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Swift library for accessing various cloud providers incl. Cryptomator vaults


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Cloud Access Swift

This library defines the cloud access API used by Cryptomator for iOS.

The API is implemented once for each cloud. It also forms the foundation for decoration layers for the various vault formats that can be applied to get a cleartext view for cloud-stored vaults.


  • iOS 14.0 or higher
  • Swift 5


Swift Package Manager

You can use Swift Package Manager.

.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.12.0"))



The core package contains several protocols, structs, and enums that build the foundation of this library. Asynchronous calls are implemented using the Promises library. CloudProvider is the main protocol that defines the cloud access:

func fetchItemMetadata(at cloudPath: CloudPath) -> Promise<CloudItemMetadata>
func fetchItemList(forFolderAt cloudPath: CloudPath, withPageToken pageToken: String?) -> Promise<CloudItemList>
func downloadFile(from cloudPath: CloudPath, to localURL: URL, onTaskCreation: ((URLSessionDownloadTask?) -> Void)?) -> Promise<Void>
func uploadFile(from localURL: URL, to cloudPath: CloudPath, replaceExisting: Bool, onTaskCreation: ((URLSessionUploadTask?) -> Void)?) -> Promise<CloudItemMetadata>
func createFolder(at cloudPath: CloudPath) -> Promise<Void>
func deleteFile(at cloudPath: CloudPath) -> Promise<Void>
func deleteFolder(at cloudPath: CloudPath) -> Promise<Void>
func moveFile(from sourceCloudPath: CloudPath, to targetCloudPath: CloudPath) -> Promise<Void>
func moveFolder(from sourceCloudPath: CloudPath, to targetCloudPath: CloudPath) -> Promise<Void>


A vault provider decorates a cloud provider and allows transparent access to vaults based on Cryptomator's encryption scheme. It depends on cryptolib-swift for cryptographic functions and GRDB for thread-safe caching. For more information on the Cryptomator encryption scheme, visit the security architecture page on

In order to create a vault provider, you need a Masterkey instance from cryptolib-swift. Check out its documentation on how to create a masterkey. And since vault format 8, you also need a UnverifiedVaultConfig instance:

let provider = ... // any other cloud provider
let vaultPath = ...
let masterkey = ...
let token = ...
let unverifiedVaultConfig = try UnverifiedVaultConfig(token: token)
let cryptoDecorator = try VaultProviderFactory.createVaultProvider(from: unverifiedVaultConfig, masterkey: masterkey, vaultPath: vaultPath, with: provider)

And to create a legacy vault provider for vault version 6 or 7:

let provider = ... // any other cloud provider
let vaultVersion = ... // use `version` from the `MasterkeyFile` instance
let vaultPath = ...
let masterkey = ...
let cryptoDecorator = try VaultProviderFactory.createLegacyVaultProvider(from: masterkey, vaultVersion: vaultVersion, vaultPath: vaultPath, with: provider)

⚠️ This library supports vault version 6 and higher.


The following constants must be set once, e.g. in your app delegate:

let clientId = ... // your Box client identifier
let clientSecret = ... // your Box client secret
let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `BoxCloudProvider` with a background `URLSession` in an app extension 
BoxSetup.constants = BoxSetup(clientId: clientId, clientSecret: clientSecret, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier)

Begin the authentication flow:

let tokenStore = BoxTokenStore()
let credential = BoxCredential(tokenStore: tokenStore)
let viewController = ... // the presenting `UIViewController`
BoxAuthenticator.authenticate(credential: credential, from: viewController).then { 
  // authentication successful
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

You can then use the credential to create a Box provider:

let provider = BoxCloudProvider(credential: credential)

Or create a Box provider using a background URLSession:

let sessionIdentifier = ...
let provider = BoxCloudProvider.withBackgroundSession(credential: credential, sessionIdentifier: sessionIdentifier)


Set up the Info.plist as described in the official Dropbox Objective-C SDK. In addition, the following constants must be set once, e.g. in your app delegate:

let appKey = ... // your Dropbox app key
let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `DropboxProvider` in an app extension and set `forceForegroundSession = false`
let keychainService = ... // the service name for the keychain, use `nil` to use default
let forceForegroundSession = ... // if set to `true`, all network requests are made on foreground sessions (by default, most download/upload operations are performed with a background session)
DropboxSetup.constants = DropboxSetup(appKey: appKey, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier, keychainService: keychainService, forceForegroundSession: forceForegroundSession)

Begin the authentication flow:

let dropboxAuthenticator = DropboxAuthenticator()
let viewController = ... // the presenting `UIViewController`
dropboxAuthenticator.authenticate(from: viewController).then { credential in
  // do something with `DropboxCredential`
  // you probably want to save `credential.tokenUID` to re-create the credential later
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

Handle redirection once the authentication flow is complete in your app delegate:

func application(_: UIApplication, open url: URL, options _: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
  let canHandle = DBClientsManager.handleRedirectURL(url) { authResult in
    guard let authResult = authResult else {
    if authResult.isSuccess() {
      let tokenUID = authResult.accessToken.uid
      let credential = DropboxCredential(tokenUID: tokenUID)
      } else if authResult.isCancel() {
      } else if authResult.isError() {
  return canHandle

Create a Dropbox provider with a credential:

let tokenUID = ... // the `tokenUID` you saved after the successful authentication flow
let credential = DropboxCredential(tokenUID: tokenUID)
let provider = DropboxCloudProvider(credential: credential)

Google Drive

Modify your app delegate as described in AppAuth. In addition, the following constants must be set once, e.g. in your app delegate:

let clientId = ... // your Google Drive client identifier
let redirectURL = ...
let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `GoogleDriveProvider` with a background `URLSession` in an app extension 
GoogleDriveSetup.constants = GoogleDriveSetup(clientId: clientId, redirectURL: redirectURL, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier)

Begin the authentication flow:

let tokenUID = ... // optional: you might want to give this credential an identifier, defaults to a random UUID
let credential = GoogleDriveCredential(tokenUID: tokenUID)
let viewController = ... // the presenting `UIViewController`
GoogleDriveAuthenticator.authenticate(credential: credential, from: viewController).then { 
  // authentication successful
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

You can then use the credential to create a Google Drive provider:

let provider = GoogleDriveCloudProvider(credential: credential)

Or create a Google Drive provider using a background URLSession:

let sessionIdentifier = ...
let provider = GoogleDriveCloudProvider.withBackgroundSession(credential: credential, sessionIdentifier: sessionIdentifier)


Set up the Info.plist and your app delegate as described in MSAL. In addition, the following constants must be set once, e.g. in your app delegate:

let clientApplication = ... // your `MSALPublicClientApplication`
let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `OneDriveProvider` with a background `URLSession` in an app extension
OneDriveSetup.constants = OneDriveSetup(clientApplication: clientApplication, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier)

Begin the authentication flow:

let viewController = ... // the presenting `UIViewController`
OneDriveAuthenticator.authenticate(from: viewController).then { credential in
  // do something with `OneDriveCredential`
  // you probably want to save `credential.identifier` to re-create the credential later
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

You can then use the credential to create a OneDrive provider:

let provider = OneDriveCloudProvider(credential: credential)

Or create a OneDrive provider using a background URLSession:

let sessionIdentifier = ...
let provider = OneDriveCloudProvider.withBackgroundSession(credential: credential, sessionIdentifier: sessionIdentifier)


The following constants must be set once, e.g. in your app delegate:

let appKey = ... // your pCloud app key
let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `OneDriveProvider` with a background `URLSession` in an app extension
PCloudSetup.constants = PCloudSetup(appKey: appKey, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier)

Begin the authentication flow:

let viewController = ... // the presenting `UIViewController`
PCloudAuthenticator.authenticate(from: viewController).then { credential in
  // do something with `PCloudCredential`
  // you probably want to save `credential.user` to re-create the credential later
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

You can then use the credential to create a pCloud provider with a pCloud client:

let client = PCloud.createClient(with: credential.user)
let provider = PCloudCloudProvider(client: client)

Or create a pCloud provider with a pCloud client using a background URLSession:

let sessionIdentifier = ...
let client = PCloud.createBackgroundClient(with: credential.user, sessionIdentifier: sessionIdentifier)
let provider = PCloudCloudProvider(client: client)


Create a S3 credential:

let accessKey = ...
let secretKey = ...
let url = ... // Note: the URL should not already contain the bucket name
let bucket = ... // Note: the bucket should already exist
let region = ...
let identifier = ... // optional: you might want to give this credential an identifier, defaults to a random UUID
let credential = S3Credential(accessKey: accessKey, secretKey: secretKey, url: url, bucket: bucket, region: region, identifier: identifier)

You can then use the credential to create a S3 provider:

let provider = try S3Provider(credential: credential)

Or create a S3 provider using a background URLSession:

let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `S3CloudProvider` in an app extension 
let provider = try S3CloudProvider.withBackgroundSession(credential: credential, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier)

In theory, you could use the provider without further checks. However, you should verify the S3 credential using the S3 authenticator:

let credential = ...
S3Authenticator.verifyCredential(credential).then {
  // credential validation successful
}.catch { error in
  // error handling


Create a WebDAV credential:

let baseURL = ...
let username = ...
let password = ...
let allowedCertificate = ... // optional: you might want to allowlist a TLS certificate
let identifier = ... // optional: you might want to give this credential an identifier, defaults to a random UUID
let credential = WebDAVCredential(baseURL: baseURL, username: username, password: password, allowedCertificate: allowedCertificate, identifier: identifier)

You can then use the credential to create a WebDAV provider with a WebDAV client:

let client = WebDAVClient(credential: credential)
let provider = WebDAVProvider(with: client)

Or create a WebDAV provider with a WebDAV client using a background URLSession:

let sessionIdentifier = ...
let sharedContainerIdentifier = ... // optional: only needed if you want to create a `WebDAVProvider` in an app extension 
let client = WebDAVClient.withBackgroundSession(credential: credential, sessionIdentifier: sessionIdentifier, sharedContainerIdentifier: sharedContainerIdentifier)
let provider = WebDAVProvider(with: client)

In theory, you could use the provider without further checks. However, you should verify the WebDAV client and its credential using the WebDAV authenticator:

let client = ...
WebDAVAuthenticator.verifyClient(client: client).then {
  // client validation successful
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

Furthermore, for allowlisting a certificate, you can use the TLS certificate validator:

let baseURL = ...
let validator = TLSCertificateValidator(baseURL: baseURL)
validator.validate().then { certificate in
  // certificate of type `TLSCertificate` contains several properties for further handling
}.catch { error in
  // error handling

Local File System

Since the local file system is not actually a cloud, the naming might be confusing. However, iCloud Drive can be accessed via the local file system and this provider contains code to handle offloaded items.

Create a local file system provider with a root URL:

let rootURL = ... // rootURL.isFileURL must be `true`
let provider = LocalFileSystemProvider(rootURL: rootURL)

When calling the functions of this provider, the cloud paths should be provided relative to the root URL.

This provider uses NSFileCoordinator for its operations and supports asynchronous access.


This SDK utilizes CocoaLumberjack for logging. CocoaLumberjack is a flexible, fast, open source logging framework. It supports many capabilities including the ability to set logging level per output target, for instance, concise messages logged to the console and verbose messages to a log file.

CocoaLumberjack logging levels are additive such that when the level is set to verbose, all messages from the levels below verbose are logged. It is also possible to set custom logging to meet your needs. For more information, see CocoaLumberjack.

Changing Log Levels

dynamicCloudAccessLogLevel = .verbose

The following logging level options are available:

  • .off
  • .error
  • .warning
  • .info
  • .debug
  • .verbose
  • .all

Targeting Log Output

Defining the log output targets works the same as with CocoaLumberjack, with the only difference that the loggers are added with CloudAccessDDLog.add() instead of DDLog.add(). For example:

CloudAccessDDLog.add(DDOSLogger.sharedInstance) // Uses os_log

let fileLogger: DDFileLogger = DDFileLogger() // File Logger
fileLogger.rollingFrequency = 60 * 60 * 24 // 24 hours
fileLogger.logFileManager.maximumNumberOfLogFiles = 7

Integration Tests

You can learn more about cloud provider integration tests here.


Please read our contribution guide, if you would like to report a bug, ask a question or help us with coding.

This project uses SwiftFormat and SwiftLint to enforce code style and conventions. Install these tools if you haven't already.

Please make sure that your code is correctly formatted and passes linter validations. The easiest way to do that is to set up a pre-commit hook. Create a file at .git/hooks/pre-commit with this content:

./Scripts/ --staged
exit $?

And make your pre-commit hook executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Code of Conduct

Help us keep Cryptomator open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


This project is dual-licensed under the AGPLv3 for FOSS projects as well as a commercial license derived from the LGPL for independent software vendors and resellers. If you want to use this library in applications that are not licensed under the AGPL, feel free to contact our sales team.