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Zoop is single page application which displays name-card of all those who contributed to this repository. It is created with a sole intent of helping newbies into Open Source Contribution by guiding them to their initial Pull Requests.

This Project is founded by:

Connect Creator Manager Organiser Collaborator
Linkedin Amartya Yadav Barmendu Chakraborty Harshit Sharma Simran Yadav

Zoop is in its initial stages, Contribute to it in every possible way you can: Bug fixes, Documentation, Indentation or even suggest your own issues etc.

Do visit our Website

⭐ What Is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest Logo

Hosted by DigitalOcean for the 8th year in a row, Hacktoberfest encourages participation in giving back to the open source community by completing pull requests, participating in events, and donating to open source projects.

🚀 Contributing

Repo for you to raise a Pull Request for practice.

Just add your ( in the contributor folder and answer the following questions in your Markdown file

  • Introduce Yourself
  • Tech Stack you use
  • How did you discover Zoop? (as an example you can check or you can also contribute by doing any modifications in this Website.
  • Copy & Paste the below code:
### Introduce Yourself

### Tech Stack I use

### How did I discover Zoop?


### Hey! There I'am John Doe
### My preferred stack is MERN 
### I got to know about Zoop from a friend 

👀 TLDR Steps

  1. Fork this project
  2. Clone your forked version git clone [email protected]:<YOUR-USERNAME>/hacktoberfest-practice.git
  3. Make changes
  4. Commit your changes (write a short descriptive message of what you have done)
  5. Push your changes to your forked version
  6. Go to original project on GitHub & Create a Pull Request

🛠️ Installation Steps

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your forked copy of the project.
git clone<your username>/zoop-hacktoberfest.git
  1. Change the working directory
cd zoop-hacktoberfest
  1. Add a reference to the original repository.
git remote add upstream
  1. Check the remotes for this repository.
git remote -v
  1. Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your main branch to keep it at par with the main project(updated repository).
git pull upstream main
  1. Create a new branch.
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
  1. Perfom your desired changes to the code base.

Developer's life

  1. Track your changes
git add .
  1. Commit your changes .
git commit -m "Relevant message"
  1. Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repo.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
  1. To create a pull request, click on compare and pull requests. Please ensure you compare your feature branch to the desired branch of the repo you are suppose to make a PR to.

  2. Voila 🎉 You have made a PR to the this project. Sit back patiently and relax while the project maintainers review your PR.

The contributors 🎉

After your PR gets merged you can see yourself in this Website
Star the repository ⭐

Reach out to me

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