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S3 Bucket Provisioning and Orchestration in GCP via Terraform


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Google Cloud Storage - Terraform API-driven workflow

Terraform Enterprise API scripts located in folder tfe-scripts helps create a new workspace with the initial configuration, folder bcgov and user-defined configure variables, folder variables.




Install Tools

  1. Install asdf.
  2. Install required tools via asdf (the versions are defined in .tool-versions).
make install_asdf_tools

Set TF Cloud Token as an environment variable

  1. Create a new Team token via Settings > Teams > Team API Token.

  2. Set environment variable TFC_TOKEN for tfe scripts.

export TFC_TOKEN=<team-token>

Create a Google Application Service Account key for GCS and get the Credentials file

  1. Navigate to the Google Cloud Platform API Console.
  2. Select a project or create a new project.
  3. Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts page.
  4. Select a Service Account or create a new Service Account.
    • The Service Account requires the roles Storage Admin, Create Service Accounts, Delete Service Accounts, and Service Account Key Admin.
  5. Create a Service Account key as JSON and download it named credentials.json in the root directory.

Create a new workspace and upload configuration files

make create_workspace org=<my-team> workspace=<my-workspace>
  • It skips creating a new one if the specified name of workspace already exists.
  • It compresses the main TF script folder bcgov and uploads to the workspace (non-VCS).
  • It sets placeholder variables from variables folder.

Set variable values

  1. Copy example.values file to .values file.

  2. Set each value in .values file.

    • credentials_file: the credentials file path of Google Cloud service account
    • kubernetes_host: the hostname of Openshift cluster
    • kubernetes_token: the authentication token of Openshift cluster
    • kubernetes_namespaces: the list of Openshift namespaces to run jobs
    • namespace_apps: the list of namespace and app name pairs of Openshift cluster
  3. Run TFE script to set the variables on TFC workspace.

make set_values org=<my-team> workspace=<my-workspace>

Trigger Run command to performs a plan & apply

make run org=<my-team> workspace=<my-workspace>
  • It sets Apply Method to Auto apply on workspace creation to skip manual user confirmations after planning in terms of API-driven run workflow.

Other commands

make sync_values org=<my-team> workspace=<my-workspace> # it downloads the current variable values from the workspace
make destroy org=<my-team> workspace=<my-workspace> # it destroys all resources created by the workspace
make delete_workspace org=<my-team> workspace=<my-workspace> # it deletes the workspace
  • sync_values command is useful to sync variable namespace_apps value because it gets updated during deployment process.
  • It is highly recommended to run destroy command to remove resources before deleting a workspace.

Kubernetes Service Account Token

If you are not familier with creating Role, Service Account, and Role Binding to assign the roles to the service account with oc, kubectl commands, there is a separate Terraform script to help create the OCP service account and produce its token.

  1. Navigate to the folder.
cd secret-admin-sa
  1. Create a Terraform variable file based off the example file.
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
  1. Set the values in the variable file.

    • kubernetes_token: the authentication token that has privileges to create resources, Role, Service Account, and Role Binding, on the target namespaces.
    • kubernetes_host: the hostname of Openshift cluster
    • kubernetes_role_namespaces: the array of OCP namespaces to create the Roles, and Role Bindings on.
    • kubernetes_service_account_namespace: the OCP namespace to create the Service Account on.
  2. Initialize Terrafrom and provision the resources.

terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
  1. Once completed successfully, it will prompt the service account information.
Apply complete! Resources: ⬜ added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


service_account_name = <namespace>/<service_account_name>
service_account_token = <service_account_token>
  • The service account will have minimum privileges to support the main Terraform script.
  • Note that it will create Terraform state data in your local machine.

How to provision a new bucket for a new app during deployment process

  • In the process of setting variable values .values, it also creates Secret Objects containing Terraform Cloud workspace credentials in each Openshift namespace.
  • In Github tag push events, CI (CircleCI) publishes images encapsulating one of the TFC API script to provision a new app.
  • There is kubernetes job task in a sub-directory openshift > deploy > job, which runs the image on Openshift cluster using the TFC workspace Secret Objet.
    • it requires one string argument includes namespace and app name separated by comma, "namespace,app" in command job attribute.

Docker image tag convention

  • It uses Sementic Versioning SemVer in order to attach a meaning to a version number or the change.
  • It publishes 4(+) different versions of images based on Git Tag to support flexible version range to users.
    • e.g. git tag 1.2.3-rc2
      • <image-url>:1
      • <image-url>:1.2
      • <image-url>:1.2.3
      • <image-url>:1.2.3-rc2
      • Image tags above point at the same image after pushing them.