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EditorConfig QtCreator Plugin

This is an EditorConfig plugin for Qt-Creator. It has no real user interface and simply overrides all settings of text documents with a matching entry in an .editorconfig file. QtCreators own settings will be ignored for concernd files.


Commercial Usage

Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this plugin in accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you and The Qt Company.

GNU Lesser General Public License Usage

Alternatively, this plugin may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License requirements will be met: and



A precompiled plugin for QtCreator Windows with statically linked editorconfig-core-c and pcre can be found here. It has to be unpacked into the Qt folder (Usually C:\Qt).

RPMs for openSUSE Leap 42.1 and Tumbleweed are available from the openSUSE Build Service.

From Source


  • QtCreator source and build folders
  • editorconfig-core-c
  • pcre

The last two are best taken from your linux distribution. For Windows they usually must be build locally and added to the INCLUDEPATH and LIBS variables. Static editorconfig-core-c and pcre libraries are best for easy deployment of the plugin.

For building plugins you usually have to build QtCreator yourself. For openSUSE the special libqt5-creator-plusgin-devel RPM provided in the repository mentioned above caon be used instead.

The environment variables QTC_SOURCE shall contain the path to qt-creators source, QTC_BUILD to it's build folder. Now run

mkdir build
cd  build
qmake ../
make install

Instead of using the environment variables you can specify QTCREATOR_SOURCES and IDE_BUILD_TREE on the qmake command line.

Additionally you can specify USE_USER_DESTDIR=yes, so that the plugin is installed in the users plugin folder for direct use with the next run of QtCreator. QtCreator option -noload EditorConfig can be used to suppress the load of the plugin, for the case that something goes wrong.

Supported Properties

The EditorConfig QtCreator plugin supports the following EditorConfig properties:

  • charset
  • indent_style
  • indent_size
  • tab_width
  • trim_trailing_whitespace
  • insert_final_newline

Additonal Features

Initial EditorConfig files may be created using the new file wizard. The initial values for this file are taken from the current projects C++ and Qml settings.