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Pytorch ML Training Job on EKS with GPUs, orchestrated by airflow #8

Pytorch ML Training Job on EKS with GPUs, orchestrated by airflow

Pytorch ML Training Job on EKS with GPUs, orchestrated by airflow #8

Job Run time
1m 6s
2m 7s
2m 38s
1m 55s
1m 9s
3m 13s
2m 26s
4m 44s
4m 47s
4m 48s
2m 52s
2m 51s
1m 55s
1m 53s
3m 2s
2m 11s
3m 6s
3m 6s
2m 7s
3m 7s
1m 3s
3m 23s
1m 49s
2m 13s
2m 32s
3m 58s
2m 47s
3m 5s
1m 58s
2m 8s
2m 9s
1h 23m 12s