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Tables, footnotes, links, and images

Steven Norton edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

The following instructions are courtesy of the Textile Language Development Team at


This text:
| A | simple | table | row |
| And | another | table | row |
| With an | | empty | cell |

generates this result:

A simple table row
And another table row
With an empty cell


The following Textile markup:

A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?[1]

fn1. "Albert Einstein":

generates this in the browser:

A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?1

1 Albert Einstein


This text:


generates this:


More about: Links

1. A local link:

"link text":/example

2. A link with a title attribute:

"link text(with title)":

3. An email link:

"(classname)link text(title tooltip)":mailto:[email protected]

4. Combine with a link with an image link:


5. Usage of a link alias:

This is "a link to Textpattern":txp, and "another link":txp to the same site.


6. If you wish to link to a URL and want the URL itself in the text, you can use the following ‘dollar’ shorthand:


7. Class names can be added in parentheses before the link (requires Textile v2.5.1 or later):

"(various fancybox.iframe)Cats and cheese":


Images can be included by using exclamation marks around a local path or a URL:

The original Textpattern carver: !!


The original Textpattern carver:

More about: Images

1. An image from a local path:


2. Use () parentheses to include alt text and title at the same time:

!/carver.png(the carver)!

3. Combine a link with an image link:


4. Images can be aligned left:


Or right:


Or centered:


5. An image can have CSS styles:

!{border:1px solid #333; padding:5px;}/carver.png!

Or CSS classes:

!(classy-image bevel)/carver.png!

6. To center an image, you may use this style:

!{display:block; margin:0 auto;}/carver.png!

7. To include an image with a complex formula using latex, you can link to a remote service and have it sent back as an image:


This would produce:

8. For the generation of relative images and to better support content for responsive layouts, the automatic generation of image width and height can be suppressed by a Textile parser option as of Textile v2.5.1.