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The web-based version of this tool has been shut down due to YNAB not updating their API to support newer YNAB features or fix bugs. This is the older command-line interface version, but it is no longer being updated or maintained for the same reasons, and does not work with the current YNAB API.

Foreign currency accounts for YNAB.

Manage multiple currency accounts in a single budget in You Need A Budget.

This is based on an approach that I've been using manually for several years and found to work very well for our family budget which crosses three different currencies and involves a lot of foreign transactions and transfers (after trying a few other ways first).

Table of contents



Some notable features of this approach that may set it apart from other solutions (such using separate budgets for different currencies, or the YNAB Multi-Currency app):

  • All your accounts, both local and foreign currency, are in a single budget so you can see the state of all your finances at a glance.

  • Auto-import, manual import, and reconciliation for foreign currency accounts works normally, in the original foreign currency.

  • Reports and net worth will always be shown in your local currency, with all foreign amounts converted at an exchange rate accurate to within 24 hours.

  • Budget categories are in your local currency, and it's no problem to mix local and foreign currency transactions in the same budget category.

  • Handles split transactions.

  • Foreign currency balances are automatically adjusted as the currency fluctuates, at an exchange rate accurate to within 24 hours.

  • Your original transactions left are untouched.

  • Uses historical exchange rates for transactions in the past.


The approach boils down to:

  • Transactions in foreign currency accounts are kept in their original foreign currencies.

  • For each foreign currency in the budget, there is a "virtual" difference account that holds the difference between your total holdings in the foreign currency and your those holdings converted to your local currency.

  • For each transaction in a foreign currency account, a corresponding transaction is created in the difference account with the difference between the foreign amount and the amount converted to your local currency (at the exchange rate of the day before the transaction's date).

  • Adjustment transactions are created daily in the difference account to account for fluctuating exchange rates, with a special budget category used as a "buffer" for these fluctuations.

For example, if

  • your local currency is U.S. Dollars
  • you hold €100.00, and
  • €1.00 = $1.10, then

the Euro difference account would hold $10.00, since

  • €100.00 * $1.10/€1.00 = $110
  • the difference ($110 - $100) is $10.


  • This approach assumes you have a "home" currency that you use for your budgeting. It's probably the currency where you live most of the time and do the majority of your spending, but it could be the currency that you earn most of your money in. If you split your time evenly between countries or are truly global, you may not have a single "home" in this sense, in which case you may be better off maintaining separate budgets for your different home currencies.

  • This tool doesn't help you out if you're spending in a foreign currency using a local currency account (e.g. using a U.S. credit card while visiting Europe), since there's no way to know what rate your financial institution will use for transactions.

  • Probably not very useful for hyper-inflating currencies, but I'm not sure how you'd budget effectively with such a currency anyway. Make a big exchange rate adjustment buffer category, I guess. But you're probably best off immediately spending any money on tangible goods or converting it to something that holds value, since otherwise all the value will just inflate away anyway.

How to use

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the older command-line interface version of this tool which you must run on your own workstation. For the new easier-to-use web based version, please visit

These instructions assume that you are familiar with using your operating system's command-line terminal.

Budget setup

There's some initial work required to set up your accounts the way this tool needs (which, unfortunately, cannot currently be automated due to YNAB API limitations), but once this has been done once it all keeps working without much further manual intervention required.

This tool uses special "tags" to identify a foreign account's currency. For each foreign currency account:

  1. Left-click the account

  2. Put the three-letter currency code in angle brackets anywhere in the account's nickname or notes. For example, a U.S. Dollar account would have <USD>, and a Euro account would have <EUR>. Here is a list of the supported currencies and their three-letter codes.

  3. Click Save.

    [account currency tag screenshot]

You don't need to add any currency tag to your local currency accounts (although it won't hurt anything if you do).

In addition, you must create one "virtual" difference account for each foreign currency you use in your budget accounts (even if you have more than one account in that currency):

  1. Click the Add Account button

  2. Choose Unlinked

  3. In the Add Account dialog, enter:

    • Account type:: Checking
    • Nickname: must contain a "tag" with the three-letter currency code followed by a space and DIFFERENCE, all in angle brackets (e.g. <EUR DIFFERENCE> for Euros)
    • Current balance: 0
  4. Click Next and then Done.

    [add budget account screenshot]

If you have foreign currency credit accounts, you must also create a separate difference account for those (so that YNAB's special credit handling applies to the converted amounts too). Follow the same instructions as above, but choose account type Credit Card instead. You should add additional text to the nickname before or after the "tag" to differentiate it from the debit difference account, just make sure the extra text is outside the angle brackets (for example, Credit <EUR DIFFERENCE>).

If you have foreign currency tracking accounts, you must also create a separate difference account for those (so that your worth in each is correct). Follow the same instructions as above, but choose account type Asset (e.g. Investment) instead. You can should additional text to the nickname before or after the "tag" to differentiate it from the budget difference account, just make sure the extra text is outside the angle brackets (for example, Tracking <EUR DIFFERENCE>).

Finally, create a budget category for foreign currency balance adjustments due to exchange rate fluctuations. You can name this anything you want, for example Foreign Currency Adjustments. You will need to budget enough in this category to cover likely fluctuations in exchange rates given the amount of your foreign currency holdings. You can also create separate budget categories for different currencies if you wish.

Tool setup

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the older command-line interface version of this tool which you must run on your own workstation. For the new easier-to-use web based version, please visit

  1. Download the appropriate binary executable for your platform:

    Platform Download link
    Linux (x86 64-bit) fca4ynab-0.1.13-x86_64-linux
    Linux (ARMv7) fca4ynab-0.1.13-armv7-linux
    macOS fca4ynab-0.1.13-x86_64-darwin
    Windows (64-bit) fca4ynab-0.1.13-x86_64-windows.exe

    If your platform isn't listed, you can build from source. You can see changes and download previous versions from the Github releases page.

  2. On Linux and macOS, give the downloaded file execute permissions:

    $ chmod a+x /path/to/fca4ynab-0.1.13-*
  3. Rename the binary to fca4ynab (fca4ynab.exe on Windows) and move it somewhere in your system PATH, if desired.

  4. Determine your budget's ID. You can get this by opening your budget in YNAB and then looking at the URL in the location bar. The budget ID is the string of random letters, numbers, and dashes that comes between and /budget (e.g. if the URL is then the budget ID is 5bcbe6cb-0a20-41dd-bf4d-c8ab34dd99d4). Make note of the ID value for later.

    [budget ID screenshot]
  5. Generate a YNAB Personal Access Token by following these instructions. Make note of the token value for later.

  6. Get a free Currency Converter API token by clicking the Get Your Free API Key button on this page. Make note of the token value for later.

Run the tool

Run the following command, with the values in angle brackets (such as <YOUR-BUDGET-ID>) substituted using the token and ID values you noted above:

fca4ynab \
    --budget-id="<YOUR-BUDGET-ID>" \
    --currency-converter-api-key="<CURRENCY-CONVERTER-API-KEY>" \

This will output which foreign currency accounts were detected, and show you any transactions that will be created, but will not actually make any changes.

By default, this tool will only process transactions starting from thirty days prior to the date you first ran the tool. If you prefer a different start date, use the --start-date=<YYYY-MM-DD> argument to override it. Note that you can only set this the first time you run the tool for a given budget.

When you are happy with the plan, re-run it with an additional --yes argument to actually create the difference and adjustment transactions.

Note that it may take a few minutes for the new transactions to show up in the YNAB app. If you're impatient to see them, reload the app and they should be there.

Set budget category for exchange rate fluctuations

The exchange rate adjustment transactions will not have a budget category set by default, but they will have their payee set to Exchange Rate Adjustments <CURRENCY>. Just set the category for one of these transactions after it's been created, and YNAB will remember that category for adjustment transactions created in the future. You can also use YNAB's Manage Payees screen to set or change the automatic categorization. You can also rename the payee here, if you wish.

The adjustment payee is different for each currency, so you can set different adjustment categories for each currency if you prefer.

Transfers between currencies

This tool does not create difference transactions for transfers to other accounts by default, for two important reasons:

  • When you transfer money to a different currency account, the exchange rate your financial institution gives you will almost certainly be different than the rate which this tool would use for automatic conversions.

  • The other account should only see a single transaction of the full converted amount, since that's what the real bank account it's connected to will have. A difference transaction would create a second transaction and make reconciliation difficult.

To enter a transfer to a different currency account, you must use a split transaction:

  • Parent transaction:
    • Outflow: amount leaving this account in its own currency
  • Split 1:
    • Payee: Transfer to: [the other account]
    • Outflow: amount in other account's currency that your financial institution has converted to
  • Split 2:
    • Payee: Transfer to: [this account's currency's difference account]
    • Amount: whatever YNAB tells you is left over (the difference between the amounts above)

For example, if:

  • your local currency is U.S. Dollars (USD), and
  • you're transferring €100 from a Euro (EUR) to a local U.S. Dollar account, and
  • the exchange rate your bank gives you is €1.00 = $1.10, so
  • the amount transferred to the local U.S. Dollar account will be $110, then

you would enter this split transaction in the Euro account:

[transfer to local currency screenshot]

Notice that you transfer the difference ($110 - €100 = 10) to the <EUR DIFFERENCE> account. Since the amount leaving the Euro account is less than the amount going to the U.S. Dollar account, you need to do something with the difference, so that's where you put it.

When you run this tool, it will create an adjustment transaction in the difference account that balances the difference between the exchange rate your financial institution gave you and the rate this tool uses.

Note that if you were transferring to a currency worth more, the amount leaving the source account would be greater than the amount going to the destination account, so the difference would go on the Outflow side instead of the Inflow. You don't really need to worry about that though; just put it on the side that YNAB tells you to, and it'll all work out.

If you're transferring to another foreign currency account with a different currency, the process is the same. It doesn't matter which currency's difference account you transfer the difference to; the end result will be the same either way. If you're transferring to another foreign currency account with the same currency, just do a normal transfer (no need to create a split).

This all sounds kind of complicated, but you really don't need to worry about the details. This tool doesn't have any special logic for handling any of this, it's just a natural consequence of the approach. Just enter a split transaction like above with the amounts of currency that your financial institution tells you going out of and into each account, and whatever's left over (which YNAB tells you) to the difference account, and it'll all work out!

If you forget to make a split transaction and just do a straight transfer, it's not a big deal. This tool will end up making a big adjustment transaction, because it has to account for the full difference between the currencies, rather than just the difference between your financial institution's exchange rate and the tool's rate. There's a good chance you'll notice that and, if not, you'll definitely notice when you try to reconcile the destination account. You can just fix it then, and a new adjustment transaction that cancels out the mistake will be created automatically. Once again it'll all work out fine!

Forcing or preventing automatic conversions

If you want to force a transfer transaction to have a difference transaction created despite the above, you can put <CONVERT> in the memo field. Conversely, if you don't want a non-transfer transaction to be converted, put <NOCONVERT> in the memo field.

If there's an destination account that should always have difference transactions created for transfers to/from it, put <CONVERT> in the account's name or notes. I use this for "virtual" tracking accounts that I use to track business expenses, which are not connected to real financial institution accounts.

Other options

By default, this tool creates new transactions in an unapproved state so you can easily check them. Once you are comfortable with how things work, you may prefer them to be auto-approved. You can use the --auto-approve-transactions=true and/or --auto-approve-adjustments=true arguments (or corresponding environment variables) to do so.

To see additional options, run fca4ynab --help.

Save budget ID and API keys configuration

If you do not wish to pass the budget ID and API keys on the command-line every time you this tool, you can save them in a configuration file, in the "dotenv" format format.

The configuration file is named env and is located in one of these folders, depending on your operating system:

Platform Value Example
Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fca4ynab or $HOME/.config/fca4ynab /home/alice/.config/fca4ynab
macOS $HOME/Library/Preferences/io.borsboom.fca4ynab /Users/Alice/Library/Preferences/io.borsboom.fca4ynab
Windows {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\borsboom\fca4ynab\config C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\borsboom\fca4ynab\config

File format:


For example,


You can also use environment variables, and this tool will also read configuration from a file named .env in the from current and parent directories.


This tool makes efficient use of the YNAB API, and most of the time will only use a single delta request to poll for new transactions. As such, you can safely run it on an automated schedule, such as every ten minutes. You can use your operating system's scheduling facility (such as cron on macOS/Linux/other Un*x-like operating systems, or the Task Scheduler on Windows), but documenting how that's done here is out of scope, so you'll have to set that up for yourself.

Additional notes

Reporting problems

To report a bug, panic, or other problem, submit an issue on the issue tracker.

Data file

This tool uses a local data file stored in your operating system's standard data folder to keep track of the budget and transactions. If you lose this data file, it's not a really big deal but it does mean the tool won't be able to update previously created transactions.

The data file is named data.sqlite3 and is stored in one of these folders, depending on your operating system:

Platform Value Example
Linux $XDG_DATA_HOME/fca4ynab or $HOME/.local/share/fca4ynab /home/alice/.local/share/fca4ynab
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/io.borsboom.fca4ynab /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/io.borsboom.fca4ynab
Windows {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\borsboom\fca4ynab\data C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\borsboom\fca4ynab\data

Deleted transactions

The YNAB API does not provide a way for apps to delete transactions. As such, if a foreign currency transaction is deleted, the corresponding difference account transaction cannot be deleted. Instead the difference amount will be changed to 0 and the memo will be set to <DELETED>. For all intents and purposes, this has the same end result. Feel free to delete these transactions yourself, if you wish, but they won't hurt anything.

Exchange rates

Exchange rates are retrieved using the Free Currency Converter API. The exchange rate for a given date will only be retrieved once, for a few reasons:

  • Avoid creating more than one adjustment transaction per day due to exchange rate fluctuations
  • Have all difference transactions on a given day use the same exchange rate
  • YNAB only records the date of a transaction, so no way to know the specific time for the exchange rate
  • Avoids over-using the free currency converter API

This does mean it's somewhat arbitrary which exchange rate you'll get for the date, but it will be accurate to within 24 hours.

Making accounts look nicer

The currency tags (e.g. <EUR>) don't look so nice in account nicknames, and take a lot of screen real estate, so I like to put them in the account notes instead and then put the emoji flag of the currency's country in the account nickname. For example, my Royal Bank of Canada chequing account has the nickname "🇨🇦RBC Chequing," and has <CAD> in the account notes instead.

Use non-free Currency Converter API

By default, this tool uses the free Currency Converter API. While this generally works fine, it can sometimes be unreliable and has occasional multi-day downtimes. If you prefer to use premium, prepaid, or dedicated Currency Converter API servers, you can register an app and then use the --currency-converter-base-url argument (or corresponding environment variable) to change the API base URL:

  • Premium:
  • Prepaid:
  • Dedicated: https://<CUSTOM> (where <CUSTOM> is the custom value for your dedicated server).

You should also set the --currency-converter-max-currency-pairs-per-request argument (or corresponding environment variable) to the number you provisioned when you registered your app.


Build from source code

  1. Install the Rust toolchain by following the Rust installation instructions.
  2. Download the source code and unpack: .zip, .tar.gz, or clone the Git repository.
  3. In the root of the source tree, run cargo install --path .