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v2 to v3 upgrade guide

Yousef Ouda edited this page Apr 22, 2019 · 14 revisions

Take a look at our carbon-angular-starter for a quick start on v3


  • @carbon/icons-angular ^10.1.0 is now a peer dependency
  • carbon-components ^10.0.0


  • Search size lg has been deprecated and replaced by xl
  • The isExperimental function is deprecated


  • @carbon/icons-angular now uses specific import paths for icons
// Example... Replace
import { IconModule } from "@carbon/icons-angular";
// with the specific icon you are using
import { ChevronDown16Module } from "@carbon/icons-angular/lib/chevron--down/16";
  • Default header styles are no longer supported, you must define your own heading/body styles using typesets
// Example
h1 {
    @include type-style('productive-heading-05');
  • Banner has been replaced
    • NotificationModule replaces BannerModule
    • NotificationContent replaces BannerContent
    • Notification replaces Banner
    • Toast stays the same
  • Switch has been replaced
    • ToggleModule replaces SwitchModule
    • ToggleChange replaces SwitchChange
    • ToggleState replaces SwitchState


  • Remove the components-x feature flag
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