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OpenShift via Terraform on Equinix Metal

This collection of modules will deploy a bare metal OpenShift environment consisting of (1) ephemeral bootstrap node, (3) control plane nodes, and a user-configured count of worker nodes1 on Equinix Metal. DNS records are automatically configured using Cloudflare, AWS Route53, or Linode DNS.


With your Equinix Metal account, project, and a User API token, you can use Terraform v1+ to install a proof-of-concept demonstration environment for OpenShift on Equinix Metal.

Additional requirements

local-exec provisioners require the use of:

Download this project

To download this project, run the following command:

git clone
cd terraform-equinix-metal-openshift


  1. Follow this to configure your Equinix Metal project and collect required parameters.

  2. Follow this to configure your Cloudflare account and collect required parameters (AWS and Linode DNS options are also available).

  3. Obtain an OpenShift Cluster Manager API Token for pullSecret generation.

  4. Configure TF_VARs applicable to your Equinix Metal project, DNS settings, and OpenShift API Token:

    export TF_VAR_metal_project_id="fake-uuid-4159-8488-19910kj"
    export TF_VAR_metal_auth_token="faketokenAP8957Abny01051"

    If you have the Metal CLI installed, you can use eval $(metal env --export -o terraform) to use the token and project configured for use by Metal CLI.

    export TF_VAR_cluster_basedomain=""
    export TF_VAR_ocp_cluster_manager_token="eyJhbGc...d8Agva" #
    export TF_VAR_dns_provider="cloudflare" # aws and linode are also offered

    Alternatively, copy terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars and modify the values in that file accordingly.

  5. Initialize and validate terraform:

    terraform init -upgrade
    terraform validate
  6. Provision all resources and start the installation. This process takes between 30 and 50 minutes:

    terraform apply

    The Terraform output will look like the following after a successful deployment:

    Apply complete! Resources: X added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    Information = <<EOT
    OpenShift cluster deployed.
    Access the OpenShift Web Console at:
    Username: kubeadmin
    Password: secret-password
    To use the CLI (on bastion):
        export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/artifacts/install/auth/kubeconfig"
    To use the CLI (locally):
        export KUBECONFIG="/Users/username/src/terraform-equinix-metal-openshift-on-baremetal/auth/kubeconfig"
    Review your nodes:
        oc get nodes
    bastion_ip = ""
    bastion_kubeconfig = "/tmp/artifacts/install/auth/kubeconfig"
    console = ""
    kubeconfig = "/Users/mjohansson/dev/terraform-equinix-metal-openshift-on-baremetal/auth/kubeconfig"
    openshift_bootstrap_ip = [
    openshift_controlplane_ips = [
    openshift_worker_ips = [
    password = <sensitive>
    ssh_private_key_file = "/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa_mos-mx94n"
    ssh_public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAA...=="
    username = "kubeadm"

    To view this output later, use terraform output.

  7. Cleanup the boostrap node once provisioning and installation is complete by permanently (recommended) or temporarily setting count_bootstrap=0

    export TF_VAR_count_bootstrap=0 # use the terraform.tfvars file to persist this change
    terraform apply

    If you need to obtain your kubeadmin credentials at a later time:

    terraform output -raw password
  8. Login to the various nodes via SSH


    ssh -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_private_key_file) root@$(terraform output -raw bastion_ip)

    Bootstrap Node:

    ssh -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_private_key_file) core@$(terraform output -json openshift_bootstrap_ip | jq -r '.[0]')

    Three Control Plane Nodes (default, 0-2):

    ssh -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_private_key_file) core@$(terraform output -json openshift_controlplane_ips | jq -r '.[0].[0]') # Change the last 0 for other nodes

    Two Worker Nodes (default, 0-1):

    ssh -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_private_key_file) core@$(terraform output -json openshift_worker_ips | jq -r '.[0].[0]') # Change the last 0 for other nodes
  9. Access the console (MacOS, Linux)

    open $(terraform output -raw console)

    You will have to navigate your browser settings to access the URL with an invalid certificate.

  10. View OpenShift nodes with Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

    % kubectl --kubeconfig $(terraform output -raw kubeconfig) get nodes
    NAME                   STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION   Ready    control-plane,master   6h28m   v1.25.16+306a47e   Ready    control-plane,master   6h28m   v1.25.16+306a47e   Ready    control-plane,master   6h28m   v1.25.16+306a47e   Ready    worker                 6h17m   v1.25.16+306a47e   Ready    worker                 6h14m   v1.25.16+306a47e

1 As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 you can deploy three-node clusters on bare metal. Setting count_compute=0 will support deployment of a 3-node cluster.