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Pretty Calendar

Produces a simple calendar block that displays content by date, as well as calendar detail pages to display all content for a particular date. The date can be selected from content creation time or from a custom date field.


Configuration and Usage

Settings can be found in the block configuration.

  • Default calendar themes:

    • Standard (flexible width)
    • Round (flexible width)
    • Gridy (fixed width - 182px)
    • Vista (fixed width - 192px)
  • Event headings: Choose a name for the events that will be displayed in the calendar when hovering over a date, such as "12 events." Enter a comma-separated words for numbers (e.g. event, events).

  • Tooltip type: Tooltips can display the amount of nodes to date or display links to nodes.

  • Separate nodes by language: For multilingual sites. Nodes can be selected in the language in which they were created.

  • View and edit more instructions in the Wiki.


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.