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Security: acmucsd/kartana



Credentials & Integrations

The Notion Events pipeline requires bot accounts made for Google Sheets' and Notion's API to properly allow access to our Host Form and Notion Calendar.

GCS Service Account

To have read-write access to the Host Form Response Google Sheet, we need a GCS Service Account that has access to the sheet. In order to do this, you'll need to:

  1. Open a GCS account ([email protected] has one)
  2. Go to the Google Developers Console
  3. Select an existing project or create a new one (and then select it)
  4. Enable the Sheets API for the above project
  5. Create a service account for the project a. In the sidebar on the left, select "APIs & Services > Credentials" b. Click the blue + CREATE CREDENTIALS button and select the Service account option c. Enter name, description, and click CREATE d. You can skip permissions and click CONTINUE e. Click the + CREATE KEY button f. Select the JSON key type option for exporting credentials g. Click the Create button h. Your browser will download the credentials JSON file. BE CAREFUL! THIS IS THE ONLY COPY YOU'RE GETTING! i. click DONE
  6. Find the service account's email address (available in the JSON key file you downloaded)
  7. Share the Host Form Response doc with your service account using the email from step 6
  8. Add the service account email and path to the above JSON file in the .env file (use .env.example as reference)

Notion Integration

To have read-write access to the Notion Calendar, we need to make a Notion Integration and give it access to the Notion Calendar database.

Thankfully, the Notion API reference is vastly more human-friendly than the Google Sheets API, and even has some nicely-written documentation.

Follow Step 1 and Step 2 of the Notion API reference. As for a couple of details that are important:

  • The Integration should be an Internal one with access to the "ACM UCSD" Notion workspace
  • Put the Internal Integration Token and ID in the .env file (use .env.example as reference)

There aren’t any published security advisories