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Pull requests that update a dependency file
good first issue 👋
good first issue 👋
Mend: dependency security vulnerability
Mend: dependency security vulnerability
Security vulnerability detected by Mend
priority: high
priority: high
priority: low
priority: low
priority: medium
priority: medium
project: components
project: components
project: governance
project: governance
project: ui shell
project: ui shell
project: website
project: website
security fix
security fix
Security fix generated by Mend
Severity 1 🚨
Severity 1 🚨
Severity 2
Severity 2
Severity 3
Severity 3
Severity 4
Severity 4
status: blocked 🙅‍♀️
status: blocked 🙅‍♀️
status: failing tests 🙅‍♂️
status: failing tests :no_good_man:
status: help wanted 👐
status: help wanted :open_hands:
status: merge conflict 🚫
status: merge conflict :no_entry_sign:
status: needs more info 🤷‍♀️
status: needs more info 🤷‍♀️
status: one more review 👀
status: one more review :eyes:
status: ready for review 👀
status: ready for review :eyes:
status: visual review 👀
status: visual review :eyes:
status: waiting for response 💭
status: waiting for response :thought_balloon:
status: WIP 👩‍💻
status: WIP 👩‍💻
status: wontfix ❌
status: wontfix :x:
type: a11y
type: a11y
type: bug 🐛
type: bug 🐛