  • C++ 4.8%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • Makefile 0.4%