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install-module powershell-designer

Help Wanted: Just tell people about this software. By doing so, you could potentially save a friend or co-worker hundreds of dollars. That's the main help that I need. This software will not be marketed. I'm just a guy with a random passion for making stuff more functional, amazed and inspired by others, I'm not good at blogging, or videos, or tutorials. I just don't have a passion for that stuff, so it's up to you. If you can write an article or blog, create a video or a tutorial that would be awesome. Feel free to ask me for insights either by making an issue here or emailing me at [email protected] with the subject PowerShell Designer.

It's better to make changes to functions.ps1, events.ps1 and designer.fbs. Changes to designer.ps1 will be lost in the next 'compile' if the changes are made there and not elsewhere.

My goal is to be the best WinForms Designer/RAD IDE for PowerShell.