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Standup Meeting 3

PeterGhimself edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 1 revision

February 5th, 2018

Stand up meeting #3

SOEN 341 - UC4

Start time: 10:00 AM

End time: 10:08 AM

Attendees: Evan, Nico, Andrew, Hannah, Beeri, Alex, Peter Absent: Ivan

Items from previous meeting:

Follow up on Laravel learning

Discussion Topics:

  • Laravel learning progress
    • Beeri : In process of watching laracast videos
    • Evan: Difficult understanding. Will improve in the future.
    • Nico : Started implementing initial features (login, registration)
    • Andrew : Started implementing initial features (login, registration) with nico
    • Hannah: Not much progress made
    • Alex: Continued environment setup and travis integration
    • Peter: Started tutorials

Plans for the upcoming week:

  • All:
    • Will think of and start writing issues for sprint planning on Friday (Feb 9).
    • Continue learning laravel and basic PHP, if necessary.

Items for actions:

  • Each person should think of at least one issue for the second sprint.

Meeting Minutes

Below are the minutes from each team meeting.

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