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Deploy Ghost to EC2

Hannah Wolfe edited this page Aug 12, 2013 · 29 revisions

The following document covers the entire process of setting up an EC2 instance and deploying Ghost. This is broken down into 3 stages:

  1. How to setup an EC2 instance
  2. Configuring EC2 for Ghost
  3. Deploying Ghost to EC2

If you already know what you are doing and are just looking for the configure and deploy scripts you can find them here:

How to setup an EC2 instance

  1. Create an AWS account if you don't already have one. This requires you to login to with your amazon username and password, and then enter credit card details. You shouldn't have to pay anything - we'll use a micro instance which is in the free tier.
  2. Navigate through "My Account/Console" > "AWS Management Console" > "EC2", or just click here:
  3. Configure your default security group to have ssh, http, and https for all incoming IPs (don't forget to press apply at the end): Security Group Settings
  4. Get your key (.pem file) and save it in ~/.ssh
  5. Hit "Launch Instance"
  • use the classic wizard
  • choose Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS
  • change nothing on the Launch Instances, Advanced Instance Options, or Storage Device Configuration screens
  • on the Key-Value screen, enter a sensible name value
  • on the Key Pairs screen, choose the Key Pair you setup and saved earlier
  • on the Security Groups screen, choose the default security group that you updated earlier
  • Hit Launch! You should now have an ec2 instance. You should have a public DNS something like ec2-xx-xxx-xx-xx.[region] Your username will be ubuntu
  1. Check everything is ok by sshing to the ec2 instance with the following command, and then exit
    • ssh -i ~/.ssh/[yourkeyfile].pem ubuntu@ec2-xx-xxx-xx-xx.[region]

Configuring EC2 for Ghost

  1. Save the config script somewhere on your machine which is easy to find.
  2. Send the config file to ec2 with the following command:
  • scp -i ~/.ssh/[yourkeyfile].pem /path/to/ ubuntu@ec2-xx-xxx-xx-xx.[region]
  1. ssh into the ec2 instance again
  2. run:
  • sudo chmod u+x
  1. run:
  • sudo ./
  1. create a file in /var/www/index.js - I used the default node.js hello world code:
  2. navigate to your ec2 in a browser (ec2-xx-xxx-xx-xx.[region] and you should see "Hello World"

Deploying Ghost to EC2

  1. You will need an empty directory somewhere on a machine with the following pre-requisites:
  • git cli installed with a github ssh key setup
  • grunt-cli intalled globally (npm install -g grunt-cli)
  • ruby, ruby sass and ruby bourbon installed
  • your .pem saved in ~/.ssh, you can also ask for the .pem for deploying to ghost servers
  1. Save the script in your empty directory
  2. Run the script. It takes a number of arguments:
  • -f | --fork [TryGhost] - which fork of Ghost to deploy.
  • -r | --refspec [master] - which refspec (branch, tag, commit) to deploy.
  • -s | --server [test1] - which server to deploy to. Options are staging, next or your own ec2 specified by the unique number and region like ""
  • -p | --pem [ghostdeploy] - name of the pem file to use to authenticate
  • -c | --clean [false] - delete the clone after deploying

E.g. ./ --server --pem ec2key would deploy TryGhost master to my own ec2 instance with my key

./ --server staging would deploy the latest master to staging, providing I have the ghostdeploy.pem file for the ghost servers in .ssh

./ --fork ErisDS --refspec my-branch --server test1 --clean would deploy my-branch from my own fork to the test1 server and then delete the local clone on my machine, providing I have the ghostdeploy.pem file for the ghost servers in .ssh

4. FINALLY After running the script, you will need to ssh to your ec2 instance and run sudo restart ghost. I am currently working on finding a way to do this as part of the deploy script.


If you want to deploy a different branch of casper... or want a template for deploying your own them, see the casper deploy script


Re-deploying should simply be a case of re-running the deploy scripts... more instructions here